Fan Fiction


sry guys i know that its always swara who bears but if u see even ragini is bearing her brother’s hatred. but as u said i will make changes and tanq for commenting

Recap – raglak date and swasanmohit conversation and laksh suffers with fever and swara and sanskar taking care of him

Here we go
everyone does their breakfast and goes to respective places
swara in hospital
swara is checking patients

@sanskar’s ofc
he enters the his cabin
he sees his staff working and remembers the scene wen they were talking among themselves to see swara
sanskar to hinself – are i totally forgot about this , i should introduce swara to staff i forgot it. I will inform her so that she can take some free time
sanskar calls swara
swara sees his call
she cuts it
sanskar to hinself – i think she is with patients
swara cheks patients and after 1 hour she calls him
he picks her call
sanskar – hello swara
swara – hello sanskar i am sry i am little busy at tat time soo
sanskar – swara i can understand u no need to explain
swara – acha tell me y did u call me ??
Sanskar – actually swara as i am martied now i wish i want to introduce u to all my staff if u dont hav problm Then will u come with me ??
Swara – sanskar is this the thing to be asked ofcourse i will. I am ur wife sanskar u no need to ask me
she realises wat she said but blushes at her own words
here sanskar is very happy
sanskar – ok then and tanq
swara – sanskarrr u r forgettung rules

sanskar – acha ok no sorry mrs.maheswari
and i hav a small work . Talk to u later
swara – bye
swara and sanskar both are happy
swara to herself – mrs.maheswari. Its nice to hear that word that to from his mouth and she smile

@ mm
Sujatha and ap sits besides laksh
sujatha – jiji his temperature is increasing again
ap – ha sujatha i will call swara
sujatha – ha jiji i will inform sanskar also
they both call swara and sanskar respectively
sanskar tells that he is coming
ap – hello swara beta laksh’s body temperature is increasing its 102 again
swara – oh noo
ap – wat happened beta . Is everything fine
swara – ha badi maa i am coming u relax
she cuts the call
swara to herself – as i gav the tablet laksh should not get fever again as the tablet effect remains upto 24 hours i hav to get tests done. I think its viral fever. Anyways i hav to check before making sure. It may be dur to cold also swara comes home with someone
sanskar – swara who is this ??

Swara – sanskar he is mr.vijay lab assistant . I wanted laksh to go through some tests thats it
sanskar – y swara is he fine ??
Swara – ha sanskar he is fine but for my sake
swara goes to laksh
laksh – bhabhi y did u come leaving ur hospital and all ur works .i am fine
swara – ha yeah ur really fine actually this thermometer is at fault.its not working properly see ur body is too cool and its showing 102
laksh keeps puppy face
swara – laksh listen i hav to do some tests. So i need to take a sample of blood
Laksh – BLOOD that means INJECTION
noooo bhabhi i am afraid of injection
he runs from the room and comes out in the hall
he is climbing like a kid and everyone are trying to catch him
finally sanskar catches him
everyone holds him
swara sits beside him
swara – lucky plzzz trust me it will not pain i am sure about it
laksh – no bhabhi plzzz
swara – plzz listen to me
she signs vijay to come and sit beside laksh he comes with iv and sits there
laksh – bhabhi plzzzzz nooo
swara – acha ok
swara stands and suddenly a song rings from her mobile

its the song
“Pehla pehla pyaar hai pehli pehli baar hai
laksh listens to this and says
laksh – wow bhabhi ur ringtone is very nice i luv this song
swara – woww lucky me too its awesome its my favourite song and favourite movie too
swara keeps on talking and she signs to take the blood
vijay takes blood
laksh who is busy in talking realises some pain and turns and shouts but it gets over at that time
vijay – mam its over
swara – gud ok u go …
laksh interrupts
laksh – bhabhi u cheated me na
and keeps a pout face
everyone laughs at him
laksh goes to his room angrily
sanskar – wowww swara u r too intelligent waise how do u know that laksh likes this song
actually ragini told me
and its not my ringtone i played the song just to divert his attention
ap – u r so smart swara

