Fan Fiction

Don’t we love swaragini !!!

Guys I know all of you don’t want sr to go off air….and believe me I have almost told all my family to sit and watch it or at least keep the channel on at 9:30 if they don’t like it…

Please guys let us all increase its trp…you all must be thinking just by one person what the hell is gonna change….but believe me if every single person bring this change then it would be a big change….

The one fact I can’t understand and is tpk and shank got lesser trip than swaragini then why are these writers so hell bothered….

Swaragini’s trp-1.7



Look we got higher than them…
And thus week I am sure there would be a great change in trp cause


Guys if you can’t watch it at 9:30 then at least watch the repeat telecast…

And for god’s sake at least swasan and raglak fans stop fighting and concentrate on the serial so that it does not go off-air….

Please try not to update written episodes…if you do it then people would read it…please guys those write the updates make it in such a way that there is no other alternative for people to watch it other than in TV…

Ssk had more stupid and illogical story than swaragini and that is still running then why not swaragini man…

We are swaragini fans not enemies so start loving it all over again…

Till now they haven’t shown swasan or raglak properly settled with their children and family and I was really looking forward for their cute little baby bumps…and their children and swaragini’s cravings making sanlak irritated…

Ohh god I hope I don’t miss them….


Namish...teja..helly...varun...????? #swaraginiisthebest Almost reached 9th standard after long 13 years of hardwork?? Swasanholic and raglakian..

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