Fan Fiction

Dill Mill Gaye RagLak Part 5

Ragini was sitting on the terrace and looking at moon recalling today’s day. Though she wanted to tell her mom about today’s incident she couldn’t. Her Maa, Nani were her life and today because of her she didn’t wanted to make them sad.
“Planning to tear the moon with eyes?” someone said from behind breaking Ragini’s trance. Ragini recognised the voice but didn’t turn and continued to look up. The person came and sat beside her.
Ragini: Have you come here to make fun of me?
Person (chuckling): Why will I? You yourself have made fun of yourself.
Ragini: Arjun please, you go from here. I don’t want to talk.
Arjun: I know, don’t worry I’ll go. Just had come to tell you don’t get late at least tomorrow. Be on time.
Ragini looked at him and smiled faintly.
Ragini: if you care for me so much then why do you avoid talking to me Arjun? We were best buddies na?
Arjun: That’s what Ragini, we were friends but not now. And I don’t want to discuss anything about it now. Anyways I hope you don’t want tomorrow’s day also to turn as worst as today. So be ready fast and be neat and clean.
Janki who had just come to call Ragini for dinner was stunned by this revelation. She knew something was wrong but she brushed of thinking Ragini was tired. She controlled herself not to breakdown infront of Ragini.
“Ragini” she said moving towards Ragini. Ragini and Arjun were shocked looking at her there. Ragini thought that Janki heard everything, she bowed her head.
Janki: Are you planning to sleep here on the terrace today? Come let’s have dinner.
Ragini had her head bowed instantly looked up when Janki’s words registered in her mind. She sighed and nodded her head smiling and started walking from there. Janki looked at her and became sad, her Ragu’s first day was not good and still she kept quiet in order not to trouble them. She turned towards Arjun and smiled at him. As much as she was sad she was also happy because after 3 years Arjun had talked to Ragini caring about her.
Janki: you also go beta. Sakshi must be waiting for you. Good night. (Saying she left followed by Arjun.)

Ragini shouted from the dining table: Mom fast. I am getting late.
Janki from kitchen: Yes Ragu coming. Just packing your lunch beta.
“Then pack extra aunty” someone said standing at the entrance. Ragini turned and saw Siya there. Siya came in and sat beside Ragini.
Siya: So Rags, ready? Shall we leave?
Ragini: Yes. But why are you here?
Siya: what do you mean? Can’t I?
Ragini: No Si…
Siya: Leave all that and come fast we will get late. (Saying Siya dragged Ragini out taking lunch which janki had just packed).

Ragini: So why you came to my house this morning? (he asked after entering into the hospital)
Siya: Simple Ragu, I didn’t want to see you in trouble anymore so I thought of joining you today. And that Taklu Maheshwari is so dangerous that…
Ragini dragged Siya to the corner and said slowly.
Ragini: Are you mad? You are calling Dr Maheshwari as Taklu Maheshwari? Do you really don’t want to see me in trouble or are you planning of putting me in trouble? If anyone hears this na then instead of one day he will throw us out forever idiot, so just keep your volume low.
Siya bitted her tongue and said sorry. Ragini nodded her head and Siya dragged her towards the meeting room.

Ragini: Ha ha…I can walk. Leave my hand now
Siya left her hand after coming in and looked at front and saw that Arjun sitting inside)
Siya: Ye Khajur yahan kyaa kar raha hai? (What is he doing here?)
Ragini (Chuckling): Were you sitting blindly yesterday here? He is also one of the intern here.
Siya: What? (She screeched so loudly that everyone in the room looked at them. She mouthed sorry and turned to Ragini again) what? (This time slowly)
Ragini: Yes.
Just then one girl entered and sat beside Arjun.
Siya: Now who is this new girl?
Ragini: How will I know? I wasn’t there yesterday but you were there right? So you should know who she is.
Siya just pouted and looked at them. Arjun and that girl were talking and laughing.
Sanskaar: Kittu, where is Laksh? We can’t delay much in training these interns.
Kritika: Dr. Sanskaar it’s Dr Kritika. (She said glaring at him.)
Karan who was looking at them sitting beside just nodded his head disbelievingly.
Kritika: Here he is. Dr Laksh Maheshwari.
Hearing his name Ragini heart beat fastened and she closed her eyes. He was here. The person she always admired was atlast here. She had only seen him in magazines and on tv, but today she is going to see him in real. He was always his motivation. The way he cured so many people made her admire him. He was his motivation. Her dream was to become a doctor and join Sanjeevani hospital only for him. She opened her eyes when she heard his voice.
Lakshya: Good morning interns. Sorry for inconvenience. I had an emergency. So I am Dr Laksh Maheshwari and you all must have introduced yourself yesterday. So we will start with some rules and regulations… (muted).
One side Ragini was looking at him lost and on the other side Swara was also looking intently at him. He was looking damn handsome in purple shirt and black pant with two buttons left from top and sleeves up. Lakshya saw her and noticed she was dreaming. He went towards her and saw her I card.
Lakshya: Miss Swara Gadodia.
No response
Lakshya (A bit loudly): Miss Swara Gadodia
Swara looked him with wide eyes and stood up from her seat.
Swara (Fumbling): Sir…aa..aa
Lakshya: Miss Swara Gadodia, I don’t like dreamers. If you dream in OT then the patient will die and you will keep on dreaming. Do you get it?
Swara (Bowed her head): Yes Sir.
Riya and Tiya were shocked looking at Swara. She had never bowed her head in front of anyone. Even her mom and dad, and she bowed here she is bowing her head in front of a doctor who she has just met. Looking at this Ragini immediately looked straight and controlled her mind. Her impression had already lowered in front of DP she didn’t wanted that in the case of Lakshya.
Kritika: So we will allot 2 interns with one doctor. So I’ll be taking the names and under whom you will be working…Dr. Riya and Dr. Tiya you will be assisting Dr Sanskaar, Dr Siya and Dr Sanjana (The girl who was talking with Arjun) will be assisting Dr Karan, Dr Arjun and Dr Swara will be assisting Dr Lakshya and Dr Ragini and Dr Parth will be assisting me

So guys how is the chapter? I hope it is not boring and now Lakshya has entered the scene and Raglak story will start hehe. Hope you like his entry and do share your precious comments.


smile as if there is no tomorrow

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