Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

DIFFICULT TO HANDLE (SwaSan ts) Shot 1 by Marsuu

Hello guys!! Well I had decided that till I’m in India I will give more updates and when I will go to Canada then will give schedule that when I will post my stories so that you all need not to wait unnecessarily. I will see what will be my routine there then will inform for now enjoy more updates???
Here is a short Story may be two or three parts.
Let’s see who is difficult to handle.

Shot 1:

“Ohyeeeeeee stop” a girl shouted running after the luxurious car. The driver who wished to escape but seeing in the rear view mirror that girl is coming after stopped the car.
That girl came near the car. The back mirrors are black so it was not possible to know if anyone is sitting inside.
” open” she hitted at the mirror of driver seat.
A man wearing driver uniform came outside.
” are you blind??? ” she asked with rageful eyes.
” no girl” driver said as he is not knowing her name.
” its Swara Bose then why didn’t you used these button like eyes” she was shouting so loudly that the person may get deaf.
” sorry” driver said as mistake was his.
Actually swara was standing and eating pani puri at the road stall with her best friend kavita. Swara parked her scooty on road and that car mistakenly hit her scooty as driver loss the balance when dog came in front of the car.
” mam sorry it was all by mistake” driver said.
” ohh hello I don’t need your sorry keep with you but my scooty is hitted its your fault” swara was shouting she is not the girl who can speak slowly.
“let it be Swara its just minor scratch on the scooty” kavita was trying to calm swara but no effect.
” no way they have expensive car it doesn’t mean they will hit anything” swara again said loudly.

“Who the hell is this loud speaker” a man sitting at the back seat inside the car asked loudly.
” who is inside?” swara asked from driver.
” our boss” driver said little scared.
” swara let’s go” kavita know that who is having this much expensive car will not be normal man.
” come out if you have guts Mr India” swara shouted moving towards the car.
” plz leave it swara why you are creating drama” Kavita said.
” he started by saying me loud speaker how can I leave him” swara opened the back door and enter inside the car as the locks were open by driver.
There was handsome man in black suit sitting and using laptop.
” hey how you entered??” Man asked.
” from the door with me legs” swara scrunched her nose.
” what non sense” he was frustrated.
” Mister or Mrs what ever you are your driver has hit my scooty” she cross her hands at her chest.
” do you know who I’m???” Man asked.
” no are you prime minister of some country??” Swara chuckles.
” I’m sanskar maheshwari” he said thinking she will be shocked or scared but noo…
” then I’m swara Bose” she retorted back.
” just leave from here” Sanskar said angrily.
” nop your driver did mistake” swara said.
” ohh I got it” sanskar take out bundle of money and throw in swara’s lap.
” what the hell!!!!!” Swara shouted when Sanskar closed his eyes at the pitch.
” you want this only” Sanskar smirk.
” keep your money with you” she throw back the bundle on his face.
Sanskar has never faced such an insult, he is multi billionaire and most eligible bachelor in India no no all over the world.
” how dare you” sanskar’s eyes got heated up and he held her wrist tightly.
” leave my hand I’m not one of your sl*t” she jerked his hand and he was amused with her words. He was staring her intensely
” ohye I know I’m beautiful but don’t take out your eyes from sockets to see me” swara roll her eyes.
” swara come out”kavita called from outside as she was scared don’t know what stupidity her friend is doing.
” okay I will go now but next time if you hit anything then I will hit your head” swara warned him showing her finger.
“And yes I know you are the richest businessman sanskar maheshwari on whom girls droll and he uses them” swara further said carelessly.
” who told you I use girls?!” He asked with anger filled voice.
” all rich people are same” she said and left.
” she is big trouble” sanskar mumble getting back to his work.
But suddenly swara again came inside.
” now what??” Sanskar asked.
” you didn’t said sorry for that only I had came earlier also” swara said.
” I will not say so just get out” Sanskar shouted.
” nop first say sorry” she was hell stubborn to go.
” driver come and start the car let’s take her with me only” sanskar smirk.
” hawww you are very bad” swara pouted and ran out before driver start the car.
” pagal” Sanskar signed.

Swara start her scooty and kavita sit at the back.
” who was inside swara!?” Kavita asked.
” that sanskar maheshwari who always remain in head line” swara said casually.
” omg you know how much rich and powerful he is” kavita said.
” huh!! But it was their mistake and he can’t do anything” swara is not scared from him.
” I hope he don’t do something” kavita silently pray.
” let it be” swara said and they started talking casually.

Sanskar enter inside the huge mansion when a Lady came running to him.
” sanskar” she called
” yes mom” Sanskar smile as she is her ma ,sujata maheshwari.
” I want to know are you ready for the marriage?” she asked.
” yeah as you say” he was not interested in marriage and all.
” if you have any girl then tell or I will find” she said.
” you only find” he said and left to his room.
” now I should talk to pundit Ji” sujata thought and went.

Next day:
Swara enter inside the big office running as she is late.
” when is my interview??” She asked at the reception.
” wait for sometimes your name will be announced” lady said and swara went to waiting area biting her nails.
Later, when swara’s name was announced she went inside the huge well flourished cabin.
” good morning sir” she said to the man who is looking down.
” yeah morning” he said lifting his head and both got shocked.
He is sanskar maheshwari
” omg again you came” sanskar said.
Swara ran to the door and then open it. Sanskar signed when she read the name plate and again came inside.
” what are you doing here??” Swara asked confusedly.
” in which company you came to give interview” sanskar asked.
” Maheshwari industries” swara realized now.
” ohhh shit i came in your company” she hit her forehead which made Sanskar angry. People are dying to work in his company and she is regretting.
” so let me take your interview” sanskar tried to control himself.
” no I will not give” she said.
“Why???” Sanskar asked.
” bcoz I don’t like boss of this company arrogant , egoistic and kamina” swara said.
” you are abusing” Sanskar was shocked listening her words.
” huh!! Still I had not started abusing and if you think you will dominate me then no I’m not going to work here I will live at my home unemployed whole life” she went out of the room not even giving sanskar one chance to speak.
” this girl will pay for her deeds firstly i left her but now will show the consequences of messing with sanskar maheshwari” Sanskar said to himself and dial someone’s number.
” yeah get each and every information of swara Bose in one hour” he ordered on the phone and cut it.
” get ready to face hell miss swara Bose” he smirk

Sanskar Maheshwari: 28 years old richest businessman in the world. He has his companies in almost every country. He is smart arrogant and little egoistic. If someone mess with him he won’t leave that person.

Swara Bose: 24 years old she has completed her graduation and looking for job. She don’t like rich people much.
She always fight on small small things, short tempered girl.

Sujata and ram: sanskar’s parents they mostly live in USA as ram handle business there but now came to india so sanskar should get married and settle.

Shomi and Dida: swara’s family. They taught swara to be fearless. Love her a lot.

So what will sanskar do???
Tashan is coming ahead bcoz if Sanskar is dangerous then swara is also difficult to handle……
To be continued….

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Next part tomorrow.
Thank you.


Love Helly Shah Hellyholic SwaSanholic Riansh🥰 My wattpad I'd is mars_111

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