” Rudra, are you sure this itself is the sugar?” Asked a confused anika. “”Bhabi, use logic like me . Sugar looks like small shiny Crystal’s , and see this, look carefully in the spoon bhabi; these are sugar itself” said a very confident Rudy. Anika still gave a puzzled look at rudra, however she gave up her doubt seeing rudra’s confidence. Finally there goes the raisins and cashew in the kheerr, and the bhabi devar duo finished preparing their special kheerr. ANIKA::” Rudra, we had prepared the kheerr; but shivaay and om will not even come near it if they get to know that it’s made by us””. RUDRA::” why fear when Rudy is here; I have already bargained Choti maa to say that she has made the kheerr””. ANIKA::” oh bête kiii..but how did you convince mom?””. RUDRA::”there is nothing which rudra Singh oberoi can’t do”” Rudra felt awkward to use his brother’s patented dialogue in front of bhabi but his mind was filled with great disappointment. He had to sacrifice his evening plan of attending the hottest fashion show for making Choti maa convinced , now he has to change his destination from fashion show to guruji’s pravachan with Choti maa.
/// SCENE 2 ::. SHIVAAY::” kheerr?..what is so special about today? Who made it? Why?”. The great SSO started his interrogation. Anika whispered to rudra “”. Now I guess this bhaagad billaa needs to know about the familytree of the entire ingredients”” shivaay and the rest of the family felt relaxed when pinky said that her hand is behind the kheerr. On the other side anika and Rudra was giving their kidkithod smile of their success; finally the oberoi family is going to witness the magic in the hands of anika and Rudra. It smelled soo good that omkara started eating; he checked that he is not getting noticed because he wanted to check it first. Kheerr is the special weakness of omkara .By the first bite itself his chewing slowed, suddenly the entire Taste felt revolting .he jumped up and ran to spit it into the sink. The rest of the family was quite confused by his act. Gauri ran to omkara for helping him out, “” omkara Jii?are you all right?””Asked a worried wife . Gauri helped him gently, suddenly om thought about the dish prepared by his bhabi and brother, he took the entire bowl of kheerr and shook it into the garbage. “”Excuse me!!”” Asked a furious anika , “” me and Rudra prepared it with great love and you dumped it in the waste basket?”” .
“” Bhabi, I guess your love made you blind that you ended up putting salt instead of sugar”” said a exhausted omkara. Anika pulled rudra’s ears and said “” how many times did I ask you to check whether it was sugar itself or not?””. RUDRA::””but bhabi those were Crystal alike nahhh””. SHIVAAY::”” duffer….those were crystallized salt…but mom; you said that you made this?”” PINKY::””oh my mata shivaay; this Rudra bargained me. “” The rest of the family felt glad that they escaped from the kheerr, however Om turned into a Laughing stalk.!. .. //. ” I’m sorry.” Anika whispered to omkara as she kept her cold hand over omkara’s head and he felt it nice. But suddenly he kept his hand clamped over his mouth and ran towards the washroom . Anika and Rudra felt bad for omkara’s condition, after all it’s their unknowingly committed mistake. “” Maybe we should see a doctor”” suggested shivaay when he understood that his own personal pharmacy couldn’t do the treatment.
