Destiny {Weekly Updates} – Chapter 7

New Delhi, India – MKK Mansion

Shahana- what do you mean by that?

Aisha- We dated throughout high school, but then college happened

Aryan- Ohh!

Shahana- Why do you sound so shocked? You don’t think we’ll make it

Aryan- No No I’m sure we will

Abhi- Oh you two love birds, please shut up for sometime. Let them tell their story

Aisha- Long story short- I went to California and he stayed back in the UK

Sahil- Yup, that’s it!

Rhea- So long distance didn’t work out for you two?

Aisha- Yes i guess, also there were quite a lot of good looking guys. I didn’t want to do this whole relationship thing. Sahil didn’t want too also! It’s good I came back to visit my parents otherwise this idiot was going to break up over the phone.

Disha- Aw! That’s cute

Sahil- Aish, I think we should leave now

Aisha- Ugh! I don’t want to leave. Our complex is so far away from here. It took one hour in the morning also, just imagine how long it would take us now

Rhea- I have an idea! Dad, if you don’t mind all our mansions have a couple of guest rooms. You can stay in them

Abhi- absolutely! we would love to host you

Aisha- Only on one condition, we’ll pay you rent

Rhea- Okay as you wish

Aisha- I’m in. About Sahil, I don’t know if Mrs Khanna will give him permission{laughs}

Purab- Very strict?

Aisha- Protective also. Poor Prerna Di, has to handle her all alone

Sahil- No wait, you don’t know? Prerna got an assistant. Mom is busy taking care of her

Aisha- of an assistant? really? that’s not like Ragz

Sahil- Just wait until she hears that. I don’t know, some girl is living with them. It doesn’t matter as long as she’s off my back

Aryan- Okay enough you two! Why don’t you call your mom and ask her?

Sahil goes and talks to Ragini, however she refuses.

Aisha- Look at your face, that lady definitely said no {Rhea looks quite sad at this}

Sahil- You know maybe, I could move into that apartment complex on the next street? She’ll be fine with that {Rhea smiles}

Aisha- I have the best idea, don’t tell her only

Sahil- Ya, makes more sense. Let’s go now and look at flats and then you can bring your stuff here tomorrow

Abhi- Wait, Sahil. If you’re not telling your mother you can live here too!

Aisha- Exactly! Let’s go get our clothes right now. I can’t wait to move in here. I love this family. Oops, Did I just say that out loud. {everyone nods and laughs at her cuteness}

Sahil and Aisha leave and while leaving they see that Ranbir is sitting alone in the lawn, with a glass of wine in his hand, they both look at each other and wonder what is going on with him they leave.

Ranbir POV

I know that everyone is worried for me, but I don’t know how to face everyone after what I’ve done. I’ve hurt Pragya aunty and Chief so much unknowingly. It breaks my heart that I’ve turned out like this. I don’t want anymore fights in the house that’s why I’m not talking much to anyone, it’s better that way. About Rhea? I don’t really know. She’s been acting strange since Sahil came in. What surprises me is that I don’t feel jealous. That’s weird right? I love Rhea right? Do I? She watched a movie with him and was so happy after that. Is something going on between the two of them? I don’t care that much and I’m not even that affected. I deeply regret what I did that day under the influence. She gave herself to me knowingly, but I did in while I was drunk. I only realized the next morning when I woke up. Where is she? She’s so sensitive I hope she’s well and I pray that she comes back soon so that I can beg for her apology.

London, United Kingdom

Prerna- Anurag, you can drop me off here, I’ll walk to my house it’s not that far

Anurag- Okay sure Milady

Prerna- Bye! Dinner was fun

Anurag- I agree! We should definitely do it again

Prerna- I’ll think about it

Prerna leaves and turns around and starts walking towards her house. As she is walking she feels Anurag’s gaze on her. She turns around and finds him looking at her, shocked that he got caught. She laughs and signals him to go

Anurag POV

There’s something about this girl, something that instantly draws me towards her. What is it? She’s charming, she’s attractive and she’s funny too. She’s a triple threat. I must stop seeing her outside that much otherwise poor Sunny will be head over heels in love with Ms Khanna. And we can’t have that again can we? After what Radhika did, I can’t be heartbroken again. I left Delhi for Radhika. Radhika made my life complete, but who knew she would run away on the day of our wedding. It broke me and my parent’s dreams. They pretended to smile for me, but deep down I could feel their pity. That’s why I came here, and I’m much happier. Stay away from her Sunny!

