Categories: Fan Fiction Original

Dewana dil Part 2

Flight attendent ask sanjana if she wants something she says no and try to have sleep. Mother comes in excitement.
Sanjana the boy is so handsome. We decided that u meet him today only.
Entry of vikram.
6ft tall guy. U can’t tell him dark but he was not fair as well. Sanjana dressed in cream suite comes down. She is a brunette. No one can tell no to a brunette.
They accept the relation. And their engagement is fixed after a month.
Sanjana is pretty excited. For everything. But vikram does not reciprocate her behaviour.

Finally on engagement day
Sanjana looking like a fairy ask mirror can anyone look better than her. Her brother tells no one can
She looks at her brother and smiles. She hugs him
At venue
Everyone has arrived and waiting for Vikram’s family. They arrive late. Vikram is angry for some reason. He even doesn’t talk to his dad.

Somehow a month has passed since engagement. But still vikram and sanjana are still stranger to each other. Vikram does not open.
Sanjana tries to tease vikram during a long drive.
Vikram: all u girls are same(angrily)
Vikram had anger management issue. And sanjana had never seen someone so angry she decided to take his anger with her cool.
Vikram: u all want everything according to u. Never respect a guys feeling.
Sanjana thinks what did she do by asking that if he had any gfs?
When he had asked same things to her. It was a common talk.
Vikram ask her to get out of the car. Its a bridge lonely and outside the city.
Sanjana gets out. He holds her and says
Vikram: yes! Yes I had a gf and she betrayed me. Betrayal and women are 2side of coin and u would Also betray me one day.

Saying this he gets in his car and drives off. Sanjana sits their crying her eyes out.

Vikram returns and apologize for his rudeness. And ask her what else she wanted to ask him??
Sanjana shocked at his change of behaviour in minutes


Status Update

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