Devanshi 22nd September 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Devanshi saying I have to get Kalki out of this mess, I have gone through this. Pavan says Kusum has to leave her. Devanshi says she will never leave Kalki, as she wants to get money. He says Kusum is her mum, we have to do something. She says Mohan is her father, he has equal right on Kalki, he can make Kalki away. He says fine, but what will Kalki go through knowing Kalki is his illegitimate child. She says we will not tell Kalki, we will blackmail Kusum that villagers will kick her out if her truth comes out, we just have this way.
Its morning, Kusum comes to temple. Nutan stops her and argues. Kusum asks why is she stopping her. Nutan says Devanshi is saying this, she doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s devotion, she said none will force Kalki. Lady asks Kalki to break the coconut. Kalki says I will get hurt. Gopi says no, don’t worry, I m here. He tells everyone that Kalki will break coconut. He shows the broken coconut to Kalki and asks everyone to see. Kalki breaks the coconut. They all look on.
Devanshi and Pavan are on the way and talk about Mohan, who is in mental asylum. She says this is the only way, none can help us except him. Pavan thinks don’t know what’s her plan. Kusum asks Maya to come and help her, Gopi and Nutan are not letting her meet Kalki. Maya says I can’t go. Kusum asks why. Maya thinks Maiyya’s aarti is going on. She asks Kusum to go and control her daughter. Kusum goes. Maya says I want to break this puja. She throws a coconut and gets angry. She says if this puja happens, Kukarmi Devi can’t come in this village. Kusum tries to explain Kalki that she has to stay in temple till Navratri ends. Gopi says how long can this little girl stay in temple. Nutan says we will take her. Kusum tells villagers that Gopi and Nutan are doing this on Devanshi’s saying. The villagers get angry and threaten to beat them. Kusum goes and makes Kalki wear the chunri. She makes her Mata.
Devanshi and Pavan meet Mohan in the asylum and show Kalki’s pic. Devanshi tells him that Kalki is his daughter, Kusum is using her. She asks him to take Kalki away with him and blackmail Kusum. Pavan tells the entire plan. Mohan agrees and asks for 5 crores. They get shocked. Devanshi says fine, I agree, but you will get money after work is done, then your shadow won’t fall on Kalki. Mohan thinks let me come out, I have to take revenge from Vardaan, who did this with me.
Vardaan asks lawyer to find some way, he can’t lose to Devanshi. Maya comes to them and provokes him. She thinks she will ignite fire by her words, if not power, he will not leave Devanshi. She says Pavan has money, Devanshi loves him, she left you by taking your money and property, she is very clever. He says I will not sit quiet now, I will kill her today. She says you will go jail this way, do some thing else. Devanshi tells Gopi that they have to get Kalki out, its imp. She tells her plan. She says Pavan will get Mohan.
Vardaan comes drunk. Gopi asks him why did he get drunk, he is never suitable for Devanshi, its good she left him. Vardaan pushes him angrily. Gopi scolds him. He calls Vardaan a burden on them. He goes. Vardaan gets angry and says Devanshi….. He throws the bottle and says you have snatched my people. He thinks Devanshi will get insulted tonight, I will give such a wound which she always remembers.
Vardaan hits Devanshi and takes her somewhere. Someone murders him.
Update Credit to: Amena
please… why i’m still reading this… kill her, give her wound, insult her… did the actor playing Vardhan’s character fought with producers of the serial so they’re takign revenge by this? just WHY??? why has he to become soooooooooooooo bad for really no proper reason! i think i never ever saw a similar thing in any kind of drama, films! clap to cvs for this mess… then murdered, like seriously?
Did Pavan came to save Devanshi and killed him in his protective love toward her so she’ll marry him later??? Wah!!! *applause*… *standing ovation*
thanks God it’s ending and really I hope Helly will now have her real chance to rock as she has always done till now.
hmmmmm.. from the scene i saw, i think it’s not Pavan, as Pavan stood lil far away from him…ah i dunno what happen..
, people pointed finger that she is the SOLE reason of everything, kinda before
, whatever.. huh!!! people think that she has sooo much POWER na…
and for that messed up scenario, my Helly bashed badly
I watched a dancing scene while Helly is in yellow with Pavan and Kalki, it looks like a huge celebration, Devanshi/Pavan’s marriage adopting Kalki???
