Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 10th January 2025 Written Episode Update: Chirag’s birthday

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 10th January 2025 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The episode starts with Chirag asking Janvi about Deepika’s address. Janvi tells Chirag that Deepika stays in Ramnagar. Chirag left to meet Deepika because he will not allow her to stay in Mittal house. Mishka comes to take the dna report but she didn’t find it and she gets more angry on Chandni and Ragini.
Lavanya meets Deepika and she asks her to go with her. Deepika tells Lavanya that Chirag is very happy with his wife Mishka and the children. Lavanya tries to clear the misunderstanding but Chirag tells Deepika that she is right. Lavanya tells Chirag that she is talking to Deepika but Chirag asks Deepika to stay away from him. Deepika tells Chirag that he is in her Ally. Deepika takes the blessings of Lavanya and leaves.
Chirag comes back home and Lavanya asks him who

told him that she went to meet Deepika. Chirag tells Lavanya that she has changed and she never sees him. Chirag asks Lavanya why she ignores him. Omkar tells Chirag that now he is an older Chirag now and why he is not ready to accept that he loves Deepika. Omkar tells Chirag to end his ego and bring back Deepika. Chirag gets angry and he will not bring back Deepika because she is a liar. Lavanya tells Chirag that he is a liar and now she and Omkar will bring back their Bahu. Chirag tells his parents that they are making the wrong decision.

Lavanya tells Chirag that they will bring her Bahu back to this house. Chirag tells Lavanya that he will leave the house with his daughter if Deepika comes here. Lavanya tells Chirag that he always tries to snatch her happiness. Ragini comes back from the school and the topic gets changed. Ragini tells Chirag that she has tiffin with SM.
Lavanya tells Omkar that we must call a birthday party for Chirag to fix the issue.
Chirag tells Mishka that Lavanya went to bring Deepika back home but Deepika refuses to come because she thinks they are married and they have children. Mishka tells Chirag that he has done the right thing and can she marry him. Ragini tells Chirag that they are arranging a birthday party for him. Chirag tells Ragini that he will make the guests lists because he doesn’t want unwanted guests. Mishka tells Lavanya that she will bring the cake. Lavanya tells Mishka that to bring the cake she will have to go back. Ragini tells Chirag that the guest will wear the mask. Ragini expresses her love to Lavanya and Chirag. Lavanya tells Chirag that he can arrange the guest list but he will have to allow Chandni to come. Chirag gets ready to call Chandni.
Lavanya tells Omkar that Chirag is ready for the birthday party.

Chirag gives the responsibility to stop Deepika entering the house at his birthday party but Lavanya is determined that they will expose the truth and bring back Deepika with Chandni.
Lavanya comes to invite Deepika but Deepika tells them she will not come and Chandni can go. Lavanya requests Deepika to make a special cake. Chandni and Ragini request Deepika to make the cake. Lavanya leaves Ragini with Deepika. The cake is ready and Deepika is having fun with both the daughters. Ragini discusses a birthday party with Chandni. Deepika gets a call and she gets a contract to do an event. Lavanya tells Manish to call Deepika. Omkar tells Lavanya that he is a little bit scared but Lavanya hopes to get back her Bahu.
The party is on and Chandni comes to the birthday party. Chandni is surprised to see the party and Chandni meets Chirag. Chandni and Ragini hug Chirag on his birthday.
Precap- Chirag and Deepika have a big argument.

Update Credit to: MA

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