Let’s begin…
Sanskar:soniyaaa meri jaan. Agar tum nahi hoti tho mera kya hota
(if you were not there what would have happened to me)
Soniya:aww baby
Sanskar:where is your friends?
Soniya:baby you came for me right
Sanskar:yes baby
Behind a girl was pissed with their talks and she is none other than Ragini
Ragini turns to her friend nimisha
Nimisha:let it be yaar
Ragini:excuse me both
She said loudly
Both turns
For a moment sanskar was lost in her
But soon composes
Ragini rudely :if you give us way, it would be our pleasure to get down the train
Soniya immediately gets down the train as she got scared from her
Sanskar now stood in the middle :oh gosh.. Soniya don’t know why i am feeling so blessed to stand here.
Ragini grits her teeth angrily. She took her bags and moves back to another door
Sanskar smiles mischievously
Ragini was about get down when sanskar stood there cross..
Ragini:damn…what’s your problem?
Sanskar:you can say this sweetly too.
Ragini picks her bag this time not to move but hits him
He falls on the platform
Ragini getting down the train gives a disgusting looks to sanskar:you need more sweetness
Sanskar stood brushing his hands
While she goes followed by nimisha
Soniya:baby.. Are you fine?
Sanskar:who is she?
Soniya:i don’t know much about her, but she is also coming for the trekking
Sanskar smiles widely:ohhh then it would be more fun
Akhil the chief of trekking:guys.. Come on pick up the bus fast we need to leave
Sanskar and soniya gets in the bus when a guy:hey soniya…
Soniya:jai baby..
She gets busy talking with him
Sanskar’s eyes searches for Ragini
He sees she is sitting in the window seat at the last and the girl with her was talking with someone
He immediately went there amd taking the chance of nimisha being talking with someone away from the seat.
He immediately sat there
She sees sanskar
Ragini:what are you doing in our seat?
Sanskar:sorry there wasn’t name written in the seat
Nimisha comes:we were sitting here before.
Sanskar:now i am sitting so what?
Ragini gets up and was about to go but sanskar doesn’t give her the way
Sanskar:madam look there, (she looks as every seats were conquered)
Nimisha:where will i sit!?
Ragini:nimisha you will sit here!
Sanskar:nimisha, you will sit beside me?
Ragini:don’t take her name!
Sanskar:tell me yours i will take your name then!
A friend of nimisha calls her to sit beside her
Sanskar:nimu… Tussi jaa rahe ho?
Nimisha ignoring him:Ra…
Sanskar was looking at her
Nimisha:you sit here.. I will adjust there. Just a 15 mins journey!
Ragini nods and sits and nimisha moves from there
Sanskar sees Ragini looking outside the window
Sanskar:instead of seeing out if you had seen me, may be you fall in love with me!
Ragini:SHUT UP!
Sanskar shruggs his shoulders
After a minute
He places his head on her shoulders
She immediately pushes him
Ragini:be in your limits!
Sanskar was acting to be in sleep
Ragini huffs and sits
And later they reach the destination
Sanskar immediately went from there
Ragini murmurs:my goodness!
Later all were standing
When akhil:this time the trekking would be something different, We would be giving the numbers to you. And will tell you why it is given!
Everyone gets the numbers
Akhil:now search your partners with same numbers! You along with your partners will be trekking along with..
Nimisha:don’t worry Ragini, i will exchange my numbers with the person whom you will get!
Sanskar sees Ragini’s number is 8 and his 4
Sanskar:why it is not 4+4
He sees soniya who is having 8.he smiles widely
Sanskar:baby,let me just see you!
Soniya:what happened baby?
He cups her face:you are looking so pale!
Soniya:is it baby
She frees herself and immediately takes her bag and searches for foundation
Taking this as a chance he immediately changes his number with her
Soniya seeing it:baby what are you doing?
Sanskar:that train girl got the same number as you baby. I thought you would not be able to tolerate her so i thought to exchange with yours
Soniya:aww.. You are so caring!
Sanskar:you would get jai as your partner baby. I would surely miss you
Soniya:it’s ok baby, we would be here only na!
Soniya immediately goes to jai
Everyone were teamed
Nimisha talks to akhil about changing their numbers
Akhil:you talk to your partners and sought it out.
Ragini and nimisha talks with nimisha’s partner. Who happens to be a guy
Guy:no problem
Ragini turns and sanskar was standing in front of her
Ragini gets frustrated seeing him
He shows her the number
Ragini:oh god!
Nimisha sees it:please exchange your number with mine!
Sanskar:if i exchange what will i get?
Nimisha :what you want?
Sanskar smiles:kunal!
Both looks at him confused
A guy comes he is kunal and nimisha’s partner
Sanskar:kunal i don’t want to change my partner as i and you were since..
Kunal continues:since together from childhood and yes if that partner is you then definitely i won’t change
Both the girls looks shocked
Sanskar:oh ho nimu..
