Fan Fiction

Don and his Roma Season 2 Episode 69

she laughed but saw that it made swara even sadder,instead of making her reason

Simone:Look…I might be wrong, who knows?Haven’t seen him in years.But I’ve seen enough of him to know that Don just isn’t that kind of a person.He’s all for power and his own self.There’s no room for anyone else in his life.Who knows, maybe this baby will change him…wouldn’t be the first time it happened
she shrugged

Simone:but if it doesn’t,be a smart girl and don’t let it get to you.You’ll most probably be well taken care of for the rest of your life just for being the mother of his child.And I can tell you Ayesha had all she could ask for and much more.So don’t be sad. Just…be reasonable,try not to get on his nerves acting all jealous
she giggled

swara sat up and paced the cell. She really didn’t need to hear all that

Simone:I just wonder who’s gonna manage all his contacts back in Asia,now that Ayesha will be here for the rest of her pitiful life
Simone sat as she sat back on her bed swara stopped and turned to face her cellmate

Swara:His contacts?

Simone:Yea,you know.He’s not Asia’s underworld king with no help at all,especially since he’s been mostly in Europe the past year Swara blinked twice

Swara:You mean…drugs?
Simone laughed

Simone:Well I don’t mean sugar cane.I really don’t recall much from when you used to work for him,but I would have thought you’d known at least what kind of a business it was

Swara was in shock.She had to sit in order to keep her knees from shaking

Simone:Hey…I think I came on a little too strongly.I think you’re way too innocent for all you’re hearing from me.If that’s the case,then I’m sorry.You do what you think is best…but I must tell you,Don may not be the man you think him to be.Try to get used to that idea,for your own sake…
Sim:It’s visiting time soon,you think Don will show up today? Simone asked,rather tongue-in-cheekly
Swara forced herself to smile, she was actually terrified

Swara:I guess so

The moment of her escape out of prison was getting close,that meant facing Don and going through with her vendetta.She wasn’t quite sure yet what that consisted of.She needed to talk to Ram,as soon as she got out and Don was not around.She knew that proved to be difficult in the past,why would it be any easier now?She knew she had little time,too.

She was supposedly pregnant and couldn’t fake it for a long time.And knowing Don,he would want her to go for a check-up immediately.Bottom line,she would have to act fast and grab hold of the first opportunity that presented itself totalk to Ram.
She could only hope he’d believe her and that too in time for them to come up with a good enough plan.As her mind raced she hardly reminded herself to make herself presentable for her meet with Don that afternoon.She looked into the mirror and saw someone that didn’t even remotely resemble whom she expected to see.She sighed.She really needed to pull herself together.Else, Don would surely sense something was off.And she couldn’t risk that.

As expected, she was told she had a visitor as well as many other of her fellow inmates. When she reachedthe respective area she looked around,not knowing whom to look at.Don didn’t appear to be there.Finally someone raised a hand and caught her attention.She squinted her eyes and recognized karan…even though he was wearing a baseball cap. She felt like smiling.But she soon realized she couldn’t trust Sameer either.Naturally he had known all along what Don’s plan was.

She remembered briefly moments from back in Berlin,if Ayesha was right and Don did manage to steal the plates, Karan had been in on it for sure.She paced the large secured room slowly till she reached Sam and sat at the table,oppositehim.She flashed alarge smile,and she wasn’t faking it, even though she knew she couldn’t trust him… but deep down she couldn’tbelieve he would ever want to deliberately hurt her.Don must have hidden that aspect from Sam,for sure.

She paced the large secured room slowly till she reached Sam and sat at the table, opposite him.She flashed a large smile,and she wasn’t faking it, even though she knew she couldn’t trust him…but deep down she couldn’t believe he would ever want to deliberately hurt her.Don must have hidden that aspect from karan, for sure.

Karan:Kaise ho?
he smiled back sympathetically She shrugged

Swara:I’m coping

Kara:Not for long
he grinned
Karan:Waise,Don sends you his love
She rolled her eyes

Swara:I can’t believe he actually told you those exact words

Karan:Well, not exactly
he smiled
Karan:But that was the idea.He told me to have a good look at you,instead
She inhaled sharply.She knew him well enough

Swara:Is that so?

Karan:Haan,he’s very concerned about you
he grinned again
Karan:He wants to make sure you’re alright.I won’t tell him you’ve been crying,relax
She sighed and shut her eyes tight.She couldn’t help it.A tear managed to escape and Sam reached for her hand and held it gently

Karan:Swara,please don’t cry.I promise you’ll be out of here before you know it… Don is confident the plan will work
he whispered
Karan:You don’t know how carefully he’s planned the whole thing.It’s foolproof…he’s been so concerned about you…I’ve never seen him like this.

She looked back at karan between wet eyelashes and she felt her heart ache even more. Naturally Don was concerned, about the baby,not about her.he knew that,given a chance,Don would wait for her to have the baby and then dispose of her… maybe this time not so nicely as he had originally planned out, with her going to prison and all.

So how is the chapter….I know u must be thinking I’m crazy as I said I’m going to engagement but still I posted three parts…I’m so lazy but still I can’t believe myself how can I write this much…I know it’s too much to read this much at a time so sorry for I can say it through my personal opinion….

Thanx a lot for you all that ur liking it…I know that you are very much confused…but just wait for one or two more episodes u will get ur answers….


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