Fan Fiction

A Devil That owned an Angel (Episode 14)

Episode Dedecated to my dear ARU..may ur soul rest in peace..miss u cupid!u r and ll always be my cupid!




“come here..come..catch me!..haha u cant catch me..hahahaha!
u looser looser..hahaha”

and suddenly he opened his eyes..and got up..shocked coz after many years these lines stooped echoing in his sleep but today again it started..

he was frustrated..and he turned his head only to be hit ki he was in his another farm house with a chik arranged by adi..

and he just moved on her..who was sleeping peacefully..
he got on her..chik(his tonight ahem ahem-i ll call her chik)
and started exlporing her but he was too harsh without giving her any time to even breath..and after he was completed he just threw a cheak on her face and pushed her on floor and shouted “OUT!”
thats what he did when he was frustrated!

he sat quietly on bed ..thnking why he dint do it with twinkle..he could have done it with her too na?
but he taught about her about her feelings..he got a smile on his face when he taught about her dance..

so something was cooking within his heart !

but ll he allow that to happen ?
nope he ll never do that..


(my POV:kud aur kud..chudail taking twinkle’s place aur kud ..ahahaahah! jokes apart i m not liking this part myself but thats the reality of life)


(In Mumbai,next day)

twinkle and kunj were having their breakfast
kunj – twinkle!
twinkle – humm ?
kunj -get ready quickly i did ur addmission its ur final sem and i hope u ll not let me down..
(twinkle was speechless)
what?u taught i wont allow u to go?
u joined my office as intern and its over baby..and now u shd continue ur studies..i myself feel that everygirl must be independent..
and so i have done all arrangements..oky?
that y v have cm here not coz of my bussinesss…
he gave a quick peak on her lips..she smiled ..


he stopped in front of her clg..and gave her a peack on her lips..
and handed her ,her addmission ticket,she hugged him and then removed pen from her bag and removed the initail (i mean her maternal initial/surname) and in that place wrote kunj !

kunj was shocked a bit he looked at her being in shock..

she looked at him..
“kunj i m what ever now its only for u and coz of u..
u mean world to me..
my life start with u and end to u..
u are m life..
if twinkle is here today then its coz of kunj..
i love u..
and i dont want the name and fame of the people who dont even trust their daughter..i dont want such name that ll make me remember that i was tagged as….”she just hugged him he hugged her back plcing a kiss on her temples..

kunj went speeckless

she gave him a smile and moved out of car..

he was about to start the car when he remembered her words ” u know kunj we perform on our first day of our sem and i lead it.. vs my enemy whome i hate the most..”

he taught too go and see what’s the performance about..

thats all for today!



Just a beginnř..A ɖřɛąmɛř who makes sure it comes true:)..A ąĆɧıɛ۷ɛř....A קɛřʄơřmɛř.... ✌Paya*Arshi*Twinj*Swasan*Shivika✌

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