Categories: Devon ke Dev Mahadev

Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 17th October 2013 Written Episode Update

Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 17th October 2013 Written Episode, Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 17th October 2013 Written Update

Mhalsa’s mother shows the baby to Yallakoti, who predicts she is born for a big purpose. That purpose is totake revenge of his father’s killing, says the mother. Yallakoti gives responsibality of training Mhalsa to Mangal. Mhalsa starts her traing since childhood in using Khadag, which is given by her mother.
Time passes, she is grown up. Mhalsa’s mother is looking for her. Banai comes asking her where is Mhalsa. A woman tells ther why can’t Mhalsa be solft, like other girls, who will marry her otherwise? Banai tells her, they need not worry about Mhalsa’s groom, he will be some one special. Banai checks inside the house, Mhalsa’s Khadag & Horse is missing. Her mother is worried.
Mhalsa is riding on a Horse, stops near an Aghori,

asks him where about of Malla & Mani. Aghori laughs at her, says you’ll have to fight with someone else before killing me. Aa Animated Tiger comes, stops near Mhalsa, turns & goes back.
Shivji with a smile opens his eyes. The regular viewers are standing opposite him. He says even in her Human form, she is Prakriti.
Aghori is shocked, asks Mhalsa to forgive him, says Malla & Mani are doing penanace since many years, no one knows where they are. She leaves him, turns to go back. That Aghori attacks her from back with a knife. She stops him, kills him, saying she believes in Humanity.
Malla & Mani are doing Brhmaji’s penanace, he appears in front of them. Mani is excited seeing him. Malla says, they have heard many tales of people asking for imortality from him & he refusing them but you insist on asking for something else. So let’s not waste yours & our time. Well ask straight away, no Human can kill us. We are not afraid of others. Brhmaji smiles & grants the boon. He disappears. Both are excited for their getting Mata back project
Mhalsa comes back to her mother, who sees blood in her hand, asks, have you killed one more Aghori today?
Mangal comes, informs Malla & Mani were seen.
At Kailsh, Shivj says it’s time for him to go & meet Paravti. Kartikeya & Ganesh are excited seeing their mother’s warrier form. Later, Mena meets Shivji, tells him, she is aware of what he’ll do now, take an Aghori form & meet Paravti, where she’ll not recognise him. During your weddinf, I couldn’t recognise your Ash clad form But now I undersand.
Malla & Mani are ready to get Ma Kali back, outside their cave.
Shivji as Aghori stops Mhalsa, who is on her way to meet Malla & Mani. She attacks him.

Precap: Later Shivji says he’ll have to take Martand form. His look is different now.

Update Credit to: mnx12

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