Categories: Devon ke Dev Mahadev

Devon ke Dev Mahadev 22nd September 2014 Written Episode Update

Devon ke Dev Mahadev 22nd September 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Episode starts with rohitang discuss with dev kampan that why will indra is attacking on nigas. Dev kampan says, indra has something different intention. Dev kampan says, do you get something from today’s story. Rohitang says, yes, today i have learnt alot about relation of mahadev and narayan. Dev kampan says, both of them are coordinate with each other. rohitang says, narayan born so many times for giving knowledge to world. Dev kampan then gives an idea about lord krishna and narshimha face. Rohitang says, i am going to hear story and you just find somebody who knows about narayan. Nigas discus with his senapati and ordered that go and discus with indra, why he came here with his force. Dev raj indra says to sena pati, i dont want to fight with nigas, i just want to meet with

him but understand one thing, without weapons. Dev guru says, if you dont want to war with nigas then why you have called your force. Indra says, now i will do anything with nigas. dev guru thinks about mahadev’s wordings then dev guru says, if you are doing then it will harmful to you.
Rohitang comes near to rishi biblarth. Biblarth ask about story then rohitang says, today tell me that story in which his power is given. Biblarth says, mahadev doesnt show his power. Rohitang says, doesnt he can do this. Biblarth says, mahadev doesnt do anything that reverse the nature. Rohitang says, mahadev had not done anything in which he will give again life to dead person. Biblarth then tells story of sudeha. Sudeha was unable to give birth. Sudeha then tells her husband to marry so that he will give birth to child. After sometime sudeha irritate with his sister. Kushwaha gives birth to child then after sometime he has done marriage of his son. Then sudeha thought his importance is reducing. THen he decided that he will kill sukarm then everything is cleared. Rohitang says, i just want to know what will mahadev had done in this story. Biblarth says, you are also devotee but you doing reverse devotee. rohitang gets frustrate. Biblarth says, kushwaha worhsip to mahadev when his son’s dead body is present in front of her. Mahadev then arise and says to boon. Kushawaha says, forgive my sister. Mahadev then give life to sukarm. Kushwaha says, you have corrected my pain and alike you correct everybody’s pain and situated here. Mahadev then situated shivling as “kushmeshwar jotirling”.
Biblarth says, now after this story, you can tell you suggestion. Rohitang says, i think your mahadev is selfish.
or else coward.

i am saying because your mahadev can see everything. Instead of this, he just see everything, not stopping her. Firstly he make everybody sad then he came and called himself “great” then give life to dead. biblarth says, i will accept your wordings but kushma has completed her worship and he has done unwantedly worship and if i will think something else then you cannot understand.
Rohitang then says, lets start next story. biblarth says, if you want to know more then i will more hoping about you. Rohitang says, you had told me about mahadev and narayan and mahadev and his devotee and now you tell me about that story in which all three is united. biblarth then says, “omkareshwar”.

Precap:- indra says, dev guru that why is nigas getting so late. Rohitang says, you are saying that mahadev is great in everything.

Update Credit to: Tushar

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