Colors’ Bahu Begum revolves around the twisted life tales of Azaan, Shayra and Noor. It can’t be tagged like a normal love triangle, since the third person breaking the lovely couple’s love story has a motive of revenge. Azaan and Shayra love each other a lot and get married. Soon, their happiness begins to get ruined because of Noor’s revengeful demands. Noor turns shocking for Shayra and entire family by demanding to marry Azaan. Noor wants the title of Bhopal’s Bahu Begum. She gets a misunderstanding that she lost her mother and would-be-husband because of Shayra.
Noor wants to snatch Shayra’s happiness which lies totally in Azaan. Shayra seeks divorce from Azaan. She requests him to marry Noor. Azaan couldn’t believe this sudden request. Shayra reveals that Noor intends to marry Azaan. He learns that Noor is holding Shayra responsible for the unfortunate incident. Azaan and Shayra together try to explain Noor about the accident not being in anyone’s control. Noor threatens of committing suicide. Azaan too gives up when he finds Shayra in a critical state. Shayra compels Azaan for marrying Noor. Shayra fights Noor’s madness, anger and hatred all alone. Do you find Bahu Begum’s track interesting? Let us know your opinion.