Destiny {Weekly Updates} – Chapter 1

New Delhi, India- MKK MANSION

Wedding preparations are in full swing at a huge mansion in Delhi. Women and men alike are running around and banging into each other, trying to ensure that everything is ready for the evening engagement. Time flies by very quickly and guests are seen entering the beautifully decorated mansion. The guests are in awe of the decoration but they fully expected it because this was the mansion of three of the richest businessmen in Delhi  and the engagement of two of their children. This engagement was another way to strengthen their bond and maintain their twenty year old business partnership and relationship.

A beautiful girl’s reflection is seen in the mirror. She is surrounded by two ladies who are helping her get ready, however from their expressions one can assume that the two middle aged ladies have a lot of tension between them. One of the lady teases the girl about her engagement and the girl blushes, red like a tomato. Feeling fully embarrassed in front of the two ladies that helped raise her in the absence of her mother she tries to change the topic. She remembers that one of the lady had to give her something

Girl- Disha Chachi, you have to give me something right? Don’t you remember

Disha- Oh yes! Just give me a minute beta

Disha leaves the room and returns with a small box.

Disha- Come here Rhea, this is your mother’s she would have loved to see you in this

The other lady scoffs and walks out of the room. Rhea’s eyes begin to well up as she is reminded of her mother. The mother that she never knew? The mother that left her? The mother you didn’t even come see her in so many years?

Disha- Rhea, come on don’t cry your make up will get spoilt! Do you want everyone to see you like this? Put on these earrings come on! Don’t worry about what Alia said baby

Disha helps Rhea put the earrings on and Rhea holds her hand in comfort. Disha nods at her and gives her a reassuring look and holds her hand, ready to take her down to the hall. Rhea puts her hand in Disha’s hand and the two ladies out of the room, down the staircase to the venue of the engagement

New Delhi, India- Apartment Complex

A beautiful girl, about 27 years is seen talking on her phone to her mother while a boy of about 24 years is hearing the conversation between the two people and is seen laughing, while covering his mouth

Girl- Yes mom, Yes mom, Yes mom! Mom don’t worry, everything is fine! His apartment is fully safe and I’ve taken the number of the maid and security guard for you! I’m putting you on speaker so that your favourite child can also hear how worried you are!

Lady- Prerna! Please stop it and I’m just concerned for my child. He’s my youngest baby and won’t I worry about him? That’s what all parents do! You’ll understand once you have a child of your own. You’ll know what you both put us through. Anyways give it to Sahil, tell him I want to say bye to him

Sahil- Mrs Ragini Khanna, I hear you and I love you and I need to go so see you!

Saying this Sahil runs into his room and gestures Prerna to not give him the phone. She sighs and smiles and continues with her conversation. She grows tired of her mother’s concern and walks towards the balcony of the apartment. Prerna thinks to herself ‘Delhi, I hate you’. Once she realises that her mother has cut the call, she too ends the call and begins to pack her things and belongings for her flight. She looks at the clock and realises that she is already running super late.

New Delhi, India- MKK MANSION

The groom looks at Rhea and Disha walking down the steps, his is mesmerized with what he sees. He is so happy that finally, the love of his life is with him. He has loved her since they were two, wanting her to be with him always and finally that dream of his was coming true. He has done everything in his capacity to prove his undying love for her.

He even broke someone’s heart just because she asked him to! He loved how he become so powerless with her, something that he had frequently noticed in his parent’s relationship. He watched as the love of his life was slowly coming towards him, after hugging her father of course and he had the utmost respect for his future father in law- he was his chief after all, his idol, his inspiration, someone who understood him like his own parents didn’t.

Rhea looked at Ranbir with so much love and walked towards him. They smiled at each other. Rhea made Ranbir wear the ring. Through the corner of his eye, he saw someone, someone familiar, walking towards him in fury. He knows exactly who it is and starts shivering. Rhea notices his hand shivering as he tries to put the ring on her finger.

