Fan Fiction



Life is like an Ocean….It can be calm or still, & rough or rigid, but in the end, it’s always Beautiful….& Love is like water….It always finds a way to heart, healing the wounds and filling the gaps. Sooner or later, all the colours of different personalities get mixed in water, just like all the colours get mixed in water…..

First of all, a biiiiiiiig waala thanks & jaadu ki jhappi to Swetha, Kanchi fan(sorry I don’t know your name), Shabnam, Niyaa, Dhruti, Ishi, Vrushti, Anu, Sanyu, Anee, Maha, Sanu, Divya, Dhruvi, Sanjana, Sanveer, Neha, Amnaa, Priyanshi, Ziya, Sayali, Riru, Mitali, Bibechna, Niyati…. for commenting on my previous OS….So, since Niyaa, Dhruti, Vrushti, Anu, Sanyu, Dhruvi, Priyanshi, Bibechna gave me order;P…to write an OS on Kanchi as my punishment;)..hehe… here I’m….back with another OS….I just hope that you all will like this plot….Enough of my chattering….So, let’s get started….

Kabir & Sanchi are happily married to each other for 2yrs….But as per saying, nothing in this world is permanent, nothing lasts forever……& this was true…. a storm came into their life & took away everything with it, their love, their happiness & most importantly, the Trust, which was the base of their relationship…..Sanchi’s true identity was revealed…& all thanks to Anand Malhotra who made the situation even worse…he had been looking for a chance all this while to get Sanchi out of SDCH & out of kabir’s life….He made Kabir believe that Sunil Mishra did illegal work in the hospital, while he was trying to stop him…..Inorder to save himself from defamation, Sunil did suicide & from that time Jaya & Sanchi are after Anand inorder to take revenge….

Sanchi tried to explain Kabir, but all her attempts went in vain…..”Just leave!!!!”, said Kabir in a loud tone…..(Sanchi was shocked…..even Kusum tried to stop Kabir, but all in vain)…..”Didn’t you hear….I said, just leave my house right now”…..Sanchi leaves Kapoor Mansion sobbing….Kabir went back to his room….He broke everything around him….His knees gave up & he fell on the floor…crying…he felt as if a shard of glass had got into him & it was hurting him, every passing second…

Kabir: Why did you do this to me? Is this the result of loving you? Why did you break my heart, my trust? I didn’t believe in love but then you entered my life and cultivated the trust in my heart….for you….for love…..You were selfish…all you cared about was your revenge….you did not care about me and my feelings…you played with my feelings….it was all a game for you, you were different or so I thought. No!!! I was wrong…I had never been so wrong in my life….you pretended to love me, care for me but it was all fake…to once I loved you, now I wish to hate you…Alas! I can’t even hate you Sanchi….he leaned on the wall and something pricked into his hand, blood oozing out of his hand but he didn’t care…. “It’s nothing compared to the pain you gave me”…said Kabir…

Time skip…
Suddenly, there was a sound of the door opening…Kabir turned back to find Kusum…she was looking all around the room in horror…then he noticed, his room was messed up….
Kabir: Look maa, what Sanchi has made me….& this room clearly depicts how messed up my life has turned out into right now…& he hugs Kusum….Kusum consoles Kabir….she made him sit with his head on her lap & Kusum caressing his hair….

Kusum: Kabir, do you trust me???…”of course maa…what kind of question was that”,said Kabir….
Kusum: Then for my sake, plz try to find out the truth yourself for once…

Kabir: But maa, why would Anand Sir lie to us??? What profit he’ll get by insulting & defaming Sanchi??? & Sanchi…you know naa how much I loved her…If she was not at fault, she could have revealed about herself, her secret atleast in front of me..2 long yrs…its not a short span of time….But she didn’t do anything….After all this, how can I still believe her???
Kusum: But Kabir, my heart is not ready to accept the fact that Sanchi could do anything wrong…..So, for my sake, plz Kabir…try to find all the truth behind this….

Kabir: Ok maa….I’ll do as you say….But it’s just for you….ok….Kusum nodded happily…
So the next day, Kabir called for Ishgya to find out the entire truth….They revealed all the things to Kabir, right from Sanchi getting selected as intern in SDCH….Anand knowingly removing her name from intern list….Sunil’s murder mystery…& all….Initially Kabir didn’t believe, but on investigating everything, he found out that the real culprit was none other than Anand…..

He made plans inorder to expose Anand with the help of Ishgya & Veer & finally succeeded in sending Anand to jail…..yippee!!!!!!….they gave a hi-five to each other….(guys, since it’s an os so, can’t write this elaborately….sorry for that…)…..Now Kabir rushed to Sanchi….off course, apne roothi hui biwi ko manana bhi toh hai naa;)….& after a lot of efforts, finally Kanchi were together, Once Again…:)

Next day
Sanchi: Kabir…(her voice snapped him out of his thoughts) We need to untie the knots in our relations. It is impossible to move on until we make peace with our past. I don’t know why but you are behaving weirdly these days. You have been shutting me out. Please tell me, what is it? she took his hands in hers and looked into his eyes
Kabir: I know Sanchi, I’ve been shutting you out from past few days…It’s just….I…..can’t…..(he paused for a moment)…I want us to move ahead, but my guilt, it holds me back….

Sanchi(cups his face): Kabir, those things are past….We all make mistakes, even I did mistake, I should have revealed my identity to you before, agar bata deti toh baat itna zyaada nahi badhta…
Kabir: But Sanchi, my mistakes are unforgivable…

Sanchi: When I can forgive you, then why can’t you??Sins are not forgivable but mistakes are & you didn’t commit any sin….& now it’s enough….You stop your sorry waala drama or else…..
Kabir: Or else what Mrs.Sanchi Kabir Kapoor???(Kabir smiling naughtily)….
Sanchi: Nothing……& immediately hugged Kabir….& Kabir reciprocated & he engulfed her in a bone crushing hug & kissed her hairs lovingly….. (This moment was eternity…)…
Sanchi’s love for Kabir was like river, calm and quiet. His live for her was like an ocean. There were strong waves of emotions. That may create differences but that’s what it’s all about, learning to face it together…..She was calm but he was fierce and tough. She was thoughtful and cautious, he was impulsive….. They were opposites yet madly in love…..


So guys….how was it??? I hope that you would have liked this….fingers crossed…plz plz plz share ur views regarding this through your comments, & yes, feel free to point out the mistakes even.
With lots of Love,


I follow my heart & intuition, accept the good that's flowing into my life & enjoy the present moment. Big fan of VIKRAM SAKHALKAR ? Instagram id- @vikramsakhalkarobsessed

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