Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Don’t dare to leave me you have no right:raglak and swasan episode 3

Hii every one…I am back…thanks for all the lovely comments…I am rally soo happy…as I all r liking my ff…love u all soooo much friends…

Let’s start

At MM…

Ap shouts sanskar….
Suji shouts lukky….

Both AP and Suji glare each other…

Sanskar and laksh:coming…

Sanskar hugs AP while lucky hugs suji…

(Sanskar is suji’s son but AP loves him more same as lucky)

They both r making sanskar and lucky eat like some compitition of eating is going onn…

Lucky:its enough suji maa…
Sanky:haa badi maa bass…
Ap:sanskar beta please take me for shopping today…
sanskar:ohh badi maa I have an imp seminar…
Ap gets dull
Sanskar:okk badi maa….now smile…
Ap smiles brightly…
Lucky:heyy sweet heart don’t say some thing which ur romeo can’t do….to day is my reopening…sooo
Suji:lucky….I am going to say I kept money in ur white full hands shirt whw that and spend as much as u want…
Lucky:thank u suji maa…and runs to his room…
Sanskar informs that he is not going for seminar….

At GM….

Swara:heyyy I don’t have seminar today…I can come with u happily ragu…
Ragini:I think god listiened to me…maa be ready for 87…winks at sumi…
Shekar and swara burst into laughter…

Swara and ragini leave for college…

At coolege…

All batch mates r cheering lucky…lucky…where lucky is ragging one girl….
Rohan:(lucky’s bff)lucky leave her yaar…she is crying…
Lucky:haa rohan ask her to go…I don’t like such girls…

One girl comes to lucky and say…heyy lucky baby…ur lookind handsome…missed me???
Lucky:hello senorita…..I missed u badly darling….
Preeti:common lier…then noo call noo msg?
Lucky:ohh I lost my phone dear…
Preeti:that’s kk dear let’s start fresh…
Rohan:heyy preeti hod I’d callimg you goo…byee…
Preeti huffs and leaves giving fling kiss to lucky…

Rohan:when u don’t like her then y?
Luchy:bcoz is the top beauty in our clz…
Rohan:u love her?
Lucky:chii noo rohan…noo way…
I have special feelings for my love…
When she is near me my world will stop for some time and…
Rohan:oyyy filmy hero bass bass….

Swaragini reach college…
Swara:ragu take care
Ragini:haa kk dii…
Swara:gud luck…
Ragini:thank uu…
Swara hugs ragini and leaves…

Ur sister???heard some voise
Lasya:hii I am lasya…new joining…
Ragini:hii I am ragini new joining…
Lasya:friends…forwards hand
Ragini:noo best friends…hugs her…

They both leave to college…
All the boys r dam struck with ragini’s beauty…
Suddenly laksh feels his heart beating faster…even ragini’s heart starts beating faster…
Laksh turns and finds ragini…walking like angel…
Lucky:rohan I found mine…
Rohan:me 2…
Laksh is shocked..
Rohan points towards lasya and laksh have a sigh of relief…
Rohan calls them…
Lasya holds ragini’s hand tightly…
Ragini:lasya chill dear…nothing happens…come I am there naa…
When ragini and lasya reach them both raglak r lost in eo eyelock…
Lasya is continously looking ground being nervous…
Rohan ckears his throat to get raglak back to their sence…
Laksh comes to reality
Laksh:new joining???
Lasya:yes sirr…
Laksh:what is ur name…ask ragini…
Lasya replies lasya…
Rohan smiles hearing her name…

(Both lasya and ragini r looking down to ground…soo lasya is answering all ans thinking laksh asking her)

Laksh:why only she is saying…can’t u talk…
Ragini raises her head in anger…
Laksh:shall we start ragging…
Laksh smirks…
He says propose to the most handsome fellow u saw…
Lasya and ragini look at each other in shock…and lasya is about to cry…
Ragini holds her hand in assurance…
Looks at laksh…
Comes near to him…kiss on his checks and wishpers I love u handsome in her ears and leaves smirking…leaving laksh,rohan and lasya shocked…
Ragini drags lasya and goes to her class…
Laksh stands there smiling to himself like mad one…touching his check…

PRECAP:full on raglak and swasan…

Plzzz friends…sooo sorry if I bored uu…but this is a really happened scene in my college so thought to add here…
Once again keep smiling…it suits ur face…

Lods of love:chandana

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