Fan Fiction


Hlo frnds.. Samys here.. We are happy to hear that you are enjoying our ff.. and you are waiting for new episodes.. So thank you so much…..
So lets start our 3rd episode..
At last Sanky came to the house.. All were happy to see him.. And one week passed…So after a week , a beautiful mrng….
The episode starts. The Bhalla mansion is shown. A room is shown. It was Ishra’s room. Ishita were coming out of the washroom. Her hairs were wet. She was looking beautiful. She saw Raman sleeping and thought to wake him up. She sat near him and leaned towards him. Her wet hairs brushed his face. She was going to stood up , but he holds her by her waist and pulled her towards him. Ishita fall over him. Thehave an eyelock. Both were oost in their world. Raman moved his face towards her. Ishita too ( as I said, they both are lost in their world..) They are very close. They can feel each others breath.. Their lips were becoming closer..
Suddenly Ruhi came.
Ruhi : ( running ) Mumma… Mumma…
Ishita and Raman came out to their senses. They jumped from the bed. Both were feeling awkward..
Ishita : ( to ruhi ) What happened Ruhi..??
Ruhi : ( Thinking something.. ) Nothing Mumma.. I am going to Chachi..
She ran out of the room. Ishita wad confused what happened to Ruhi..
Ishita : See Raman, Nowadays she only needs her Chachi.. Not her mumma.. (smiling)
Raman : ( came to Ishita and hug her from behind. He placed her chin on her shoulder. Then to Ishita….) Its good.. So that I can spend more tym with my beautiful wife…
Ishita blushed. Suddenly she thought something and asked to Raman …
Ishita : You said yesterday that you have an imprtnt meeting today , ri8!!
Raman : ( Thinking ) Haan.. I just forgot. Thanj you my dear wife. ( and he kissed on her cheek, then went to get ready)
At Raglak’s room .. Rags were making Ruhi ready. Laksh was coming out of the washroom. After getting ready Ruhi gave a small pek on Rag’s cheek and went out of the room. Ragini smiled. Suddenly another kiss placed on her another cheek. It was Laksh. Ragini blushed. She was ready to go down but Laksh hold her. He hugged her and gave a small pek on her her forehead. He mived his face towards to give her a pek on her lips. But suddenly,
Raman : Lucky…. Lucky.. Come fast. We have an imprtnt meeting today. Did you forget that..
Laksh moved back hearing Raman’s voice. Then went to get ready. Ragini smiled. She was going out of the room. Suddenly Lucky came and gave a small pek on her lips and went down. She felt awkward. Behind Laksh she also went down. Everyone had their breakfast. When they are leaving, Raman suddenly thought something and turned to Sanky.
Raman : Sanskar , Laksh.. come lets leave..
Sanky nd Laksh : OK , bhaiyya..

They left for office. Ishita and Khushi also left.
Khushi was on the way to her college. Suddenly she got a call. She picked up the call and was talking. She didn’t noticed a car which was coming. She unknowingly bumped into the car. Driver stopped the car. Khushi was shocked. A man stepped out from the car. He came towards Khishi and started to scold her as it was her mistake. She was lost in her own world as the man was so handsome and hot. She did not heard what he said. He left after scolding her. She was still lost in him.
At Bhalla Industries, Raman was working in his cabin. He suddenly remembered something and called Laksh. Laksh came to his cabin.
Raman : Everything is ready ,right??
Laksh : Yes bhaiyya.
Raman : We have to start our meeting soon. Does Mr.Raizada came??
Suddenly Sanskar came to there.
Sanskar : Bhaiyya, Mr.Raizada is here.
Raman : OK. Then we can start our meeting.
Mr.Raizada was the same man whom Khushi met on the way to her college. After 2 hours the meeting was over. Raman was really impressed in Mr.Raizada as he is so young and by this age he achieved many by his hardwork.
Raman : So Mr.Raizada, I want to invite you personally to house for a party.
Mr.Raizada : Ya sure. Bt it is personal, ri8? Call me Arnav . And haan, you are elder to me.
Yup guys it was our Arnav. Arnav Singh Raizada…
Raman : OK. So Arnav, I want to invite you to my home. You have to come with ur family.
Arnav : OK. I will. Bt you didnt tell me the occasion!!
Laksh : Arnav, tomorrow is bhaiyyas marriage anniversary.
Sanskar : Haan. And you must come with ur family.
Arnav : Ya sure. OK , then we can meet tomorrow.. Bye..
The bhallas : OK. Bye ..
Precap :
Anniversary party. Arshi moments.

So how was the episode guys. I didn’t have any idea about Arnav’s entry. So sorry guys for an average entry??? Plzz share ur views guys..


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