Categories: Doli Armaanon Ki

Doli Armaanon Ki 11th December 2013 Written Episode Update

Doli Armaanon Ki 11th December 2013 Written Episode, Doli Armaanon Ki 11th December 2013 Written Update

Scene 1:
Location: Samrat’s residence
All are shocked at samrat’s final descision, not to marry urmi. he asks them to tell or he would tell urmi’s family. After he leaves, all are tensed.

Scene 2:
Location: Urmi’s and samrat’s residence
The next morning, festivities are on, with food preparations. gaurav is given a list to get when he come home from office. The ladies get busy in everyday work. Urmi’s father asks his wife to rleax, while she asks him to tend to the work, while reading the newspaper later. granny asks urmi to come soon as its getting late. they say that haldi is ready, but the milk hasnt come yet, from her in laws. urmi is brought down along with her sisters. urmi sits. Her mother says that urmi would bathe later, hence

they should wait for the milk. but her bhabhi, decides to wait. her sister suggets that they should start applying haldi, while her bhabhi calls them up to find if they have sent the milk or not. Urmi is teased about being so lucky to have an in-laws house like hers, that sends rose milk for her to bathe in, which reminds them to ask why the milk didnt arrive today.

In samrat’s house, the festivities are on, while the priest asks them to prepare the bhog for the puja of the kuldevi. all are tensed regarding samrat’s descision. His mother comes to his father, asking for suggestions what to do. he reprimands her for being with her son last night, and now she should be prepared for the consequences. when the phone rings, she gives it to him. he ignores the call. meanwhile, at urmi’s place, gaurav is getting dressed in the next room. Samrat’s family are tensed with the arrival of some relatives and wondering what to say to them. They somehow receive the guests, and are tensed when they start talking about samrat’s marriage preps. finding samrat’s family tensed, the relatives ask why do they look so tensed and worried. Samrat’s mother, shashi manages to say that samrat, as usual, has refused for marriage at the last minute, in a fit of anger, and how to tell this to the girls’ family. the phone starts ringing again. Samrat’s father says that its from their house, and ecides to clarify everything. As urmi’s bhabhi calls up about the milk, samrat’s father tells her that there’s some new drama, and that samrat has refused to marry urmi. She is shocked, while urmi’s mother is tensed as to what happened. All come shearing urmi’s bhabhi screams. Samrat’s father explains everything. As her bhabhi begins to question him, he cancels the call, and she is tensed. all ask worriedly what happened and why is she so bungled up. She is unable to anser, but finally spills the beans that samrat refused to marry urmi. While all are tensed, she says that she doesnt know what happened. gaurav loses his temper, and when buaji walks in, she too is scandalised to hear. They are comforted by urmi’s masi, that such things are normal in marriage, and that they should clarify, but not over the phone, and hence they should go personally, and sort this out, and resolve and find out a solution. urmi’s father takes gaurav, and asks others to stay back, so that urmi doesnt get tensed, and asks everyone not to tell urmi about this. after they leave, all are disturbed and distraught, but masi asks them to compose themselves for urmi, so that she doesnt know anything.

Scene 3:
Location: Samrat’s residence
Ishaan tries to talk sense into samrat, but his ego doesnt let him budge. ishaan asks him not to place ego, but as urmi didnt behave badly. while they are discussing, a servant comes in announcing urmi’s family’s arrival. samrat coems down, while ishaan too worriedly follows him. Urmi’s bhabhi consults with her parents as to what would happen now. they say that they tried to talk, but samrat refuses to listen. samrat comes down getting everyone’s attention. urmi’s father asks him what happened, and that they would rectify the matter, in terms of dowry or otherwise. Ishaan tries to speak, but samrat motions him to stop. Samrat ridicules them for even thinking of giving them anything, as they have everything that they need. He says that they dont expect as they arent capable. urmi’s bhabhi asks what happened. samrat says that urmi doesnt deserve to be his wife. gaurav controls his anger and tries to talk sense, that he would regret it later, as he wont find a girl like urmi anywhere else. ishaan tries to talk, but is again silenced by samrat, saying that he doesnt want any more discussions on this topic. urmi’s father asks him to speak clearly. samrat says that isnt requierd, very rudely. he goes over to gaurav, and tells him that if his sister is so good, she would get loads of better offers, and they should marry her to one of them. gaurav asks him to think before speaking about his sister. he evmnts out his frustration, while samrat resignedly listens. His mother tries to cover up for samrat. urmi’s father asks her ton tell whats bothering samrat so much, as its their right to know this. Samrat’s mother says that it must be something that he cant say in front of everyone. gaurav says that such arguements are baseless. gaurav says that they can behave so, as they samrat doesnt have a sister, and hence dont understand that they are tainting his character. urmi’s father asks him to be silent now. He goes over to samrat, to ask if urmi did anything, and they shall ask her to rectify it, and never repeat so again.

Meanwhile, oblivious of all this, urmi’s family tries to be happy for urmi’s sake so that she doesnt doubt anything.

In samrat’s residence, Urmi’s father apologises with folded hands, saying that they are sorry for whatever mistake was committed on their part. But samrat folds his hands instead, rudely of course, and says that he’s sorry to be unable to marry urmi. he leaves, with urmi’s bhabhi after him. ishaan too leaves, while all are tensed. Gaurav and urmi’s father are shocked. the screen freezes on samrat’s father’s tensed face.

Precap: While urmi is dancing with much happiness, inside there is a huge turmoil going on. samrat’s father is asked by her mother,as to how long can they hide this truth from urmi, who’s in oblivion. Trisha finds out the truth, and goes onto confront samrat, as to how could he do this, and what did he want, that urmi stays unmarried forever. Samrat pretends not to care any less for her…

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