Nimi gritts her teeth:nimisha!
Ragini:it’s ok nimisha
She closes her eyes signing her something.
Nimisha nods and goes with kunal
Everyone are standing with the respective partners
Sanskar:don’t you think we should know each other
Ragini smiles sarcastically :shut up
She angrily glares him
Sanskar forwards his hand:by the way i am sanskar
She looks other side
Sanskar:sunn kaantha
Ragini crosses her eyes but acts ignoring
Sanskar :kaanta tu jab gussa hoti ho na ek dum……
She turns and he was soo close to her
She immediately pushes him
Sanskar:uff yeh dakka! Kaantha tum..
Ragini looks at him weirdly
Sanskar:i thought to name you
Ragini herself:oh god why did i came here, if this guy wasn’t….
Sanskar coming close to her ears:who knows later we proved to be…
Ragini again pushes him through her bag:shut up
Sanskar:uff yeh shut up.
Ragini:be in your limits
Akhil:guys now you must have met your partners and now you all may go and take rest with your respective friends!
After sometime
Ragini comes freshened :nimisha, i want to go back.
Voice:why? Am i not handsome that you are not liking to go trekking with me?
Ragini immediately turns:you!
Sanskar :yes me!
Ragini:what are you doing here?
Sanskar:i was looking for kantha but i got a loser
Ragini angrily:i am not loser
Sanskar:you are kaantha you are!
Ragini:you think i am loser because i can’t go trekking with you
Sanskar Smilingly nods: you are feared that you may fall for my charm
Ragini:charm my foot!
He was smiling looking at her and she is feeling irritated it continued for some minutes
Ragini:look, i will prove you i am not loser but you just wait and watch
She smacks her fingers in front of him
Sanskar smiles:i am waiting and watching kaantha
She glares him while he winks at her
Next day
Ragini and nimisha comes out of their tent when they witness a crowd of people
Both look at each other and then moves there
Where soniya feared:i am saying the truth
Akhil:why only seen it and night no one have witnessed and you didnt shout too
Soniya:that’s because i fell unconscious then and there
Nimisha to kunal:what happened?
Kunal:soniya witnessed ghost
Ragini:ghost?! In which generation….
“bhoo..” sanskar shouts on her ears
Ragini being irritated pushes him though her bag
Ragini angrily:don’t you have some common sense…….. At least?!
Sanskar:uff kaantha
Ragini held her head
Akhil:leaving all this matter aside, now we have to move for what we are here!
All gathers except soniya and her partner jai
Akhil:so the first round of the trekking is earn your meal!
All looks confused
Sanskar to Ragini:interesting hai na!
Ragini closes her eyes in frustration.
Akhil points to the top of the hill:it is our target. So to reach there we have to start our journey today and your meals are fresh fruits which you will only get after trek for after 3 km from here. And who will reach first they would get their lunch without doing anything.
All are shocked
Akhil:come on quick
All starts to climb the hill with their respective partners
Ragini starts to move
When sanskar held her hand
She immediately pulls her hand from him
Ragini angrily:don’t you dare to touch me!
Sanskar:arey i thought i was your partner
Ragini:if you again touch me then i will break your hands, this is the final warning i am giving you be…
Sanskar continues :in your limits. Ok now lets move.
They moves
Sanskar fearing:hey kaantha. Do you think here there is ghost roaming around?
Ragini tapered her eyes at him:so you are scared of ghost?
Sanskar covering his fear:no.. I just asked does ghost exist?
Ragini:but i feel you are scared.
Sanskar laughs
Ragini moves front nodding her head in disbelief
Sanskar:do you know who i am?
Ragini:if you belong to tantrik’s family too.. So what?
Sanskar:what? Tantrik? Ok ok leave it. Did you heard the name of the famous scientist Prof. Dhoomaketu
Ragini irritated with his talks :no why?
His smile vanishes:nothing!
Ragini shrugs her shoulders and moves
Sanskar:arey i was going to say i am his assistant
Ragini stops and turns and smiles sarcastically :then its his bad luck and am sure you would have burned his lab(she said casually)
Sanskar remembers the incident:how do you know?
She again turns and smiles:that means my guess was right?
Sanskar understanding her:no i was…
He was embarrassed
Ragini burst into a bitter laughter:look… Hahaha… Look at your face… Haha
He was lost in her laughter
Here nimisha and kunal were passing by when someone kidnaps both kunal and nimisha!
To be continued…..
So how was this?
Superb funny
Amazinggggggggggg sanskar is very funny guy??
Awesome enjoyed today’s update.
Very funny ?????
Cover picture was awwwwwww

Awesome chhooooo cute sanskar.
Awesome di…
Superb dear
Amazing sisssy. Y are you not posting regularly. Missing your stories. Please update Regularly.
Awesome dr.
Amazing dear