Fan Fiction

The Difficult Love (Twinj) ~ Chapter 6

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Twinkle’s pov,
“Twinkle.. Twinkle.. come fast we’re getting late!” I heard Kunj calling me. “Ya I’m coming” I replied and took aunty’s blessings. “Always be happy! Study well” she said and I smiled. I ran out of the mansion and stood in front of Kunj. I was wearing black jeans and a peach coloured top, I loved this attire! I stood in front of him and found him staring at me. “Kunj” I called out and he came back to his senses. He opened the car’s door for me and I sat inside, and he rushed to the driver’s seat and at once started the car. I was very excited for my first day. I know I was joining in the mid year, but I know I can catch up with all my studies. In some time we reached the college and I along with Kunj stepped out of the car. I could see Kunj walking towards a girl and hugging her and she reciprocated too. I don’t know why but I didn’t like that. “ Twinkle.. why are you standing there? Come here” said Kunj, I smiled and moved towards him. He introduced me to all his friends, Alisha, the girl whom he hugged, Raj, Ayush and Yuvraj, Mahi. They were really nice people just like Kunj. I hesitated to talk to them, as I was not used to all this. They made me feel comfortable. We heard the bell ring and all of us moved towards the class, it was Maths now! The subject I loved the most. Raj and Ayush sat together, Yuvraj and Mahi and I was about to sit beside Kunj but Alisha came in between and sat beside him.

Having no option I sat behind them! The class went on smoothly, and I tried to understand the concepts, some were confusing and I thought I will really have to work hard upon it. As the class ended, I ran towards the professor hesitating to ask him for extra classes. I walked upto him and could see him standing with a smile on his face, I was scared! I moved back to my place remembering all the tough situations with men, A drop of tear escaped from my eye! I thanked God for bringing me here. I could see Kunj busy with all his friends, he looked at me and stood up. I quickly wiped my tear and turned to the other side. I could feel two hands on my shoulders, and I turned, it was Kunj. “Why are you crying? Didn’t you like the college?” asked Kunj, “No.. its nothing like that.” I replied looking down, “Then what is it? Tell me” he replied holding my cheeks and making me look at him. “Actually I didn’t under some concepts of Maths” I replied hiding the actual reason. “Don’t lie, you are crying for such a small reason?” he asked. “I told you nah I’m not crying! Please don’t enquire so much!” I replied rudely. I knew it hurt him, but what could I do? I can’t tell him about my past. He removed his hands from my cheeks and left the classroom. Again a drop of tear escaped through my eye, but now I didn’t know the reason of this tear. I quickly wiped it and asked Mahi to help me in the concepts, and she agreed. I sat with her for the next half an hour and cleared all my doubts. All this while my eyes were still searching for Kunj, but I tried to concentrate on Maths. Finally I cleared all my doubts and thanked her. She just passed a smile saying “Anytime”.

I left the classroom to search for Kunj, and found him in the canteen enjoying with Alisha, Raj, Ayush and Yuvraj. They were talking about their teachers, lectures, and making fun of them. I thought he would be upset with my behaviour some time back, but there was no trace of it. I preferred not to join them and concentrate on my studies. I started walking towards the class, when I was pulled back by Kunj, I landed on his chest, he lifted his hand and removed the loose strands of hair falling on my face. I closed my eyes feeling his touch. “Twinkle, I’m sorry” he said, “No Kunj, I’m sorry, I was being rude.” I replied feeling guilty. “Okay, leave it, I’m here to say that from today I’ll take your tuitions at home everyday. Is that fine with you? I’ll help you in all your subjects.” He said. I nodded my head saying “Thank you so much” he smiled and left. I entered the library after asking everyone the directions. I placed my books on the table and sat down reading the book. Some time later I returned back to the class and found everyone attending the lecture. Oh shit! I’m late! I quickly took permission and sat on the empty seat next to Kunj, I wondered where Alisha was?! “Where were you? I was searching for you!” Kunj asked anxiously. “Actually I was in library” I replied. Kunj just nodded his head and we started copying down the notes.


Thank you so much for all your comments! I’m happy that you all are liking the story, if not then please inform me, if you want me to add something. Your suggestions are always welcomed. So how was this one? I guess it was a bit boring, but still I would be eager to know your views.



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