Detective Series, Story 1, VIPERS, PART 2

“I take the responsibility!” Soumojit murmured.
Vasudha rolled her eyes.
“Huh! As if I care.” Her inner voice shouted at him.
Without creating any scene, she took the thali from Soumojit’s hand which has a saree & a plate full of food, both their fingers touched. Strangely again, the touch of his warm skin does not irritate her but a nice feeling swims through her heart.
“Why only dadabhai will take responsibility? My Boudi too is a Police Officer & a black belt in martial art. Don’t underestimate her!” Soumojit’s cousin sister Namrata firmly declared.
Finally someone openly declared her capability! Vasudha sighed & thanked Namrata silently in her mind.
“Listen Namrata, this ‘Bhat- Kapor’ is an important ritual in traditional Bengali marriage. Here the husband pledge that he is taking responsibility of his wife for the rest of her life. It’s like making the wife feels important. You will not understand. So, keep quite. ” Namrata’s mother concluded in a strong voice.
Vasudha was standing their lowering her head. She felt Soumojit was stealing glances towards her. When Vasudha glanced towards him, getting caught, He quickly averted his eyes. Vasudha raised her eyebrows.
Namrata pulled her. “Okay everyone, hope rituals are over. Dadabhai already took responsibility. Now, let Boudi take rest for sometime, then she has to get ready for her reception.”
Namrata took her in the room. “Stupid rituals! Actually Boudi this ritual is not about pampering. Here the husband take responsibility & in return the In-Laws are expecting wife to perform all wifely duties for the rest of her life, a duty list which is endless.”
Vasudha was unable to stop her smile listening to Namrata. She is a feminist.

Vasudha shut the door & lie down on the bed. Yesterday afternoon, she stepped in Soumojit’s flat. She get to know that Soumojit lost his parents in childhood on an accident. His maternal uncle Avinash, aunt Revati & their daughter Namrata took care of him. But after getting the job in Police, Soumojit bought this flat & stays alone here. Soumojit & Namrata shared a strong bond. She loves her cousin elder brother very much. They grew up together. She is a doctor by profession. Revati performed all the “Griha Pravesh” rituals & welcomed Vasudha in her new home as Soumojit’s wife. As according to Bengali custom, after the marriage night, the next night is “Kalratri” & that night the bride & the groom are forbidden to meet each other. So, she slept with Namrata. But now, she is skeptical about tonight.

Reception function went nicely. Vasudha sat on a decorated chair. Her parents & other relatives came. Vasudha saw her parents talking with Soumojit & after talking, she noticed her parents looked relieved & happy. Their team members, Himanshu, Niladri & Tapas came. Tapas came with his wife & daughter. Niladri & the junior most officer of their team Himanshu are very fun loving & were constantly teasing & doing leg pulling of Soumojit. Vasudha noticed despite Soumojit is the team leader, he is a very good friend of Himanshu, Niladri & Tapas.

Vasudha is feeling nervous. After all, tonight is her “phoolsajya”, the first night with her husband & she is no way ready to consummated her marriage & she made up her mind that if he even tries to do anything with her, though somehow in her mind & heart she knows he is not going to do such things. After carefully fixing the pleats of her saree, Namrata stood up. She looked towards Vasudha. “Don’t worry Boudi. My Dadabhai is a gentleman & I know in what situation you two got married but take time & try to understand each other. I am sure You will love my dadabhai.” Vasudha did not say anything. Namrata turned to leave but stopped at the doorstep. ” By the way Boudi, I forgot to tell you my Dadabhai can expertly perform all household works. He can cook, clean & wash! Namrata winked at her eyes & left. Vasudha too smiled. She started loving her this “cute nanad”.

Vasudha is sitting alone in his room, on flower decorated bed. The room is decorated beautifully with flowers & scented candles. She knows Namrata made all arrangements. In this flat, though Soumojit lives alone but Namrata sometimes accompanied him. Namrata is also staying tonight on another room on the opposite side. The flat is small but cozy. Two rooms, a balcony attached with their bedroom facing the road, a dinning space, a kitchen & an washroom. The flat is on fourth floor. The sound of fitting the latch broke her chain of thoughts. Together in a same room alone with him, making her nervous.

