Categories: Devon ke Dev Mahadev

Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 23rd September 2013 Written Episode Update

Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 23rd September 2013 Written Episode, Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 23rd September 2013 Written Update

Kartikeya goes to Mahadev and informs that there is a decent improvement in Parvati ma’s condition and that he can go back to the South with an assurance that she’d be fine.
Shiva tells that he is a warrior and he need to be ready for unexpected things. K asks why is there a continues chain of problems from the defeat of Jalandhar to Andhak, why do they endure it?
Shiva answers that there are solutions too, the choice is with them if they focus on the pbs or their solutions. K is assured and takes his leave.
Ganga dei goes to Kailash gardens to pick flowers, when she tries to find more she sees Parvati devi with a basket full of them. Parvati devi says that she is grateful to her for her assistance and Ganga devi seeks

apology if she has gone wrong somewhere. The later says that it was never the case.
Indr devi is glad and relieved to know that Parvati devi is stable and Mahadev has made that possible from the potential peril..all the devtas echo the same feeling.
Reporting from the South, Devsena asks a worried Kartikeya of his frown. She finds out the reason is Parvati devi’s condition. But the last time she checked he said that Parvati ma is getting better!
Kartikeya says that he saw a kind of weirdness in the eyes of his father- Shiva, a hint of happening of something terrible; things aren’t as straight as they look now.
Parvati devi and Ganga devi go to Shiva and the former says that she would leave as her purpose of taking care of Kailash and her sister is served as Parvati has become stable doing her chores at the Kailash. But she says doesn’t feel like leaving.
Parvati devi tells that they too are glad to have her there and wouldn’t want her to leave, Ganga devi asks can’t she stay there?(Poor Shiva…look at his plight!)

The Black magician twins are persistent in their pursuit of making Parvati devi unstable again.
Mahadev says to Ganga devi that she has her responsibilities on Earth, Ganga devi contends does she has to see her pure water get spoiled. Narayan once said to her that Humans are very much capable and if they wrong sometime, they do repair things too. And they did honour her after seeing Mahadev’s fury but for a short period of time, but then they started to pollute her again.
Brhm dev is worried about Ganga devi’s argument as its gonna show its repercussions.
Parvati devi retorts that she can’t define all humans like that-rude. As they both too have taken a human birth, and a few humans have great capabilities that even any god or goddess possess.
Its only the determination which takes a human to be great. Ganga devi asks on what bases can she tell that., Parvati devi gives her own example, that with her unshakable resolve and penance she became Mahadev’s consort. And no other Goddess has that ability.
Back at the cave, the crazy twin puts some more sand into the Agni kund which was graced by Kaali ma herself. Doing so he chants Devi devi..’
Back here Ganga ma seconds by Parvati dev’s say that it could only be her who could have done that and gotten the privilege of being Mahadev’s consort. But Ganga devi taunts saying that she is even more fortunate to be graced on Mahadev’s head without any penance.
Parvati devi gives killer looks…He became Gangadhar n she Shiv-Priya, she adds.
Shiva utters “Ganga!” (lolz poor polite he is. StarStar*Mohit rocks here*StarStar)
Ganga devi reasons if she has said anything wrong; and she is there with Shiva as Parvati devi is!
The Black Magicians see the fire burn with great intensity.
Parvati devi hearing this feels sad and starts to move from there.. Shiva tells her not to go away from Kailash.
The sane Black magician twin takes a bone focuses on Kaali ma’s name and crushes it. Both have completely lost it.. one says “its gonna happen today” and the cranky one says “oh yeh! After giving so many lives in scarifies the mixture is made and now the day has at last come” And jumps in joy.
She’d be super glad to be inside of the triangle made with that mixture of bones.
Shiva says that Parvati devi would be safe in these conditions.Parvati devi says only cause she’ll be safe there he stops him, and says Gangadhar!

Ganga devi feels bad and before she could speak a word Parvati devi snaps her saying she isn’t finished yet. Its clear that he doesn’t care by the words which were spoken about her, or he would have stopped Ganga didi; by not acting on time its clear that her presence at Kailash is not needed.

Mahadev says that she shouldn’t decide in haste, Parvati devi counters, that he has decided of taking the Aghor roop, not for her but Ganga didi’s protection. She complains that he hasn’t resent about it when she was hurt. He never acted!

Since she has no place over there, she would better leave, “Apki Parvati jarahi hai Gangadhar”saying this she leaves.

Mahadev feels hurt.

Precap:She says that she is leaving on her own and would come back on her wish, and its only she decides when and where she would stop by!!

Update Credit to: Sankalp_prapti

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