everyone celebrate their first victory by convincing sarpanch.. later at night they played antakshiri and crossed a river in mid between a village.. they all looking for adventures…
suddenly bhavna said guys we should move back now. because i don’t think so the place is safe for fun..
rax also think same but sayiam said common masi dnt be silly.. it’s time to celebrate more.
have fun!!
let’s go to jungle..
krishna.. common sayiam, don’t u get aunty’s point as now it’s mid night and tomorrow will be a day of huge responsibility so it’s better to move back..
saiyam.. ok krishna it’s your wish to go back but I don’t think the same because i like to go to jungle for fun..
but nobody wants as sayiam alone goes to jungle.. so all were together to gave company..
Rax…sayiam, but what’s the matter..i mean what kind of fun you r looking for??? it’s looking like a dangerous place dude..
bhavna… shout loudly by stopping sayiam to don’t let us alone..
sayiam walked fastly…suddenly everybody stopped..
they were looking for krishna but nobody was there.. everybody shout by saying her name..
sayiam said where is she..??
masi maa i guess she was with you!?
bhavna said i didn’t noticed because i was looking at you that time because i tried to stop you to not go so far..
suddenly they heard some voices.. it seems like a wolf voices… they all scared…
they tried to found krishna every where..
suddenly Rags saw some reflection of light and she called bhavna and sayiam to come and follow that light..
soon they reached at that place and shocked to see krishna there..
some goons were holding her arm and she was shouting for help…
it was drug mafia who sacred everybody by making myths of ghost and wolf for many year..
sayiam and other member trapped by them completely..
precap.. Rags hold a stick and passed to sayiam but somebody injured sayiam…
Ohhh so well written…The way you are highlighting the village prblms
amazing boy?
Nice…. Waiting for the next part… I hope they will be ok…
Thnx zani and shaani..thnx u so much dear