Soumojit took a deep breath to calm himself. His gaze fall on the girl sitting nervously on his bed wearing a deep blue Benarasi saree & wrapping in flowers. He has no idea how to start conversation with her. Definitely, she is not pleased with the marriage. He stood near the window. The fragrance of flowers filled his nostrils. “Is she planned to avoid him fully?” The silence of the room was defeaning but still he is unable to make the first move. Suddenly, he heard Vasudha’s voice! “Why did you marry me Inspector Mukherjee?”
Damn, the million-dollar question! Her first query & he himself don’t know the answer. He don’t have any plan to marry either. Yes, Namrata forced him to make a profile in matrimonial site but he never seriously searched nor he liked anyone. He looked at Vasudha in the candle light & the moonlight entering from the window. Her pair of black orbs caught his attention. It has a magnetic pull.
Vasudha noticed his confused state. His silence is making her angry.
Vasudha- Why are you silent now? Honestly, I want to know why you marry me. The suspense is killing me Sir. But please don’t give me the filmy theory that how heroic your act is saving a poor, helpless girl & her family. ( in a sarcastic tone)
Soumojit narrowed his eyes.
Soumojit- But I am confused! Who is the poor, helpless girl in your story? ( trying to bring an innocent look)
Vasudha sensed the taunt getting more angry.
Vasudha- Listen Inspector Mukherjee, don’t try to act smart….
Soumojit ( with a small smile)- First decide, what you want to call me? Inspector Mukherjee or Sir! Feeling old. By the way, you can call me Soumo.
Vasudha- My foot. Don’t try to flirt with me.
Soumojit tried to say something but Vasudha cut his words roughly.
Vasudha- Why you marry me? Let me guess! For promotion? Though my father is retired, He is still a part of State Home Affairs.
Soumojit- I have full confidence in my capability. I don’t need anyone’s help for the promotion. Debnarayan Sir told me everything what happened. He & your father came to meet with me. Yes, I was shocked to hear the marriage proposal. I don’t know why I agreed but I can’t ignore Debnarayan Sir. He is my mentor & was my father’s best friend.
Vasudha- If DCP uncle tell you to jump from terrace, will you going to do that?
Soumojit- So, you are saying marrying you is worst decision than jumping from terrace? ( With a smirk)
Vasudha ( more angry)- Shut Up!
Damn, her previous assumptions about him were right. He has a pathetic attitude & the way he is taunting her, it’s getting on her nerves.
Vasudha- I am not mentally prepared to marry you but no one cared about my consent.
Soumojit face falls.” So, are you forced to marry? No Vasudha, trust me. I told Sir & your father that your decision & consent will be final”.
Vasudha- naa, No one pulled my hand & forced me to sit in mandap. My groom changed overnight. My parents became so helpless that they started thinking how they will face the society. Suddenly, my marriage became the only solution of every problem. Let’s not talk about it. No one will going to understand ( with a sigh)
Soumojit- So, you loved Dhiraj?
Soumojit felt like kicking himself for this slip of tongue. Vasudha looked towards him with a disappointed look on her face.
” What she tried to say & what he understood! Seems like he is so proud that he is not getting the fact that her confidence, self esteem somehow got ruined. She too became a girl who is a victim of situation.”
Vasudha- I am not bound to answer any of your questions.
Soumojit- hmm okay.
Soumojit took out his cellphone from his sherwani’s pocket & put it on bed side table & started removing his sherwani.
Vasudha ( almost shrieking)- What are you doing?
Soumojit- now what? ( looking slightly confused)
Vasudha- Why the hell are you removing your clothes?
Soumojit- Look Vasudha, I am already tired & can’t peacefully sleep wearing this heavy sherwani. So, need to change & if you are feeling uncomfortable either close your eyes or look any other direction.
Vasudha- But you will shamelessly change in front of a woman!
Soumojit- Yes, I am because I am not at all feeling shy ( with a big smile)
Vasudha- Asobhyo lok ekta… ( In Bengali, it’s mean shameless man)
Soumojit went towards the cupboard & opened it. He took out a sweat pant. Usually, he sleeps in shorts but now it’s not possible in presence of Vasudha. He noticed Vasudha almost ran towards her suitcase, took out her clothes & opened the latch of the door & rushed towards washroom.
After sometime, vasudha came out from washroom, wearing a comfortable nighty. She somehow managed most of her jeweleries in her hands. She peeked inside the bedroom. She can’t take risk with the man inside. She can’t handle another embarrassing encounter. Hope he is dressed properly. She thanked God when she noticed he is sitting in the bed wearing his sweat pant & a white singlet doing something on his cellphone.
She entered inside. Soumojit glanced towards her.
Vasudha- Where should I keep my jeweleries?
Soumojit- In cupboard’s locker.
Vasudha kept her jeweleries in the locker. She noticed Soumojit’s clothes in every rack inside the cupboard, no space left for her clothes. She decided to handle the matter tomorrow because somehow she knows it will going to be a long battle, the “chimpanzee” will not easily budge up.
Vasudha- Time up Imspector Mukherjee! now, leave the bed.
Soumojit ( surprised)- What? Why?
Vasudha- I am tired Inspector Mukherjee. Vacate the bed & let me sleep.
Soumojit- & where will I sleep?
Vasudha- well, as I am seeing no suitable furniture to sleep, so, obviously, sleep in floor. Come on Inspector, why your common sense is taking break? ( with a smirk on her face)
Soumojit- Well, a big NO from my side.
Vasudha- What NO? Be a gentleman Inspector & leave the bed for the lady.
Soumojit- I can’t sleep on the floor Vasudha. Don’t act childish. We are mature enough to share the bed & I don’t have any intention, neither mood to do anything with you.
Vasudha- & I am bound to trust you as we are married! Right? Why should I? The main fact is you are a stranger & I am not even comfortable to share the room with you.
“That hurts…..”
Soumojit ( with a heavy heart, looked directly in her eyes)- You can trust me. Anyway, it’s up to you.
He stood up & went towards the door, unbolting the latch of the door.
Vasudha- Where are you going?
Soumojit- In dinning space, to sleep on the sofa.
Vasudha- Wow! great! now, you want to insult me in front of your family members?
Soumojit- Vasudha please, don’t make everything complex. Namrata is a sensible girl. She will not going to tell anyone.
Vasudha- pease Sir, spare me from any further drama & taunts.
Vasudha lie down on one side of the bed. Soumojit noticed a droplet of tears in her eyes. Soumojit too sat on the bed & lie down beside her, maintaining distance. He looked towards Vasudha whose back was facing towards him.
“I can understand your situation. I know I entered in your life unwantedly. Your parents emotionally blackmailed you for the marriage. For you this marriage is only a compromise. I don’t know what is stored in our future but I will try my level best.”Soumojit promised himself.

