Fan Fiction

Dil se bandhi ekk dorr by Vrushy and Hales (Chapter 1)

Hello Everyone.
Chapter 1
The little angel.

Laughter like bells chiming woke Naira from her sleep. She smiled softly still keeping her eyes closed. The bed started bouncing up and down. Still she kept her eyes closed, hiding her smile. Then she was tickled by small soft hands and she finally relented. This was a routine for them. Everyday she woke up like this. She placed her arms around the warm soft body of cuteness and hugged it to her. Again the chiming laughter rang out.

“Mumma wakeup !!” the little angel said.

Naira lifted the almost weightless cuteness up and then nuzzled at her neck making her most favourite sound chime out again.

“Mumma I am hungry.” the little one said.

“Ok ok i am getting up.” Naira cooed into her neck.

Naira looked at her world, her life jumping up and down again on the bed and smiled affectionately. The cute little 4 and half years old.

Oops !! Not 4 and half. If the little terror heard that, she will become furious and will stubbornly say that she is almost five years old showing up all five fingers of her right hand.

Naira got up as the blabbering baby voice went on and on.

Kaira was talking non stop about how her day was going to be. Yes, Naira had named her daughter kaira as no matter how bad her past was, the name always brought a smile on her face.

Her daughter got that non stop talking habit from Naira. Though most of her words were not correctly pronounced or were not clear.

Naira took her little angel in her arms and carried her to the kitchen after washing both their faces and brushing. In the kitchen they had a routine. Both of them will make break fast together.

Naira was taking out utensils and the ingredients to make breakfast while kaira was sitting on the slab n watching. The maid offered her that she will make the breakfast ,but naira refused saying, “My princess likes to eat her favourite dish made by her mumma only !!”.

Listening to this kaira exclaimed with joy,
“wow mumma !! My fav dish !! That means kachori ?!!”

Naira paused for a second as she got some flashes when she heard the same tone of saying kachori. Memories are hard to let go off, she thought.

Naira wards of those thoughts n says “Yes,kaira your favourite kachoris”

Naira made kachoris while Kaira sitting on the kitchen counter drew smily faces on them using ketchup. The smily faces were wobbly and distorted but still cute.

Naira had her own dance academy where several instructors worked under her and conducted different batches of various dance forms. Being an independent woman since the starting she had left Singhania sadan when kaira was born. As she didnt want her family to bear the taunts and sympathy glares of the society. She had rented a small flat and started doing a job as a waitress.

Soon she had earned money to start up her academy and thus now she owned a lavish penthouse as well as her dance academy.She was wealthy today, and all because of her hardwork and ambitions.

That day Naira had taken leave to take Kaira to the hospital. Kaira was a pre-mature baby,and had to be kept in incubator for few days after birth and then kept in hospital for two weeks. She was always falling sick much to Naira’s distress.

Kaira caught pneumonia and infection soon after she was born and it was an intense month with treatment and recovery. Then it was found that her heart was not fully formed so disgnosis after diagnosis were done. Finally the doctor concluded that it was the after effect of being born pre maturely and they assured that it will become okay with time. But then it didn’t become okay with time.

Naira had been visiting each and every doctor in India to cure her daughter. But all of them had given up. She was angry as no medical science was able to find a cure for her daughters disease.

The only sunlight she got on these dark days was because of her bhai, Naksh who being a doctor himself had found out a doctor in London who was ready to do the surgery. The doctor Naksh had found was very well know and also he had done many such successful surgeries. Naira and kaira were supossed to leave for london after 20 days. But before that she needed to meet her doctor in Udaipur for the last time to make sure that kaira was fit to travel.

Naira had already lost one of the most important person in her life four years ago. She wasn’t strong enough to loose kaira now. She had her fingers crossed and hope for everything to get better soon.

Precap : Where is Karthik ?!!

So this is the surprise I was talking about. Its a new FF. Its a collab work of mine and Hales. Both of us had this similar plot and story in our minds and thus we have come together to write this.

We hope that you like this story and shower your love and appreciation on us as you have been doing on our individual FF’s as well. Do tell us what do you think about it.

Also in this FF Naksh is a doctor by profession.

Do comment. Keep smiling and keep watching Yrkkh !!


Your wish is my command.

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