Categories: Doli Armaanon Ki

Doli Armaanon Ki 16th April 2015 Written Episode Update

Doli Armaanon Ki 16th April 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1:
Location: Hospital and on the road, Galaxy Hotel
All are relieved and overwhelmed, as they think that shaurya shall be saved and nothing shall happen to him. saroj comments that now urmi shall not have to make the sacrifice of her self respect. They suddenyl become aware that urmi is alerady trapped. They wonder about urmi, and think that she would have to be stopped. Gaurav asks ishaan to go and save her. He tries her number, and frustratedly wishes that she picks up, but she doesnt. He makes a mad dash for his car and drives like a maniac until he arrives at a dead end, with a huge traffic jam. He starts walking on foot, to save the love of his life, from samrat. He then takes the auto, and hankers him to drive way faster. He keeps continuously trying urmi’s phone,

extremely upset and distraught. The auto fellow stops, and says that ahead he shall have to book a taxi, but he tries to desperately hitch hike, and finalli convinces a Bike Rider to drop him at Galaxy Hotel they agree. He finally reaches and rushes desperately towards the room where samrat and urmi are there. ishaan finally spots urmi waiting in the lobby, in a daze, and is full of guilt that he was a bit too late in coming. he calls out to her, and she is startled to see him. she then hugs him and cries distraughtedly. Ishaan thinks that he lost. Urmi says that she couldnt be a nice mother as she couldnt go inside, even though she loves shaurya desperately. Ishaan is relieved. Urmi says how she had left the status of his wife, and tries to sacrifice herself for a mother. ishaan says that she is the best mother, and tells that shaurya is free of cancer. She keeps ranting that shaurya shall die of cancer. He desperately tries to make her believe, while he tries to get it inside her head, while she is disbelieving. ishaan clarifies everything. urmi is bewildered and is on the seventh heaven when he assures her that shaurya is cancer free and completely alright. They fight back their tears of happiness, while he keeps assuring her, that shaurya is okay. She smiles through.

Scene 2:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Sandhya and damini meanwhile celebrate their win over samrat as well as urmi. Damini gloats about how their evil ideas combined together got urmi finally being shown the way out of the door. damini says that people like urmi is so good and self respecting, that they would themselves leave, out of guilt. As far as tani is concerned, she would herself throw samrat out of the house. Sandhya praises her and they celebrate together with a toast.

Scene 3:
Location: Hotel suite
Meanwhile, in the room, samrat is evilly arranging the room, leeringly eyeing the arrangements and wondering whats taking urmi so long. the doorbell rings, and he evilly glaots that urmi finally came to him. he opens the door and is boggled to find both of them. He says that as a loyal husband, ishaan came to drop urmi, to be used by her ex-husband. he asks him to go, while she shall come home after the work is done. Ishaan says that he has come here to take her and not leave her to him, and wanted to give a good news, that shaurya doesnt have cancer and is perfectly alright. samrat is confused, and says that shaurya does have it. Ishaan is boggled. samrat says that he had been showsn the reports too. ishaan clarifies everything to him too. samrat is confused whether to smile or be angry, but makea brave face and says that its good news. ishaan is happy too. Samrat is super excited to supress his frustratyion. urmi wishes to go to shaury and she leaves with ishaan. Samrat is furious and starts breaking things around, saying that this cant be, as he cant be betrayed so badly. He shatters things around. he wonders how can his plan fail at the last minute and that its completely ruined now. He wonders why did ishaan have to go to the second hospital. Samrat says that they might have known that shaurya doesnt have cancer, but they shouldnt find out, that he had done so, and this was all his planning all along, to spoil ishaan and urmi’s relation, to tamper shaurya’s reports to prove to everyone that he has cancer. He is too determined that noone find out he was behind this. he thinks that he is screwed if tani find out, and decides to find a way to save himself. The screen freezes on his evil face.

Precap: A person comes and samrat meets him outside the house, asking him how he found thid address. The person says that they have profile of the patient on record in their hospital, where he got the address too. Samrat asks if he is trying to threaten him as its in vain, and hence tries to shove him away. ishaan comes and asks samrfat who’s at the door. samrat is scared. The person however takes this oppurtunity to come inside. He says that he is the same lab technician who prepared the wrong reports for shaurya. Samrat and others are shocked.

Update Credit to: Rimjhim

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