Categories: Divya Drishti

Divya Drishti 13th October 2019 Written Episode Update: Drishti tries to stab Rakshit

Divya Drishti 13th October 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Pisachini calls Rakshit and says where is Drishti. Rakshit says I don’t care, I hope she dies. Pisachini goes to check. Rakshit is worried but Psiachini goes with Rakshi.

Chachi is drowning in the pool. Rakshit is shocked and asks Pisachini to stop her, she laughs and says she is enjoying. Rakshit thinks I can’t use my powers. Drishti comes there and saves her. Patali says how dare you? Drishti says you lost before even playing, you don’t have powers to win fair so you did this. Pisachini says don’t you dare say that to her. Drishti hints at Rakshit. Rakshit messages her. Divya wishes Drishti in heart, Drishti hears it. Rakshit whispers happy birthday to Drishti. Drishti smiles.

Divya sees a room on fire. She tries to go inside but falls down

and gets stuck there. She looks around and says what is this?

Drishti starts playing cricket. Patali gives her a bat and is about to bowl.

Some evil people start filling the place where Divya is trapped. She looks around and uses her powers but nothing happens. She takes a dagger and beats evil powers.

Patali bowls her. Drishti goes a sixer. Patali is about to catch her but the ball moves in another direction. Patali says how dare you make me lose. She throws a ball at Drishti but Mahima comes in front of her.

Some evil powers gather around Divya but she holds a red stone heart and beat them all.

Drishti tries to attack Patali. Psiachini says I won’t spare you. Divya comes there and says don’t you dare touch her. She shows Patali’s heart and says we will crush it today. Patali screams no. Drishti goes to Divya. They hold a trishul and attacks her heart. Patali screams in pain. Pisachini shouts no.. a blast happens and all fall away. Rakshit makes everyone stand up. Divya sees the heart gone. Drishti says this can’t happen, where are Pisachini and Patali.

Pisachini brings Patali to a room. She asks Patali where did your heart go? The evil man asks Pisachini to go and find her heart. You have to find it, you know how important that is. Patali says it’s hurting me, kill me. The evil man says you have to find her heart if you want your mission to succeed.

Scene 2
Pisachini asks Patali to control herself and have some strength. Patali cries in pain. Pisachini looks around and says if the heart is not in the house then where did it go? She takes her from there.

Drishti cleans her wounds. She sees Rakshit and pulls him aside to clean his wounds. Drishti suddenly sees the future in which she is stabbing Rakshit. She is shocked and says no, this can’t happen. Rakshi says I have to go and see what Pisachini is up to. He leaves.
Rakshit stops Pisachini and asks where is Patali? She brings him to her room and says she is in pain, her heart is missing. Rakshit thinks that she doesn’t have her heart too.
Pisachini comes to Divya and asks where is my daughter’s heart? You must have hidden it inside, I will find out who is hiding her heart, she leaves. Drishti gets a call and takes Divya with her.

Divya and Drishti come outside the house. They meet Rakshit who is in disguise. Pisachini is in the house and hears something. She comes outside and doesn’t see anyone. She looks around and leaves.

Romi is freezing. Rakshit says don’t worry, we will make you fine. He touches her and suddenly Romi starts to become fine. Romi thanks Rakshit. Drishti looks at Rakshit, she hugs him and hears his heart beat.. she says you have Patali’s heart inside you. All are shocked.

Pisachini uses her powers to wake Patali up. She asks what happened? Are you all alright.

Drishti is worried, she tells Divya that I saw myself stabbing Rakshit, I can’t do that. She cries. Divya says you won’t do that.

Rakshit meets Drishti and asks what did she see? Drishti says I can’t pain you. She says you knew about the heart but you didn’t tell me. Rakshit says I didn’t want to hurt anyone and I made Romi fine as well. Drishti says I am not listening to you. Rakshit says listen to me. Drishti says I saw myself stabbing you but I can’t do it. Rakshit says you have to do it, I have two hearts now. Drishti pushes him away and says you think I can do it if I had Patali’s heart then would you kill me? Rakshit says yes, I would. She says no you wouldn’t. Rakshit says I am getting weaker and will die so you better kill me and Patali will die too. Drishti says I can’t lose you, I can’t kill you. Rakshit says you have to do it. He gives her a dagger and says do it, this has to be done. Kill me. She takes a dagger and shivers. Rakshit says look at me, kill me. do it. She gathers strength and stabs him but its a fake knife. Rakshit says why are you doing this? We don’t have another way. Drishti says there is another way always, I can’t lose you again, she hugs him and says if you think that I can leave you that easily then you are wrong. Rakshit moves away and says you are impossible. Drishti says listen to me, we will find away.

Pisachini tells Patali that Drishti will come to us and we will find out who has the heart.

Drishti comes to Pisachini and asks her to take out Patali’s heart from Rakshit. Pisachini says bring him here if you want my help.
Rakshit tells Divya and Romi that someone has to kill me. Drishti comes there and says no one will hurt Rakshit, we will find a way. Rakshit says you have to understand that some things are bigger than us. He leaves from there.

Rakshit comes to Pisachini and says I have called a doctor for Patali. Divya comes there and attacks Rakshit, he falls down. She asks Pisachini to take Patali’s heart but don’t you dare hurt him. Pisachini takes Rakshit from there. Divya thinks that I am sorry Rakshit, I had to do it for you.

Divya and Drishti pray for Rakshit. Mahima says God will help us like always.
PRECAP- Pisachini uses her powers to take out the heart from Rakshit. Divya and Drishti try to attack Patali but can’t. Later they do durga pooja to trap Patali and Pisachini.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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