Before anyone realises, a hand appears out of nowhere and throws the engagement ring up in the air. Everyone follows the ring and grow shocked as it rolls outside the mansion. Meanwhile, everyone turns their focus back on the hand that appeared out of nowhere. To say that they were shocked to see the same hand now across Ranbir’s neck would be an understatement, but the Mehra’s and Khanna’s were shocked to see the face behind the hand.


A day ago:

A girl returns home from the MKK Mansion. Her eyes are red and her mother instantly knows something is wrong. However, knowing her daughter she gives her space and decides to talk to her tomorrow.

The girl goes into her room and begins writing her diary. The lady observes her daughter and goes to sleep. The lady is seen to be having her nightmares again and wakes up looking flustered. Meanwhile, the girl, is seen still writing in her diary, almost like she’s on her 9th or 10th page.

Time passes by and it’s the next morning, however the girl is nowhere to be seen. Her mother begins experiencing her anxiety and runs around the neighborhood asking for her daughter, however no one has seen her. The lady goes to her room and begins opening her cupboards and drawers.

When she finds nothing inside, she immediately knows that her daughter has gone. She falls to the ground, she feels weak because she realises that her daughter is just like her, running away from any problem that faces her. She weeps for a couple of hours but then she’s had enough! She knows her daughter has gone, nothing she or the police could would bring her daughter back to her.

However, as she is leaving the room she spots a few pages of her daughter’s diary and arranges them together. They are torn poorly as if torn out in a haste. The lady instantly recognizes her daughter’s handwriting and wonders if this is what she was writing yesterday. She reads the first two words and breaks down, continuing to read further. It takes her a few hours to read everything, piece everything together. Once she’s done reading, she takes her purse and sits in an auto giving the address of The MKK Mansion, fury in her eyes as she remembers each and every word that her daughter wrote

Dear Mom,

You were right when you said you can’t trust anybody in Delhi. I would like to apologise to you from the bottom of my heart for causing you the pain that you are in right now. Im sorry for everything Mom, for all those taunts that you had to hear when I was younger and I know I can’t make you go all of that again. You may be hurt, you may be angry but Mom go live your life. I will be happy, I promise you wherever I am Ma, that I will think of you everyday. You may think I’m selfish but Ma you’ve suffered enough in your life and I can’t add my burdens onto you. You’ve been the most supportive mother I could have and Im very grateful for you Ma. 

I didn’t ever mean to disappoint you, that was not my intention. I can’t live here anymore Ma, I can’t do this to myself or the child that is growing inside me. Ma, you may be confused so let me tell you everything. 

Do you remember Rhea? The girl you felt an instant connection too? The one who fought with me for slapping her? And you do you remember Ranbir? My closest friend? 

Mom, I’m not blaming them for doing this to me! Im not, I’m just upset with myself for letting lose, trusting people so easily.

Rhea and me had a very chaotic relationship from the start, but I didn’t know she would do something like this. Turns out Ma, I was a fool, A fool who fell in love with the most wanted guy in college. I thought he wanted me too, he made all these promises. But then it turns out- Rhea and Ranbir were in love with each other. They had a challenge over Me. It breaks my heart to say this but i gave my heart away to someone, who was using me just to get to Rhea. That was her condition ironically. 

Yesterday, when I went to their house I found out from Rhea’s Booji that it was their engagement. When I went to tell Ranbir about my pregnancy, I overheard him talking with Aaryan about how all of this was a part of his plan to get back to Rhea! Ma, I don’t blame them. 

Mom, I love you with my whole heart. It’s time to take care of yourself Ma. Go back to Paris, live your life with your friends and I wish you the very best always Mom. 

Your Dearest,

Pari:) {i love you endlessly and like you used to say forever and always ma}

a/n: thank you so much for reading:) so don’t forget to vote and comment and add this story to your private reading lists!! 

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