Omkara::” no need for that shivaay, let me just cleanse my mouth and iam feeling hungry,maybe after getting my stomach filled up the nausea may go”‘ . ANIKA::”‘ next time it won’t go wrong! Right Rudra?””. RUDRA::””yes..next time we will try continental””. Shivaay ,omkara and gauri in unison”” no noooo.. please..this one was more than enough””. Anika and Rudra gave their sadness filled puppy face! GAURI::” okay baba..next time even I will help you “” assured gauri. Suddenly the glucose biscuits started popping in front of omkara’s eyes . He shook his head with great disbelief”” no ..no need.. glucose biscuit and continental..nooooo”” said omkara in a strained voice. SHIVAAY:: “” what’s with the glucose biscuits?”” GAURI::”” wohhh bade baiyaa..one day….”” gauri was cut in between by omkara “” shivaay, I need to rest. It’s been a long day with the cooking and experiments”” shivaay nodded his head and took anika with him; while rudra and anika gave their silent conversation that they will make a kidkithod dish within a week !! ”
SCENE 3:: SHIVIKA ROOM ::. SHIVAAY:” anika , please pass the blue file “”. Shivaay was banged on with a silent response. “” ANIKAAAA”” shivaay started looking around for his wife who never ever stayed quite , there she is searching something in the laptop. The bluish white light from the desktop screen enlightened anika’s face, giving her an angelic touch. The cool breeze disordered her perfectly stroked hair. Her warm brown eyes widened in amusement as she read something on the screen. Shivaay couldn’t resist his desire to hold her close to him . He swooped her and pulled her towards himself. Her delicate figure completely fitted in his arm chain. Anika sensed her husband’s naughtiness. Shivaay through his Bluetooth towards the lampshade, it felt down making their perfect moment visible to themselves only. The darkness didn’t bother anika since she was in the most protective arms of the world. And they flowed into their perfect romantic moment. /////…
The morning went well, starting with gauri’s devotional song. Then came the delivery boy, with a humongous package of books. And it was addressed to rudra. SHIVAAY:” Rudra..are these your academic books or prinku ‘s?””. Anika came there hopping with happiness”” Rudraaa., Did the books come?”” A puzzled Shivaay gave a serious look at the titles of the book “” VIKHAAS KHANNA RECIPE FOR BUDDING COOK” and “”SANJEEV KAPOOR AND HIS TADKA” many more. Shivaay and omkara felt the ground slipping away. They turned around to see anika and Rudra heading towards the kitchen with a couple of cookery books!! Shivaay and omkara decided to see what happens and they headed towards their respective room . After a while, the fire alarm started to beep violently!!. Shivaay and om rushed to the kitchen and the scenethey witnessed was khanna running like a pendulum with buckets of water and gauri busy searching for rudra and anika. Shivaay and om felt uneasy feeling about anika and Rudra. They searched the entire Oberoi mansion and both of them was still no where in the sight. Finally, alas there is the bhabi devar duo sitting under the ancestral mango tree, busy with their cotton candy. SHIVAAY::”anika and Rudra.!! We need explanation!!”” Anika and Rudra exchanged their “Pheill gaya raitha” glance and gave an awkward smile . Omkara and gauri shook their head wondering about this childishness of rudra and anika while shivaay kept staring at his baby brother and his wife ; whom shared an unbreakable bond!! Next scene shifted towards the renovated oberoi kitchen and there stands shivaay with his official apron !!
“”ZINDAGI MILKE BHITAYENGEE”” played in the background and shivaay showed his wife and brother how to make a good dish without causing any outburst!!. Anika and Rudra felt glad , that atleast by the help of shivaay ,they made something eatable .
Awwww, it made me giggle like anything ????? plzz do come back with another dose of ur writing
Thank you dear..ya sure..I’ll come back with another one soon..
He he so cute anagha Khidkitod I was seriously thinking duo will make good food but how could i be so silly…Thanx for making my night good with this 1??
Even I thought of making Rudra and anika successful in their dish…but it’s our Rudra and anika !!.. I still can’t forget the paneer butter masala by anika.??..thanks for the kidkithod comment.
Aewwwwwssmmee dear…
I was continuously laughing….
Loved it
Thanks kanfiiii.. waiting for your update..where is it ??..
It was So cute…. Loved devar n bhabi bonding..
Thank you
lol………….laughed soo hardly………..loved it
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! It’s Amazingg dr…. I’m laughing hard while reading…
Thanks for the awwwww wala comment…
This is sooo cute?
Aik dum Khidkitor cute….
I laughed while reading this?
Thanks dude!!..
Very funny
Awww… That was such a cute os???…
Loved it….
Aniru are just khidkitod… ??
Totally awesome!
Hey Anagha. This is fabulous. Hilariousness overloaded?? The choice of words used here is just perfect.
This is wonderful. Do come up with more
Thanks a lot Jerry. It means a lot!!..?..
Awesome..so cute &lovely
Oh god my stomach is paining….how can u write it this much hilarious….it is FANTASTIC….just loved it….the Bhabhi devar due is amazing they left the food on flames to eat cotton candy…bechara Omi ….just love it Anu di…..
Thank God u enjoyed reading it!!..??. Thanks a lot sissooo..love ya.
So cute loved it. ?
Great one..
It is awesome dear….
Awwww… so cutee…..?
Awesome….I love this obro and bhabhi devar moments so much….loved this ff….
Amazing.. mind blowing…superb n what not… loved it to the core… ??
I laughed like maniac dr…….this was superb……jus superb…… seriously Rudra dint know difference btwn salt and sugar….. fabulous dr….
Poor rudra and his observing skills.!!..??..felt glad that you liked my little effort.
Lovely os
Thank you
Hilarious….can’t control my laughter. Poor Om! AniRu bonding is khitkitod bonding…
Thanks Gayu.. felt glad that you liked the bonding portrayed by me..