Diya Aur Baati Hum 2nd October 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode stars with Sooraj talking to Sandhya. He cries and says you are so much hurt, they have locked her inside this wall without food and water, I will free you now, its enough. She says no, you won’t do this, we will be caught, I reached here for my mission, I have to succeed in my mission, don’t do any such thing. He says he won’t sit quiet seeing her helpless. The men see him and ask what is he doing here, does he not have to prepare for celebration. Sooraj says yes, that’s why I m here, you all go, I will come. They ask him to come soon and leaves. Sooraj goes back to Sandhya.
She asks is he fine. He says yes, someone came. She asks him to leave from here. He refuses to go, leaving her here. She says I m fine, my energy got doubled after you came here, you are my strength, you go from here, and how did you reach here in Garjana village. Sooraj says I have come as halwai, its long story, I have seen your pic in dacoit article, then I got to know from Sajni about you, Bharat permitted me and sent me here, don’t worry, he said he will attack her with army, I will take you alive and safe. She smiles and says you don’t know, I got relieved hearing this, now nothing will happen to our country, we will go home safe. Diya aur baati………..plays……..
She tells about plants/herbs in the jungle which has properties to make person drowsy and faint, he can mix those herbs in sweets, Garjana men will get unconscious after having it, then we can go from here. He says its much time, how will you stay here. She says your Sandhya is not so weak, I will wait for you, I m fine. Garjana men come there and a pot breaks as Chote Raja collides with them and wants to sign Sooraj. They take Chote Raja along. Sooraj gets alert. Sandhya asks Sooraj to go. Chote Raja looks at Sooraj. Sooraj runs from there.
Shekhar tells commander that Bharat Kapoor was like pale faced, he was in shock, like I have slapped him. Commander says yes, it’s a solid slap on govt. Shekhar says they knew 2nd oct plan from Sandhya, so it was necessary for me to fool them by peace proposal, I have made minister eat the jaggery of surrender till then the blast will happen. Commander says great, you are really sharp, we have Sandhya, there is no one against us. Shekhar says we just have celebration, and villagers should not know this. Commander says people won’t know, they will be busy in celebrations. Sooraj makes sweets to goes out to see. A man does decorations near the wall. Sooraj talks to him and says he will help him. The man says this is not your work. Sooraj says I will help you. The man says I will manage this. Sooraj says I will climb up the stairs. The man says fine.
Sooraj gets on the stairs to see Sandhya once and talks to the man. Sandhya says Sooraj ji. Sooraj says I got something for you Sandhya and puts it from the open space. She gets it and opens the papers to see samosa and jalebis. She smiles and eats it, getting tears of happiness. Sooraj tries putting the water bottle, and it gets stuck in the small space. She starts coughing. She sees the water bottle stuck and Sooraj tries to push it. Garjana men proceed towards him.
The Garjana men see Sooraj and call out halwai ji… Sooraj acts like doing electric decorations. They ask him to make sweets. Sooraj gets down the stars and fails to put the bottle. Sooraj thinks he could not make Sandhya drink water, even when she was coughing. She cries. Sooraj thinks he took vow to support her, now its time to keep the vow, he will also not drink water till he makes her drink water, he will free her tonight, this is her promise. Bharat proceeds somewhere, while Shekhar feeds the time in the nuclear missile. He tells commander that its 16 hours for the nuclear attack and this will end Sandhya’s mission mahabali.
Sooraj looks around and sees all the men unconscious and runs to the wall. He sees the wall broken and Sandhya missing. He shouts Sandhya.
Update Credit to: Amena
Nyc episode.thank you for fast update
Sooraj is going to turn into the “Hulk” and run rampage through the village and destroy all the Garjana terrorist himself ! He doesn’t need the army !
Haha bach ke rehna ! Kaheen tum uske peron (feet) k neechey NA aa javo! He is a sooper woman’s sooper husbands ??
Fantastic episode! Thanx amena for the fastest updates! Suraj and sandya will make MM successful! Now bharat kapoor will paint sheker’s face in black ! He underestimated Bharat sir power! Poor sheker ?
Tomorrows episode is going to be more excited! Don’t know who took sandya and where? Maybe its chote raja or Bharat sir’s teammate!
It comes to my remembrance that fed a jelabi when became an IPS offrcer when Sandya ate that jelabi. Ha, What a sincere love that can never be found in the annuls of history? Will Bharat take any further move to destroy tha Garjan’s evil plan? What happened to Sandya? ANY GUESSES?
Superb Episode.Hope this Mission is happy ending.
