Categories: Divya Drishti

Divya Drishti 25th August 2019 Written Episode Update: Divya kills Shekhar

Divya Drishti 25th August 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Pisachini says the floor number is on the remote. Each button would blast each floor. Keep an eye on your house. He says I will fool her with my love. Pisachini says do whatever you want.
Divya Drishti come to Methal. He says solve the third riddle. Three more kids appear. He says there are 10 seconds to solve the riddle. Three riddles for three kids.
Shekhar is pulling Romi upstairs. Romi says you won’t be able to harm anyone.
Methal says who drinks water and eats soil? Get up and gets down. Divya says shadow? Time is running out. Drishti says seed. Methal resleases on the kids. Methal says it has three hand changes every second. Drishti says clock. Methal laugh. He says well done. He releases another kid.

A girl sees a remote. Her dad says give it to

me. She says there are numbers on it, it is my toy. He hears bomb ticking. He says this means this is bomb remote. Methal says third riddle, this girl will ask you. A floor blasts. Rakshit saves sardar ji.
Rakshit says where is remote? He says it fell there. Please save people in hall. He says nothing would happen to them. The kid asks the riddle. She says I come out when it’s 12. Drishit says the sparrow in the close. Mehtal says well done.
Saradar asks the the girl to give her the remote. Methal says you have all the three things but you have to unite them and make one thing that would give you great power, then you will get third ratan. He says your time starts now. Divya Drishit take the kids to a safe place.

Pisachini stops Mehtal. She tries him. He says what are you doing. She says I will kill you. He says those girls are winning from you. They got all three things. They will have it and then you will be over. Pisachini says shut up. He says they’re gone. Pisachini leaves. Methal gos from there.
Divya and Drishit see Romi and shekhar. Shekhar says don’t come near. I will blast the floor. Romi says he is monkey. Divya says posachini is making him do this. Romi says no. He is this way himself. diya says I trust shekhar. He isn’t like that. He is under Pisacini’s magic. Divy says he is a nice man. Romi says no he isn’t even human. Divya says shut up.

Rakshit saves people. Drishit says what are you saying Romi. I know Divya’s heart can’t be wrong. She trusts Shekhar. Divya says shekhar won’t harm anyone intentionally. A floor blasts Dristi falls down. shekhar says this is what I am. I want powers. Divya says you lied to me? He says yes I did. Because I want to be powerful.

Simran and Rashi play with the kids. THey help injured people. shekhar says now you know who I am. Pisachini says why did you blast? It could burn the three things. You are so stupid. Shekhr says shut up I can do what I want. Pisachin says I can kill you in a second. Divya asks Drishit to run. She stops Pisachini says you stop these two, I will run after Drishti.
Pisahcini says no one can save ou from me. Divya says you can’t harm anyone. Shekhar says what will you do You can’t fight me. Romi says you should be ashamed. Shekhar says you were always after her right? Romi says only you can stoop this low. Divya asks Romi to run.
Drishri puts the seeds on the florr. Roots come out. They break the floor. Pisacini says what did you.

Shekhar pulls Divya upstairs. They hear someone screaming. Everyone gets scared. Romi comes there. Rakshit says what happened.. Ash says SHekhar.. Romi says he took Divya with him. Please save him. Romi says take care of everyone here.
Drishti runs. Pisaciini runs after her. She says she thinks she can hit me? I made her run. I will be after her. Go till the end of the mission. Get the thing so I can take it from you. I will wait here.

Shekhar brings Divya upstairs. He says oh poor girl. No one can save you now. You are such an idiot. He throttles her. He says Pisachini is right. You two have to be killed. rakshit comes there. He says you can’t harm her. Rakshit shoves him. Divya falls down. Rakshit says I can kill you right now. shekar says you’re my brother. You can’t trust me. Divya says Rakshit don’t trust him. Shekhar says you thought you had powers? I have more powers now. Shekhar pulls a kid. He hangs him. The kid cries. divya says please leave him. Don’t harm the kids. Rakshit says let the kid go. The kid says please save me. Shekhar leaves the kid. Rakshit runs to save the child. Rakshit saves the baby. Shekhar says to Divya you’re alone now. Who will save you now?
Drishti sees the roots. She sees shivling there. Drishti says please show me the way God. She sees something lightening. She says is it a flower? Drishti sees a flower.
Shekhar says you think I am still your husband? Divya shoves him. She says I was an idiot that I trusted yoou. You fooled the entire family. He shoves her and says you’re easy to fool. Divya hits him. Divya hits him. She picks the remote. Divya says you thought I can’t fight you? Now see where your powers are. I can kill you. But we are not evil like you. He says you were an idiot. Divya says you won’t understand that trusting someone isn’t stupid. He says I have powers. Shekhar hits her on head. She is fainting. Shekhar says how did you fall for an animal like me? What can you do. You will only die now. divya walks towards him. she recalls her moments with SHekhar. Divya stabs Shekhar. He falls down and dies. Divya sits there.

drishti sees the remote. She says it will help me blackmail them.
Divya takes the flower. Divya says I have to bring ratan in front of this flower but pisachini has it.
Pisachini says I have the ratan and I will have its powers.
Rakshit takes kids and women out of the building. Romi says where is dirshit? Raskhti says I don’t know. Divya comes there. raskhti says where is shekhar? Are you okay? Divya says I kiled him.
Precap-Divya says give us this flower and ratna,
will blast all the bombs. They blast the building. Rakshit dies, Divya Drishti die too. Ojaswani says Divya Drishit are dead. They saved everyone but couldn’t save themselves. Simran says and our Rakshit too. Everyone cries.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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