Categories: Devon ke Dev Mahadev

Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 20th January 2014 Written Episode Update

Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 20th January 2014 Written Episode, Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 20th January 2014 Written Update

Brhmdev tells that if there was an end to negativity as Arunasur, then there will be similar vibrations… and will give rise to rekindle the sleeping negativity

The bees wreck havoc on earth…chasing everything negative…
A buffalo is chased by the bees… which happens to be Mahishi…she runs for her life and eventually hides herself in the pond to escape the bees…who awaits to avenge her brother’s death for ages.

The bees go away from there..but Mahishi swears to take revenge using this opportunity..
SHiva back here infroms all that Brhmari’s bees are attacking all the negative forces on earth but can’t effect Mahishi as the case has turned upside down.. it has taken a converse effect/… she has been passive all these

yugas and now she is begin evoked by these bees.. and Mahishi’s end is not possible by Brhamridevi..

On asked by Indr that even Adi Shakto herself can’t end Mahishi, Brhmdev says that he has given Mahishi the boon..
Flash back…

Mahishi does penance on Brhmdev’s name and on asked for a boon she first asks for immortality, Brhmdev says that he can’t give that boon to anyone.. then she asks thta no one can kill her.. Brhmdev says she can’t trick the immortality thingie..han if she wishes she can chose the one who she wishes to be killed by.. Mahishi says these devas will come up with some other catch to kill her… Then she smarty asks for a boon that the one who is born out of the union of Vishnu and Shiva should kill her.

All are shocked to here this, and Naradji now comes to know that Mahishi is gonna avenge her brother’s death from Adi SHakti…

Ganesh asks Shiv if she can take up some roop to clam Parvati devi…where he can match up Parvati ma’s stri shakti (female energy) to his.. Shiva says if he does that then there will be huge imbalance that’s gonna happen in the world…and the world will be left with stri shakti itself..he can’t calm her all by himself…alone.

Indr quests on which power almost equates to that of Parvati devi’s stri shakti..?

Lakshmi devi utters ‘Narayan’.
She says that he has taken that from previously calm down his sister Parvati he can do it again…
Shiva and NArayan has a mutual eye communication..and they both disappear from the place for sometime and have a dialogue over the issue..

Back here at the pond.. Mahishi tries to trap the bees in a water balloon wid her powers and captures them…so that even if Adi Shakti calms down, she would be vexed out seeing the bees captured…

Shiva says that this day he is addressing not the brother of his wife but as the palanhaar (preserver) of the universe …as they both have since eternity have solved issues of the world together and this time if they don’t do the same its gonna be perilous for the world..he knows the consequences if Vishnudev takes the Mohini form..
On asked about the same… Shiva tells that he believes if there is no today there ain’t gonna be no tomorrow…Shiv requests Narayan to do the needful at present.
The choice is gonna be tough in any situation…but is inevitable…

Vishnuji, however is skeptical about the reaction by the decision they are gonna take..but SHiva tells that Adi Shakti has taken every form for the world..for its betterment ..she’ll surely understand it…giving each other an understanding look..

Indr mocks at the time taken by Shiv n Vishnu dev for taking sucha simple decision on as great danger as theyy are in that Naradji counters that they’ll come back soon..and surely will look to it that his swarg thrown is safe.

Shiv and Narayan come back to the discussion place ..Lakshni devi tells that she had no intention to be offensive when she suggested the Mohini idea…as she was worried abt devu Parvati’s plight and not to create more she is worried abt the present…and they are trikal darshi..they would accepts whatever decision has bee taken by them for the good of the world.

Vishnuji tells his Pranpriyee that she has suggested an indeed better way to sort things…being the wife, if she seconds n supports his decision..
Lakshmi devi replies that Parvati devi was always with her whenever she was in trouble… and is the opportunity to give back the favor.

Vishnuji informs her that his opportunity of hers would become a tough testing factor for her in the future.. Lakshmi devi says that if he has faith in her..the most imp thing for her now is to erase off Parvati devi’s worries…

Vishnuji then takes the form of a beautiful maiden – Mohini…everyone is gladdened to see her.

Back on earth the bees continue to trouble the humans… the victims cry for help…

Shiva decides to meditate to calms Brhmeri devi…till then Shiva asks Mohini to meet Parvati and talk to her..

Brhmdevi tells everyone to continue wid their respective works..

Mahishi is on the roll to take her revenge..she doesn’t fear the bees as they can’t do anything to her as she has Brhmdev’s boon..and thus she decides to take advantage of Adi Shakti’s imbalanced state.

Mahsihsi threatens rishi to tell her abt Brhmheri devi’s whereabouts…where did Mohini take her to?
Everyone is ready to complete their quest in their respective forms.

Update Credit to: sankalp

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