Categories: Devon ke Dev Mahadev

Devon ke Dev Mahadev 27th October 2014 Written Episode Update

Devon ke Dev Mahadev 27th October 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Episode starts with rohitang surprisingly goes after meeting with her mata. Mata says, i always supported you but now this time whenever you move your step against mahadev, then you will destroy me. Then mata prithvi goes from there. Rohitang says, thanks mother, from now onwards, i will not ask you anything, now we will meet after war. I will sleep near you while taking breathing or else without breath. Here Gann fight with asur. Asur senapati discuss with each other and says, if shankchur will get rohitang support then we will definitely win. Shankchur goes towards battle field. Tulsi stops him and says, please swami stops, you had never fight only for revenge. Shankchur says, i cannot wait for rohitang. Devta alerts him and says, if you will fight against mahadev then result will against

you. Rohitang heard the music and something happens in his body. Nearby stones fly in the air and rohitang gets surprised to see it. ROhitang says, how it is possible, how you can do it. Child says, i dont know, i was drowned in music, i dont know anything. this is rishi tandu’s ashram and guru ji is calling for class. ROhitang says, i think i get what i want from here.
Shankchur says, this war is not for revenge. I have given oath to rohitang and do you know what will my last remembrance if we will not meet, that moment in which my wife didnt support me in my last war and your bad remembrance is of not giving rakshna kavach to me. TUlsi says sorry to mata parvati and give raksha kavach to shankchur.
Tulsi says to herself, rohitang, now only you can save him. Mata parvati says, shankchur didnt listen me and now he will get the result. Mahadev says, remember parvati, this war is different from other war and remember world should not be effected by your swaroop. Mata takes oath.
Tandu gives knowledge of music and rohitang listens everything and also gives knoweledge about importance of “OM”. One student says, if i will get knowledge of music then i can control anything. tandu says, music can make you free and when we will free then will mess up with om. Tandu see the rohitang and scolded rohitang. ROhitang says, i get the knowledge from you.
Rohitang practises from his energy. Dev kampan says, you know that war is already begin. Rohitang says, look dev kampan, what is your student doing. Dev kampan says, you are doing in your childhood days. rohitang says, i will go into my childhood days because i have got the way for destroying mahadev.
ROhitang build damroo and then says, this nad and i will control this damroo. If i can control whole world by nad then i can cotrol mahadev too.

Precap:- Bhram dev says to mahadev, its really near when mata parvati will come into kali face, mahadev says, kali can destroy everything, she will kill all the evils.

Update Credit to: Tushar

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