Poor Helly… super-princess ofour hearts! why always bashing… you know what’s my teacher’s devise? “you’ll know that you’re right and successful when people are bashing you” … really hope seeing her very soon back in another successful serial
About SRK-Kajol / Va-He couples no offense of course dear, nothing like that between us

Being a huge fan of SRK-Kajol couple I don’t see it the same way… it’s not about looking for me but about the aura they spread around them… I watched Dani-Mansoon’s jodi in Saraswatichandra and it was looking beautiful , about Veer/Kanchi, sorry but i really don’t find her good looking, she looks much elder with him (not her fault he’s just like Shahid Kapoor, intemporel :p)
But Va-He jodi makes me forget anyother couple he formed because there is that PLUS in his eyes when he looks to her, Helly is bubbly and smily all the time but when she’s face to him she turns somehow to just cuteness in its pure form, be it face to his love ot anger, be it being in love or fuming with anger herself, he has that power on her just like she has that power on him which makes him looking only with her not cute but handsome and hot, she makes the best of him out… I never felt any chemistry between her and Mudit and be it not her acting skills, their romance would be so fade… but there was more chemistry with Namish, their couple was good too but it was all erased by Swasan’s story and He-Va’s special plus on screen!
On the other hand, SRK-Kajol aren’t just the cuteness of pure love like Karan Johar has always, there was Rahul/Anjali of KKHH, KKKG or Simran/Raj EPIC story, that’s because those times cute love was what the viewers waited… but in the years of 50 shades of grey, standards changed and love turned to be shown by physical attraction too and even SRK-Kajol’s Dilwale has it along with the cuteness of their old moments too …
My feeling about the similarity between the 2 couples is about both their chemistry together and the huge amont of issues that chemistry is creating around…
a project together not being a couple would mean the second role for one or the other and for me both deserves much better due their acting performances… but why not, they both are so good actors that they don’t really need each other to lead , ot’s just our own hearts who are claiming that… if a project this way can crack the wall some insecure people are putting between them so AMEN!
Mahira didi… your explanation made me melt to the core (especially about our VaHe) goosshhh our babies is sooo EPIC..
about SRK-Kajol, haaa.. i asked my aunty which has those kind memories, Simran/Raj, Rahul/Anjali were kinda rain after years of dreadful season. That’s why they are soo soo memorable , DDLJ didn’t give much effect. but KKHH,…On Indonesia, this Movie opened indian movies freak’s gate. The tickets sold out for months on cinemas, ppl have been talked about them for centuries..Anjali’s hairstyle became trend. (if only you see my aunty’s face when she told this, aawwww….
this is article of our little princess.. hmm…that’s why she choose Devanshi
But Di don’t you want vahe to work together… I want that soooooooooooo much… am praying daily for that..
Otherwise I want helly with a good co-actor with an amazing wonderful story line….
Just one chance she gets and she’s going to rule billions of hearts at this small age…
Of course we are, but also we know the situation, right ? that’s why somehow this kinda silly plan came to my mind
, coz it will hard to straight forward bring VaHe together, *you know what i mean, right ?
sometime to be healthy, a bitter medicine needed, haina ?
well, Hellu back with good co-actor along with vk with co-actress too, on wonderful story line, maybe by that, someone’s insecurity nomore as nothing happen between VaHe
Thank Amena for fast update…happy weekend dear!
Vardhaaaan.. you already gave her wound which she will always remember !!! huh!
but really…. where is real Vardhaan ???? omg CVS….
real vardaan kab ka nhi mar tha villen vardaan jo mohan se mara jayega….So sad atlast no devdaan….miss them, cua wala chora and hundi wali chori….relly cry….never forget u colors tv for u made vardaan a villen sara game distroy kar diya…..
Thats really sad, I havnt watched this show for a very long time but i was hoping that the misunderstading between vardaan and devanshi will get over and everything will be fine afterwards but here I am shocked as I came to know that Vardaan has become the bad guy. I so miss little vardaan and devanshi who were always there for eachother. I loved Vardaan’s character at that time as he was so head strong and no one could make a fool of him but now its all weird. I am glad I stopped watching it.
Lucky you Jess…huh! here we are waiting miracle or at least logic story, but NOOO..

Is it ending!!!! now again miss her!!!!!
no update for todays episode