Suspense precap
Nice episode
Nice episode but today on 2 Oct even they didn’t did anything nor barat sir army came neither garjana launched its nuclear bomb…. It’s again dragging…still waiting for tomorrow, s episode
……tomorrow never comes !!!!
The jelabi have Sandhya Superpowers, and she broke through the wall.
She now has the power to take down Garjana.
Also, with Sooraj turning into the “Hulk”, they will destroy the entire village and all Garjana people !.
But would they be in time to stop the missile blasting off ?
I’m sure they could call on the “Avengers” (Iron Man, Captain America and co), but I dont think they will come, as they only care for the US well being !!!
Perhaps Superman will appear, and send the missile into space, where it hit and destroies the asteroid which was heading towards Earth.
Or better yet, they entire thing was a dream/nightmare Sooraj (or Sandhya or Bhaboo) had, and in reality they are all back home safe and sound.
Acc to spoilers it is himanshu who kidnapped sandha and there will be a long fight b/w them..
I read somewhere that blast will happen and suraj will die.
Thanks amena!!!!!!!!! Nice episode
heart touching episode i cant stop my tears sooraj and sandhya rocked today
pls pls pls pls dnt make sooraj die….thn even ved will hate sandhya…..pls writers this mission should end with happiness pls writers….
It means to day emotional episode….diya aur batee hum
Awesome acting by Sandy.
@Anu, right, an emotional episode.
@dharani welcome back..really i cant see sandhya state. really its very emotional scene.
and sooraj wt can i say abt sooraj .. his acting is mindblowing
Congrates to Team Dabh for interesting track, mind blowing performance by all charaters spl Sandy
Hey, varsha wr ru? I am waiting for your cmnts
I like to read your cmnts
Superb episode. Where is sandhya? Chandu should be beaten by sooraj. Sooraj should not die. I don’t believe spoilers they are misleading us. Chote raja is really good like his mother.
Amena has completely missed to write about Lalima’s scene? What was the talk between Meena and Lokesh.?
wlcm bak dharini & yeah really nyce episode nd clwver sooraj
guys guess kya kichidi pakri hogi between babhoo,lalima, nd lokesh
I think today they show jashn celebration and then sooraj will go sandhyas place to take out sandhya bt sandhya missing…we will wait monday for revel suspense
May be bharath sir release himanshoo. he know if himanshoo will release definiatly he go to sandhyas place he will take revenge. this is my guess bt kya hoga we will wait for upcoming episode.
Sandhya and sooraj All the best
Jai mission mahabali
Guys any guesses
Next tract is babhoo bali dont miss it watch it carefully….
But why would Bharat sir release himanshu? Can you please explain it! I didn’t get the point!!
What is the meaning of ‘bali ‘
actually minister did not give force to attack gharjana it means he is not accepting for do war. see if he release himanshoo sandhya will come out na
just its my thinking it is not shore. tho phir himanshoo police custody se bahar kaisa aya… spoiler had told that himanshoo will come and he will take revenge with sandhya. in face book page himansho khi upcoming pic r there
i think he release himanshoo aur uskhe badh bharath sir follow karenge may be sandhya bahar ane khe bad o attack karenge i think
we will see wt happen? kitna bhi socho himanshoo kaise bahar aya ooo samaj nahi are??
aare dushman ko b dost bnana padta h brat playing politics……
samething, today also there will be no suspense..2 to 3 more episodes 3 dragging for 16 hrs of bomb blast..
Ha ha ha
Next track Bhabhoo bali
Chote raja is clever and good hearted
Next week will be full of action, the climax of Mission Mahabali…
My imagination abt Bhabhoo, Lokesh khichdi…
They will make marriage certificate of Sooraj – Lalima with the old signed papers earlier @Jaipur… ( cheater)
Sandhya is declared Dead…
Lalima has won blind faith from Bhabhoo…
So, Bhabhoo will become Manjari against Sandy…
ya some thing is happening bt not in positive way its negative
all beswaad khichdi i tooo think the same that they will do marrig ghotala & bhabhesh are bad cooks alll will go in thee drain…………
Tab to bohat maja ayega ? Jab lalima negative ban jayegi and she’ll make bhabo’s condition worst than manjari ? Then she’ll realised true value of sandya and afterMM sandya will come home for new mission BB(bhabo bachavo) ?
Yes its 100% negative.
SurYa have to fight for their love again…
i AGREE @RICHA ROMI ND DHARANI………….itna asani se bhabhoo positive nahi banegi unkho lamba chowda lecture khi zarorath hogi aur wo sandhya sooraj denge
Hello all! According to shekhar it takes 16 hours for the mission to get complete that means another 16++ episodes. Remember last year how 23/10 was dragged??