Categories: Devon ke Dev Mahadev

Devon ke Dev Mahadev 29th September 2014 Written Episode Update

Devon ke Dev Mahadev 29th September 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Episode starts with Narad tells his worry to mahadev then devraj is helping in combining nigas and rohitang. I know that devraj is doing wrong but still i want that devraj will win first time. Mahadev says, if you will see from rohitang’s point of view, you will think that shankchur must win. we should only follow our duties and nothing cannot leave. We only face these situation, whenever we will face each situation by own. Indra gives challenge to nigas whether accept my proposal otherwise i will kill you. Nigas says, i love to die as warrior, i cannot accept to support you. dev guru says to indra that shankchur is coming with his force. Shankchur meet with nigas and then says, indra, i know you cannot die but i will make your life spoil in such manner so that you will think why

will you have drink amrit. Indra thinks that if i will battle with nigas then shankchur help him and it is not good for me. Indra says, this is not end. i will return back. Shankchur says, as per rohitang commitment, i will definitely attack you and will become king of heaven.
Rohitang says, today, i want to listen story of shivling, any asur who has opposed to mahadev like me. Biblarth says, once upon a time daruka worshipped to mata and mata arise and gives boon to her. Rohitang gets surprised to hear this. Biblarth says, daruka ask this boon as world wellness, but she want to build asur world in patal lok. Then she has ordered to her soldier to bring person who is not doing anything and bring them into patal, so that we will build our city. People worship to mahadev and then mahadev arise and daruka says, i have taken this boon so dont interrupt me. Then daruka calls to mata and mata says to daruka, you have spoiled your boon and also dishonour my swami. daruka then felt guilty and says, please guide me. Mahadev says, we should do work and our main aim is to getting more closer to God and dont think that if people will worship then dont think that they are not doing anything, so say sorry to parvati. Mata says to daruka, as per swami comments, if people will realize his or her mistake then there is no need to feel guilty. Mahadev then calls that shivling as nageshwar. Rohitang says, again i didnt get anything. Dev kampan does meditation and says, only this is the way to achieve what rohitang wants.
Rishi biblarth says, its time for sunset. Rohitang interrupts and says, i can listen one story. i want to listen vishweshwar. Biblarth says, it is really long story. I will tell you tomorrow. Rohitang says, then tell me bheemashankar. Biblarth says, it is also a long story. Rohitang says, then tell me kedarnath. Biblarth says, narayan and nar ji has done worship of mahadev for so long time. Mahadev arise in front of them after become happy and ask for boon. Nar and narayan says, everybody will realize as we have realized today. You situate here and everyone can see you here. mahadev stays in shivling and calls it kedarnath. People will get moksha when they will worship this shivling.
dev Kampan reaches to meet rohitang and rohitang says to biblarth, i will talk to my guru dev. We will meet tomorrow. biblarth says, what kind of realization it is.

Precap:- Indra says to dev guru, what are you doing now? dev guru says, rohitang met with nigas and now he will join all the chain and reached to main point, why nigas is important for you. Mahadev says to narayan, its really near time of action

Update Credit to: Tushar

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