Fan Fiction

Don and his Roma Season 2 Episode 39

FB In Paris

Don was standing in the doorframe, with nothing but a bathrobe tied around his waist, his wet hair combed back, water dripping from his face ontohis bare chest.

Don:You know what?
he said all of a sudden, punching the door into the wall

Don:Maybe I haven’t made myself clear

he seemed really furious, Swara took a few steps back but he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bathroom, she almost slipped onto the wet floor.She was stepping back, away from him

Swara:Don, I…

he shouted angrily

Don:Enough with your stupid pleas

She couldn’t help but notice all his muscles tensed, water still dripping off him. He then grabbed her again and pulled her against his wet body

Don:I wasn’t joking when I said you needed to be tamed

he said through his teeth then suddenly pushed her into the jacuzzi, which was floor-leveled, soaking her completely. It was rather deep so she struggled a few seconds to catch her balance.He bent over the jacuzzi and framed her jawline, then turned her face to the side so he could whisper into her ear

Don:Why, Swara, why does it always have to be the hard way with you, huh? I tried totake it slow, tried to make you see…

but he stopped and suddenly he threw his towel aside and jumped in with her.She let out a scream, but he captured her lips with his and kissed her hungrily, corneringher. His kiss was so brutal, so urgent, he could feel him against her and it made her lose her mind. He then pulled hert-shirt over her head, breaking the kiss for just a second, and threwit on the floor along his towel.He grabbed her ponytail and exposed her neck, kissing it feverishly, her collarbone as well,then her cleavage and went for one of her bra’s straps to pull it downwards but then suddenly looked up back into her eyes. He was taken aback seeing her look sofrightened. She had tears coming down her face. He did feel her respond to his kiss, he thought she wanted him as well. But something was sodisturbing in her look that he just stopped.He let go of her hair and placed both his hands on the side of the Jacuzzi behind her, leaning his forehead on her shoulder for a few seconds then backed off

Don: Get out

he said without looking at her That had totally taken her by surprise. Was he really letting her go?

Don:… Before I changemy mind
he said panting, looking away.
(Don’t get confused she is remembering the past when Don kissed her first time but stops himself  seeing his nervousness n now they both become one in same place so she is just remembering that)


Things had changed so much since then. Of course he was still Don, and everything about him was still so mysterious and alluring, you couldnever guess what was on his mind and what his next step would be. But they had come such a long way.

He was slowly opening up to her.Telling her about his childhood, sleeping next to her, and then finally telling her he loved her and making love to her in such a manner that totally impregnated his whole self onto her, locking him toher heart forever.

Stepping out of the shower, she immediately had an idea and went running straight into his study. She knew it was highly improbable of him to carry that diary with him, but she searched for it anyway. And was delighted to see it in his top drawer, right next to the leather sheath Don had pulled the knife out of the previous night.
She opened it to its last written pages and read

“But no, with parted lips she turns and does not speak the fatal word;Her heart is silent in her br*ast and from the king she draws her hands,Her virgin soul is filled with love, while in her dreams there ever standsThe demon’s image like a god, for every night his voice she heard.”

And then right on the last page she found written in fresh ink:

“And when at last you close your eyes and generously your kisses give,Then am I happiest of men, the height of joy superlative…And you… but no, I have no words, mytongue is tied and cannot move,I would, and yet I cannot speak… I cannot tell you how I love”.

She remembered reading the first two lines before, but the following two he had clearly composed the same morning, for sure. She smiled ear to ear and placed the journal back into his drawer careful to place it right as she had found it.She then got dressed, chose a nice yellow dress to match the sunny day outside.

She noticed Don had placed all her clothes neatly on a taboret. Even the dress shirt he had disposed her of in the study.She headed towards the entrance door after taking a few sips of the coffee Don had left waiting for her, and stole a glance of the room she had previously slept in during her former visit there. She couldn’t resist but go in it once again.

Everything was so different now. So different in fact that it felt like a dream.She had that feeling that always overwhelms you when all goes well. And you almost feel guilty and prep yourself for something to go wrong again.

Swara needn’t worry.She was driving the Peugeot casually down the streets of Paris. She felt reborn, she felt ecstatic. When her phone rang she smiled thinking she would meet Don soon.

But her expression shifted immediately as she saw the caller ID.


How was the chapter. I know it’s short don’t worry I’ll update long chapter today but it is just to give u shock.

So I want to tell someone is coming back u all know the person. The person is related Swara n Don doesn’t like the person.

Who is the person? Who is the caller ? Why gets scared seeing the caller id? Will the person create any problem in SwaSan life? Will this person separate Swara & Don…

Keep guessing I’ll update soon. Tab tak socho who is the person.


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