The sound of mobile ringtone interrupted Soumojit’s peaceful sleep. He checked his phone. “DCP Debnarayan Halder calling!” He hurriedly received the call.
Soumojit- Good morning Sir.
Debnarayan- Soumo, an elderly woman got murdered in her own apartment. Chief Minister is very angry & concerned over the increase in a number of incidences where senior citizens are targeted. This time, the murder is brutal. CM wants the accused to be arrested soon. So, I am giving this case to your team. Messaging you the address of crime spot. Reach as soon as possible. All the best.
Soumojit- Right Sir.
DCP Debnarayan disconnected the call. Soumojit checked the message, “Anjali Apartment, D Block, South Kolkata.”
“It’s already 9 am!” Soumojit almost jumped out from the bed. He looked towards Vasudha who was looking at him in sleepy eyes.
Soumojit- Get ready. Leave cancelled. Sir called me. We have to investigate a murder case.

Soumojit opened the bedroom door. Namrata was sitting in dinning space, reading newspaper.
Namrata- Good morning Dadabhai. By the way, so late! I thought the Hormones played their roles…
Soumojit- Ridiculous Nam! Accha listen, Sir called. We need to go. There is an important case…
Namrata- Ja! what about honeymoon? leave that, But Maa will be very angry. Today, she told you & boudi to go & stays in our home.
Soumojit- No Nam, tell Mami, We can’t stay all day but if possible we will go in evening.
Namrata- Okay. But is it necessary to take Boudi with you in your Investigation?
Soumojit- Don’t forget, She is a Police Officer. It’s her duty.
When both were talking, Vasudha came out from bedroom. Namrata smiled at her. She too smiled back & told each other Good morning, clearly ignoring Soumojit & then Vasudha entered in washroom. Soumojit went to prepare tea in kitchen.

Vasudha looked visibly embarrassed when she saw Namrata prepared breakfast.
Namrata- arre relax boudi. I am staying in home today, you both are in hurry. So, I prepared breakfast. Not a big deal. By the way, Dadabhai prepared tea, taste it & say how is it?
Vasudha took a sip. “It’s nice”
Namrata- See, I told you Dadabhai can do all household works! Is it not impressive?
Vasudha only smiled. Though cousins but Namrata loves her “Dadabhai” aka Soumojit very much.

After eating breakfast, Vasudha locked the door of her bedroom & started getting ready. She wore a leggins & a medium length Kurti but get confused what to do with shakha pola, the red & white bangles which is essential for Bengali brides. Her mom strictly warned her not to remove them before 15 days, else, it’s bad omen. After thinking for sometimes, Vasudha decided not to remove bangles from the hand though these will be difficult to keep while she is on duty as Shakha is made of conch-shell. But how she will go? Her bike is parked in her home. So, she decided to book a Uber but she don’t know the address of crime scene! She came out & noticed Soumojit is ready wearing a white shirt & black trousers. Soumojit gestered her to come with him, Vasudha followed him without arguing. Soumojit started his bike & gestured Vasudha to sit.
“Let me book a Uber!” Soumojit looked towards Vasudha hearing her words. He rolled his eyes.
“When destination is same then I don’t understand the necessity. Come on Vasudha. It’s duty time. Be professional.”
Vasudha sighed & sat on Soumojit’s bike.

Word Notes- In Bengali Elder brother is known as “Dadabhai”, Elder brother wife “Boudi” & Maternal uncle & Aunt- “Mama Mami”.


I am restless,I thirst for the distant,the far away.

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