Meanwhile, Prerna enters her mansion and goes straight to bed as she’s exhausted. Before sleeping, she thinks of Anurag and smiles a little. She wishes to spend more time with him and get to know him a little bit better. Little does she know he is in too much pain and wants to distance himself from her.

Within a few minutes, she is fully asleep and begins to have nightmares. Her childhood kidnapping keeps coming again and again and finally she sees the scene where she fell into the river and her parents. She wakes up fully sweaty and shocked.

Prerna- Mumma.

Prerna POV

What did I just say? Why am I thinking of them, when they never thought of me? Left me to die with Nikhil. Didn’t even jump in the river behind us. If they wanted to, they could have. And because they didn’t it means that they didn’t care enough. They chose their other two children over me, and that’s why I will never talk of them again. You are Prerna, not Kiara.  You are Prerna, not Kiara. You are Prerna, not Kiara. You are Prerna, not Kiara. You are Prerna, not Kiara.

New Delhi, India- MKK Mansion


Pragya is sitting on her bed, unable to cope with all the grief. She decides that she has had enough and takes out the blade from behind the counter.

Sahil and Ayesha have returned from their apartment and are getting all their luggage settled in. Abhi and Rhea help them while the rest of the members have gone back to the Khanna and Kohli mansions respectively.

Abhi- Rhea, why don’t you go check on your mom? She’s been in her room for a long time

Rhea- Yes Dad, I’ll do that

Rhea goes up to the room and gets shocked seeing her mother lying on the bed with a pool of blood near her wrist.


Abhi, Aisha and Sahil come running up and are shocked with what they see

10 minutes later,

They 5 of them are driving towards the hospital. Abhi drives while Sahil sits in the seat next to him. The girls sit in the back with Pragya on their lap. They didn’t inform any of the other families as Sahil told them to do all that later, first take her to the hospital.

Aisha- Is this your mother Rhea? She can’t be

Sahil- Aisha please shut up, what are you saying? You’ve lost your mind

Aisha- No Sahil, I’m not lying. This is Pari’s mother and she’s from Paris. So how can she be here? Do you remember the designer I used to model for? This is her.

Sahil- Pari? Who’s Pari?

Aisha- Prachi yaar, Pari was her pet name

Sahil- Aisha, I’ll tell you everything later. Calm down now.

London, United Kingdom

Prachi is walking to the kitchen after waking up from her strange nightmare. She remembers her mother asking for help and then finally falling down. She doesn’t understand what that means? What is happening to me? She thinks. While she is lost in thought, she bangs into someone

Person- Prachi? What are you doing up so late?

Prachi- Prerna Di, I had a strange dream

Prerna-Ditto! I was going to the kitchen do you want to join me

Prachi- Yes please.

Prerna- You still look quite tensed

Prachi- I don’t know, I’ve never had nightmares my entire life. But as soon as I left home, I’ve been getting them everyday.

Prerna- Oh! I’ve had nightmares my whole life {thinks about how she has nightmares because her birth mother used to get them too!}

Prachi- Really? My Mom too! She tells me that she’s had them ever since she was little and till date they bother her daily.

New Delhi, India- Hospital Room

Sahil peaks inside the room and sees Pragya, Abhi and Rhea embraced in a hug. He then looks at Aisha, who’s fallen asleep. He then looks at the time and realises that it’s almost 7am and everyone in the house must be wondering where everyone has gone

A few moments earlier,

Rhea is crying hysterically and Sahil comes and holds her hand. She responds by hugging back and she hugs her back tightly. They both feel some sparks flying up their backs

Abhi- Pragya? What have you done? Did you not think of me and Rhea? You are our life and we can’t live without you. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if anything happens to you {grows emotional}

Rhea- Look Mom, Dad is crying for the first time in his life because of you. Promise us, that you’ll never do this again. I may never be able to take Kiara or Prachi’s place, But i deserve to have you. How did you think I would survive without you after I just got you back after so many years.

Pragya- I’m sorry! {teary}

Rhea- Don’t cry Mom, give me a hug and dad you come too! hug your wife

They three end up hugging each other and there for about 30 minutes.

a/n: thank you so much for reading:) so don’t forget to vote and comment and add this story to your private reading lists!!

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