Fan Fiction



That jerk!! It was my mistake. I should not have done like that. But emotions, u see, they made me weak. I am more of an emotional person. Everyone cannot be a cold hearted person like him, right?? I made my mind not to talk with him hereafter. From now on this amaya will not even utter a word to him. He had hurt my feelings. How can he hurt me like this?? Yeah, I know he doesn’t love me. Even I don’t. But at least for humanity , he should not have done like that. If he doesn’t like that, he could have told me, at least in his cold tone. What was the need to push me?? Typical men behaviour!! His driver gave a pathetic look to me. I hate sympathy towards women. Women should be respected not sympathised.

I hate him to infinity!!! Disgusting human, he is!! How did I forget that persons like him don’t care about others’ feelings?? Throughout our journey, I didn’t even utter a word. I decided to attack him with his own cold behaviour. In the flight, he told me that first we are going to his house, where his whole family lives and after finishing all the rituals there, we would move to his own private bungalow, where he lives alone. I just nodded. He gave me a surprised look. Is he an animal?? even animals live with their families. Why can’t he stay with them?? My mouth was about to open to question him about this, but my brain warned me to maintain this cold behaviour towards him. He just shook his head and went to sleep. Man!! My cold behaviour is not at all affecting him!! Again and again, my heart is expecting more!! I should not. I don’t care whether he is affected by my behaviour or not!! Duh!! One day, I will become crazy due to this gym boy, for sure!!
I know that I should have not pushed her. I saw immense pain in her eyes. Even though my ego was satisfied, my ‘so called’ heart wasn’t. Somewhere in the corner of my heart, I felt bad for her. The vidyut, who doesn’t care about anyone and doesn’t listen to his heart started to care about this girl, who had entered my life 3 weeks ago. Still, I am not able to understand or cope with these recent changes. And I can’t tolerate her silence!! what the hell man?? The person who hates to talk for unnecessary things actually talked with her. But she didn’t even bother to look at me. And I noticed that she is showing her anger towards me by not talking with me. First, I felt happy that she didn’t open her question bank. But I felt some emptiness; I don’t want to accept but actually it is the truth. I pretended to sleep so that to lessen the emptiness. After a while I saw that she was asleep and she had laid her head on my shoulders. And once again I could sense those foreign feelings arising inside me.

I slowly went near her and pecked her forehead. Gosh!! I always fail in this battle with these feelings of mine. I haven’t experienced this kind of feelings before. Before I could proceed further, I saw her glaring at me. God!! When did she wake up?? ” You stay away from me!!” she whispered angrily in my ears. Her hot breath did something to me which I could not figure out. ” Don’t ever try to come near me or touch me!!” She replied furiously. These words hurt my ego. The gruff self of mine covered those stupid feelings as my blood boiled in anger. It sounded like I was desperate for her. Damn!! Again and again I am failing. My face turned darker as I held her hand tightly. ” Lower your voice, Mrs. Singhania!!Don’t ever dare to shout at me like this!!” I replied dryly. Her eyes became moist and I noticed that She was trying hard not to cry. I know that I was hurting her by holding her hand firmly. But this girl had hurt my ego!! How dare she?? And I have to do something to control these idiotic feelings of mine!!

I hate this man. Really I mean it. He thinks that he can do anything whatever he likes. I didn’t say anything in the flight to avoid creating a ruckus. It doesn’t mean that if I am staying quite, then I am weak. Sadist!! From the day I had met him, He is just torturing me. I can’t bear it. We were in his family bungalow. And to my bad luck, I had to share his room. He had already told me that we would be staying in different rooms in his private bungalow. But here!! Urgh!! I have to tolerate this man for a night. To my dismay, the whole room was decorated with flowers and other crap. I was sitting in the bed and as I heard the creaking of the door, I saw that devil coming. He closed the door and lay on the bed comfortably. I looked at him with rage. “Are you going to sleep or continuously stare me like this??” he said wryly. How the hell he found out that I was staring him with his eyes closed?? “Here??” I shouted. ” Nope!! On my head!!” He said sarcastically. I narrowed my eyes. “Very funny!! When can I laugh for this crappy joke??” I yelled back with the same sarcasm. “Oh please!! Don’t laugh!! I will not be able to tolerate your ghostly laugh!! I would die of fear.” he said coldly. I threw the pillow on him in anger. How ever I try to be silent, I am not able to. I don’t know why. I am not able to stay silent with him for long. Suddenly, he caught my hand and pulled me towards the bed and I fell on the bed beside him with a thud. “Mr. gym boy!! what the hell??

How dare u pull me??” I shouted. “Just shut up and sleep!! I am feeling sleepy.” He told aggressively. I had no option other than to sleep.

My phone flashed. It was the alarm. I had kept it in order to wake up early for the rituals. When I tried to wake up, I noticed the warmth in my hip. Gosh!! This gym boy was hugging me in sleep by placing his hands on my waist. I saw him. I must admit that he looked too cute while sleeping. But I don’t know what happens to him after waking up. He always changes into a beast! I slowly caressed his silky hair. It was so soft. I didn’t know what made me to do like that, but I liked it. I realised what I was doing and withdrew my hands. His grip on me was so strong and I could not get up. As I managed to get rid of his grip and slowly stood from the bed, suddenly someone pulled me and I fell on the bed. It was the gym boy! What the hell? I fell upon him. I was over the top of him and he turned over and he was on the top. I tried to push him, but he overpowered me. God!! What’s happening??

Again, his chocolaty orbs locked mine and he gazed at me intensely. His intense stare heated my whole body. He locked his hands with mine and started leaning closer and closer. “Good morning, Mrs. singhania!” He whispered huskily. It tickled my ears and I closed my eyes in reflex. Gosh!! What’s happening to me?? I can’t understand this man!! One time, he behaves extremely weird like this. Sometimes, he yells and hurts me. This man is a total mystery!!

Guys, Deesh here. Thank you so much for the lovely comments. Keep supporting me like this, friends. I hope today’s chapter was not boring. Actually, I am not well and I had typed this in hurry. Thanks for reading.

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