Fan Fiction


Hey friends…. Before we start I just wanted to ask you a question…… Are u guys enjoying it or should I stop it?……..

Any ways….. Lets go for the next episode


The episode starts with Zoya speaking to ishu.

Zoya: Don’t worry Ishita. U know I live here with my friends. They are too good. I’m sure you will like them……

Ishu: Thanks Zoya. But I am now tensed for my parents…. U know what in some months my sister is going to get married. If her in laws get to know about my marriage broken they will surely break the relationship with us….. What am I going to tell them?

Zoya: Just chill yaar…… Everything will be sorted out. Now all you need is a good sleep. We will go to see ur so called husband tomorrow…….

Ishu laughed at her antics. Soon they reached in a colony – Adarsh Nandan……

Zoya took her bag and both of them started to walk.

Zoya: U know ishu….. err…. I mean Ishita….

Ishu: It’s ok Zoya. U can call me ishu….. I will like it more than Ishita.

Zoya: Ok. That’s better…… Now what I was saying….. All the members of this house r crazy….. I mean including myself too …. But we all just love each other….. U will see…

Saying thus she opened the door with a spare key…..

” U r late Zoya”

Zoya: Oh god Raman, u really scared me. And I am not late……. It’s just that I came after 5 hours. But how come that you guys are home? I suppose you were not going to turn up until tomorrow…..

Abhi: But we came today…… Do you have any problem?

Zoya: Oh.. Not at all. I’m really happy… How was your journey?

Kunj: Be aware …. Ms. Zoya is sprinkling honey every where….. Too much honey causes bitterness. I think she needs something from you Abhi……

Zoya: Oh shut up Kunj…… I’m talking to my friend….

Abhi: Zoya before you could say something…. I’m not giving you my phone or my music CD’s….or my bike and I don’t have money…… Do you still want to talk to me?

Zoya: Yep….. And I want to talk to Raman also….

Raman holds her hand…… He was a bit worried now….

Raman: Zoya, have u done anything that you should not do?…….. Oh my god….. Have u beaten anyone again?……. This time I am not going to help you. U know last time we all almost landed in jail……..

Zoya: Allah miyan….. What’s wrong with you Raman? I have not done anything and still I need to talk to you…… Ishu please come in.

Ishu came in with her bag. Abhi and Kunj started to laugh……

Kunj: Now that is the main reason……. Zoya has found her new old friend…..

Ishu: Excuse me…..

Raman: He meant to say that you are forth girl whom Zoya has brought here and now she will introduce you as her old friend…… Right Zoya?

Zoya: Oh u r so intelligent Raman….

Abhi: Yes he is…. But she’s not going to stay here….. We are five people here and I don’t want anyone else…… I can’t get my space yaar….. I need privacy…… No means no….. She will not stay here

Zoya: U r no one to decide it….. Raman this flat is urs….. U tell…. She is going to stay here right?

Abhi: Hey he is my friend…… She will not stay….. Right Raman?

Zoya: Raman……

Abhi: Raman……

Zoya: Raman…..

Raman: Stop it yaar…… Zoya u know what happened last time right? Ur so called close friend had stolen our many things…..

Kunj: Yah…. She took my pencil too.

Abhi: Which was the most funny thing done by her…… She took things from you….

Zoya: But she is not like that…..

Raman: Listen Zoya….

Zoya: She is going to pay rent like all of us…..( she told this almost shouting).

Raman: Then I don’t have any problem…. She can stay here

Abhi: No…… I don’t want this.. Please Raman u can’t do this to me

Zoya: Now that’s enough Abhi….. She is going to stay here

Both of them started quarrelling. Raman and Kunj looked at each other helplessly. All the while ishu was standing in a corner. Suddenly the door opened….

” hey guys I am back…… ” she was khushi.

Khushi: What is happening here exactly? And who are you?( she was pointing at ishu).

Ishu: I….. Um…. I am….

Abhi: She is no one khushi and she is leaving NOW.

Zoya looked angrily at him. Before one could say something she took ishu’s bag and went to keep it inside….. Then she came back. She held ishu by arm and went inside with her.

Abhi shouted:ZOYA….

And every one heard the door banged loud. Khushi closed her ears with shock.

Khushi: What is happening here Raman?

Raman: World war three……

They all went to sleep……. Every thing was fine for time being……. But for how much time?

PRECAP: Abhi brings someone in the house…. All are shocked……

So how is it? I’m posting it little bit early because I have some work in evening….. Hope u don’t mind….
And the most important…


Status Update

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