Categories: Doosri Maa

Doosri Maa 23rd May 2023 Written Episode Update: Ashok sees his family

Doosri Maa 23rd May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Yashoda dropping the girls to school. Nupur asks her to search Krishna and come to pick them, else they will come by bus. Manoj calls Yashoda and informs her that Varun eloped from jail 2 days back and the Police is searching him. Yashoda says they shall search Krishna. Amma tells Babu ji that everyone has left Yashoda alone and says we can search Krishna as he is Ashok’s son. She says if Krishna is not found, then we can’t show our faces to Ashok. She asks him to search him and end all that what he is doing. Babu ji says he can’t be the reason of my happiness. Amma says he is our grand son and says own grand left us, we might lose Yashoda also. Babu ji says I am sure that Yashoda will apologize to us and the happiness will also return. Amma asks him to have food. Arvind asks

Mahua not to get angry. Kamini mixes medicine in the milk and comes out. She scolds Arvind for fighting with Mahua. She then asks Mahua to drink milk and says she will take care of her.

Everyone is having food. Amma brings the flour plate and asks them to see it and have food. She asks Kamini to eat snatching the kids’ food. Kamini asks Mahua and others to have food and says Amma is habitual to do drama. Babu ji couldn’t eat the food. Yashoda tells Manoj that Krishna is not in the orphanage. She says she is scared of him. Manoj takes her to the scrap shop. Yashoda says why Varun is doing this, and worries for Krishna. Ashok gets down the bus and recalls the happy moments with his family. Yashoda turns and looks at him, but doesn’t identify him as he is in Saint’s white clothes. Yashoda and Manoj come to the scrap shop and asks the guy about Varun. He is about to run, but Manoj catches him. The guy calls Varun and asks him where is he? Varun says Lucknow and then takes many places name, says he will not tell him. Yashoda takes the call, but he rejects it. Ashok and Alok are coming there. They come to the scrap shop. The guy says he doesn’t know Varun. Alok says we didn’t come for him. He tells Ashok about Mandal Baba will make him see the weighing scale for past and present. Yashoda senses his presence.

Amma makes Chula for Yashoda. Babu ji asks her to gift gas stove to Yashoda. Amma says Yashoda will not take it from me. She says Yashoda wanted to make Krishna as the heir, but….
She holds him responsible for Yashoda’s plight.

Yashoda and Manoj are in the car. Yashoda cries for Krishna. She tells that she has to go and pick the girls from school. Manoj says I will drop you. Ashok thinks Krishna, Aastha and Nupur might be in the same school. He thinks to go and see them. Red cloth falls on him. He thinks he has to take diksha, but can’t be peaceful until he sees them. He comes near the school and sees Yashoda picking the girls. They come to the pani puri stall to have it.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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