Die heart fan
Part – 2
Tq u so much for the love and support…for previous part… ???
Recap : ragini who was the slum born girl was a grat fan of namish taneja (laksh ) who was a film artist… ragu turns to a die heart fan of him without seeing him…she had responsibility to repay loan which was bought by her parents frm her aunt….bcz her parents passed away. ….
Its a shooting place :
It was a hill side area fully covered with mist….
Directors , assisstant…producers , dancers , fighters. ….all r present their except…..namish taneja….
Within sec his car reached their….. he gets out from his…car… and looked around….
He puts chewing gum in his mouth… then signald his PA to come near to him….he told something to his ears….and get in dressing room…..
Director : roy (PA of namish ) wr is namish sir…
PA: sir went to take rest ….
Director : but…we wanna finish this shooting before sun rise….
PA: i am sry sir…namisg sir felt this whether was too cold…thats y he decided to took this shoot after sun rise….
Director : how is that possible. ..actually i told to him…already..this scene must shoot in early morning… we all r waiting for him…last few hours… but he simply saying…. like this…
PA: do what he said…otherwise he can able to cancel this project and agreement …within sec…so mind it… then he left….
Director : what the hell…. pack up…
Producer : whats going on here man
Director : really fed up sir…y did he behave like this… perhaps he is a superb star in reel life…but a mercy less person in real life… ????
Prd : plz control ur emotions…nw we must obey him..there is no other option…i spend my all income to this film. ..if its stopped… i will hang up…
Drct : ok sir…i will take care… sir…dont wry…
In other side :
Raginii… prepare tea for her aunty…and bring to her…
Aunty ; she turns her face to … angry ??? idiot…u dont know how to prepare a good coffee… she starts to scold her…
Raginii without nooded anything… just put her head down….and listening all…tears skipped from her eyes ???
Aunty : break fast is ready or not…
Rag : i already prepared all… maa..shall i go now….
Aunty : go ??? but mind it…when u return home…u must finish all work…
Rag : nodded ok….
Then she cames out….and pluck…flowers from garden…. and makes that at bouquet
She smelled that roses ???? and gives a kiddish look….
Then she puts that flowers in her cycle…then starts to pedal that……… on empty road…. it was an early …morning…
That place fully covered with mist….but she was enjoying that….and pedal her cycle ….happily….
She suddenly stopped pedaling cycle…. and …. took one rose and placed before…lord ganesha….
She crossed her hands…and prey …. ( it was her usual habit….) she always prey for everyone except her…she always thinks ganesha as her friend… what ever happend….she starts to murmur with herslef….
Suddenly somesounds makes her turns…
On the other hand :
Laksh was hearing music….roy brigs his morning juice…. to him….
Lak : i hate mist…. how people live in this mist…. its makes me shivering….. ??
Roy…what about last week atticles…
Roy : sir still its not published. …
Lak : what ??… i told u na…everyweek my articles should be published. ….its compulsory for me….
Its my prestige problem… go and call him immediately. …
Roy : sir i already called him..but he said…one article is…still not completed thats y…its delay…
Lak : i need today….go and inform him…
Roy : but sir
Lak : do what i said… sudddnly his mbl rangs
He picks that call…
AP : hw r u laksh…
Lak : i am fine mom…
( they speak for sometime…. bla bla bla )
Then his PA come… and informed…done…
Lak : roy…i lost divan no…so go and get his…no quick….
Roy : sir but he was out of station…for last few months….
Lak : got angry ???? do what i said otherwise i will fired u….
After finished the shooting…he went to his home….
Evening :
School students starts to return to home….. ragini waiting…for someone…in her cycle….
She press her cycles bell… four times…suddenly…someone press like that…
She turns..happily… and called chottu..
Yes he is chottu studying in school…. he was the best idea king to her…likewise sweet friend…. too…
Chottu : darling… did u waited for me long…
Rag : nope…lets go..
Both starts to walk…..
Chottu : what was the latest news about ur namish…
Rag : maya told me..when she bought mobile phone…she can able to show him…likewise speak with him…
Chottu : really. ….
Rag : but she ask me to give….. 10000 rs…. to buy new mobile…
Chottu : 10000 thousand…omg..
Rag :?? but how i can give that..i wanna repay my loan….na…. likewise… if aunty knows this…i will finished….
Chottu : ragu darling dont trust maya she is a lier….
Did u know..my uncle bought a second hand phone…. in low rate….
Rag : really. ….
Chottu : i have one idea…y dont u buy a phone…instead of giving money to her…
Rag : yes u r ryt…. chottu…
Chottu : ok ragu darling tmrw come with money…… we will buy a new mbl….
Rag : nodded ok…….
Next day :
Chottu and ragu reached town then …went to retailers shop….and buy…a new phone….
He explained about that….but ragu didnt understood anything….. just she understood how to pick call and cut that..
He insert sim in that and activate that ….
Both ragini and chottu left that pace after buying mbl…
Chottu : ragu tell me ur new no…. i will store in my mind….
Ragu : she picks a piece of papper ( who was given by retailer ) and said….
97 *****888
On the other hand. ….
Roy came with divan no…. and informed to laksh…..
Lak dialed 888 instead of 838 …..
Guyz how was the episode give ur cmnts….
Precap : laksh makes call to raginii mistakely……
So wts happend next ?? Is she knew he is her fav actor….. , how he behave after knew its a wrong calll……
Both r having opposite character, taste…all…hw they gonna meet ??? To know more
Tune up with…..my ff…..
# anaz
Awesome..superrb..but laksh is so rude… Awww..kitna cute hai Ragini’s antics..only teju can rock such..waiting for their frst convo
Amazing part nd can’t wait for next
Opposite attract nd thn love happen…. Don’t know how??? If u hate that thing thn how u suddenly lovd that!!!
Awesome episode
Simply superb di…pls continue
Outstanding episode dear ??? eagerly waiting for precap and please post next part ASAP ?????
Aww, he is going to call her???
Loved the episode, though Laksh is rather rude?
Awesome episode
Amazing dear
loved it
Amazing awesome