Fan Fiction

Don and his Roma season 2 episode 5

Ram: God damnit!.

Ram cursed in frustration.

Ram: I can’t believe he escaped again! How is this even possible? We had him cornered!

he tried to calm downand turned to Swara.

Ram: Are you alright!?

Swara nodded

Swara: Yes, sir…

Ram: Thank God! Great job!.

she frowned questioningly.

Ram: You got him right where we wanted. Ragini was very smart to call us and let us know that Don kidnapped you. It took us a while to figure out where he had taken you, but as soon as we heard of Pierre we knew it had to be Don. We were waiting for some cue, but we knew you were not able to contact us. Thankfully we got someone to identify the car that had left the place where he killed Pierre and we tracked it down to here. Very well done, Swara! I don’t know how you did it! Don’t worry! He can’t be far! We’ll grab a hold of him for sure this time.

he patted her back and squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

Ram: Glad to know you’re ok. He hasn’t harmed you I hope?…’

Swara: No, no..she nodded…I’m ok, sir.

Rgini hugged her again.

Ragini: God, yaar… I was so worried! I didn’t know what to do! Dad almost had an heart attack when he heard!

Swara: God, is he ok?.

Ragini: Yes, relax, he’s fine… I’ll call them and let them know you’re ok.

Swara was taken to a safe place with the rest of the team and was still in shock.

What had just happened? She was as confused as ever now! She almost hated Ram to come and ruin their moment,and most of all, she hated the fact that Don now thought she was behind all this. She felt tears roll down her cheek, but quickly wiped them, she couldn’t let anyone know her true feelings towards this whole mess.

For 2 days the team had searched the whole of Paris for Don, even going beyond the city’s boarders. But he was nowhere to be found. Finally detective Ram had to stop the searches and order the team to head back to London.

It was a lost cause. Everybody was handling Swara carefully, as they were mistaking her sadness for shock and weakness.

Ram: You need rest, Swara. Lots of it. Here I was sending you on a vacation, and look what happened!

Ram shook his head

Ram: I’m sorry I put you in such a vulnerable situation.

Swara: Don’t worry, sir, it’s not your fault. Even I didn’t expect this to happen.

Ram: That bastard… what did he even want from you, I wonder. I know he’s always had this weakness for you, I never thought he’d risk his freedom to get under your skin. Are you sure you’re alright? Tell me, Swara, did he touch you, harm you in any way…?

Swara nodded.

Swara: No,sir, I’m alright! Don’t worry. I’ll be ok. Just need some time to… clear my head. It’s been a rough week.

Ram: I know. I’m thinking of sending a small crew over at your apartment to keep an eye on you.

Swara thought it through.

Swara: No, sir, it won’t be necessary. He wouldn’t do something as stupid as to come right here under our noses now. I’ll be fine. Ragini is here too, she’ll help me get back on track.

she faked a smile.Swara got home and there was Ragini, cooking something. Or at least trying to.

Swara chocked.

Swara: What’s with all thesmoke?.

Ragini: Sorry yaar’ a distressed

Ragini sighed, her hair a mess and Swara even giggled seeing her in an apron.

Ragini: Pancakes are messier than I thought.

Swara was still amused

Swara: I can’t believe you’re actually cooking.

Ragini: More like setting your house on fire.

Ragini  laughed Swada grinned and went to open more windows for the smoke to clear.

Ragini: Challo, dinner is served.

Ragini gestured for her to sit at the dining table.

Swara: Is it edible?

Swara giggled. This was actually making her feel better.

Ragini:Come on yaar, it’s just milk and eggs. What could possibly go wrong?

Swara: Just milk and eggs? No flour?

Ragini hit her head.

Ragini: Darn, I knew I forgot something!.

Roma laughed out loud and Ragini smiled, happy to see her cousin laugh.

Swara: So basically it’s scrambled eggs with milk.

Swara raised her eyebrows.

Ragini: actually I added some sliced strawberries too.

swara was really laughing now, and Ragini followed.

Episode End

thank u so much for all ur support. I’m happy that u all r liking it. i will try to upload next part very soon. thank you all who read my ff.


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