Categories: Doree

Doree 1st May 2024 Written Episode Update

Doree 1st May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Raj tells Komal that he cleaned the store room and finds this photo there. He shows the photo to them. Vansh asks them if he has two Grandmother? They are shocked to see the twins there. Anand is shocked to see Kailashi Devi there.
Mansi reveals to Raj that she is real Kailashi Devi and Ganga’s real mother. She is Mahendra’s wife. Her twin sister Rukmani took the place in this house by betraying her. Everyone is shocked to hear it. Meanwhile, Kailashi Devi says to Anand that truth came out. Ganga Prasad says that her true face came out. He returned the betrayal to her. She is Rukmani. He recalls the way he planned this all along with Kailashi Devi. He asked her to divert Anand and Neelu while they are searching for Mansi. Ganga Prasad says that she fell into his trap. Anand says that he won’t be alive

till that. He pointed the gun at them. Doree throws the gun from his hand. Maya takes the gun and points at them.

Neelu says that she was on her side. Then why she is threatening her. Maya says that Rukmani confessed the truth by her mouth. She already recorded everything on this camera. We will give this evidence to the police. Doree says that they will go to the jail for torture them. They tortured Mansi and her a lot. Ganga asks them to pay for their deeds. He asks Rukmani to leave from his house. Maya asks them to change their clothes and come back. Maya points the gun at them. Ganga and Doree leaves from there. Maya threatens Neelu to tie Anand’s hand. She apologized to him. She died him. She asks Kailashi Devi to tie Neelu’s hand. She tied her. Ganga Prasad and Doree comes there. She says let’s go to the police station asap. The goons comes there and stops them. They released Anand and Neelu. They fights with Ganga. Rukmani strangled Kailashi Devi’s neck. She says that she shouldn’t have come back alive.

Maya and Doree stops Rukmani. She slaps her in anger. Meanwhile, Mansi serves the food to everyone. Yash consoles Mahendra. Mansi searching for Vansh. She noticed the store room live recording in the tab. She is shocked to see the fight there. She worries about Mansi and runs from there to save her. Meanwhile, Ganga Prasad stops the goons. He asks Doree to handover the evidence to the police. She denied it. She refused to leave till he go with her. He swears on him. Maya asks Doree to leave. Neelu stops her. Kailashi Devi holds Neelu. Doree and Maya runs from there. She takes the chip and ask Doree to run. She diverts Neelu. She informs her that Maya will handover the recording in the police station.
Neelu says that she did this plan to get Maya alone. Meanwhile, Rukmani stops Maya there. She tried to convince her using her mom’s love for her. Maya refuses to believe her. She lashes out at her. She curses her. Rukmani asks her to hug her before she die. She stabs Maya. Doree witnessed it all.

Precap: Anand attacks Ganga

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