swara – nahi badi maa actually we are used to these pranks. We hav to search for different ways to make them get done their tests. Kyun mr.vijay its tough right ??
Vijay – yes mam . Mam i will leave now
swara – ok and i need the reports till evng. Plzzzzz make it fast
vijay – sure mam . i wil leave now
he goes
sujatha – swara will u go to clinic now ??
Swara – no mom actually i hav completed my work but if there is an emergency i hav to go thats it. Dont worry i will take care of laksh
sanskar – maa mai bhi ab ofc nahi jaa sakta abhi abhi aaaya hu toh i will do work from here only
ap – ha ha beta waise we know the actual reason and smiles seeing swara and sanskar
sanskar – maaa now as uttara went to clg u took her job to tease me ??
Ap – hm no no sanskar we r not teasing u we r just making fun of u and they again laughs
sanskar – maa
swara’s phone rings
its ragini
swara says mom badi ma i will be back in a min ragini is calling me . I thinm to ask about laksh’s health
ap – ha beta listen dont tell her anything she is in clg na let her concentrate now laksh is fine na
swara – ji badi ma

she goes
sanskar thinks – if i go to my room then these all will teasw me so i will sit in the hall and work

@swasan room
swara – ha ragini bolo
ragini – di is laksh fine ?
Swara – ha madam he is fine bus thodi si bhukhar abhi bhi hai
ragini – wat ??
Swara ‘ragini relax i am here oy at home i will take care of him
ragini – di shall i cone there ??
Swara – i am telling u na he is fine and waise bhi mai dekh rahi hu ur showing too much lovr on ur to be husband
ragini – dii and she blushes
swara – now plzzzz dont blush and concentrate on ur classes. Dont worry about here . I will take care
swara cuts the call

Swara to herself – now if i sit like this i will become bored kuch kaam karti hu
she opens sanskar’s shelf
she sees his shirts and pants. They were messed up and not ironed
swara to herself – omg lucky told me that sanskar likes to keep the things neat and clean but wats this ??
She removes everything and takes the iron box and starts to iron them
She neatly arranges his shelf with all clothes arranged in neat order
she forgets one suit outside itself.she doesnot see it
then swara starts to press her clothes
sujatha comes there
sujatha – swara wat r u doing ??
Swara – mom wo actually i was bored to sit like this so i thought to clean the shelfs and arrange the clothes
sujatha – acha hai u complete ur work. I just came to see u
swara – ok mom there is still time to prepare lunch na ??
Sujatha – ha beta. We will see that u carry on with ur work
swara – no mom as i am here only i will prepare if i go to hospital then u will only do all the work na so let me do now

sujatha – acha ok but there is still some time to start so till then u carry on with ur work
sujatha goes down and talks to ap
sanskar listens to them as he is present there only
sujatha – jiji we r very lucky swara told that she will only prepare the lunch today and we can rest
ap – sujatha
sujatha – sry jiji i didnot mean that but u know wat jiji now she is arranging her room and clothes in cup boards and pressing clothes. She is doing the work very neatly jiji. Hamafi bahu toh sarwagun sampann hai
ap – ha wo toh hai
sanskar smiles suddenly he remembers something
sanskar thinks to hinself – omg tiday mrng in a hurry i hav messed up my wardrobe. Wat will swara think of me abd ohhh shit that necklace wat if she sees that
@swasan room
swara finishes arranging her clothes in her wardrobe
she then sees sanskar’s suit remaining outside
she takes it and puts in his wardrobe
she sees the locker keys
swara to herself – how can sanskar be so careless about this he shouldhav locked this as servants will be roaming here and there
she locks it but it doesnot get locked
she tries but as she pulls it locker comes out and she sees a set
she opens it

its a beautiful diamond necklace which sanskar had bought for swara along with ragini’s set
swara opens it
its a beautiful diamond set with red and green coloyr stones studded in between them
its so nice and it has matching ear rings
swara – wowww this is soo pretty
sanskar just enters the room and comes near her. He sees it and his wardrobe too. Its arranged very nicely
sanskar – swara u did this ??(sanskar asks pointing towards the wardrobe)
Swara – ha and from tomorrow onwards u will not take ur clothes. I will only give u ok
sanskar to himself – if u will give me the clothes with ur hand then i am ready to mess my wardrobe n number of times and smiles
swara – sanskar y r u smiling
sanskar – kuch nahi swara he looks to the set in her hand
swara observes it
swara – actually sanskar i am locking it but opened and i saw this so i opened thats it and sorry ha
sanskar – swara y r u saying sorry. Wat did u say now u r forgetting rules and more over u r my wife and this is all urs as it is mine and coming to this . I had bought this for u ??
Swara surprised – for me ??wen

sanskar – wen i took one set for ragini i bought this for u too. i thought to give u on any special occasion buttt as u hav seen it then u take it
swara – oh so u know to give gifts also ??
She asks with smile
sanskar -ha and smiles and thinks pehle toh nahi deta tha but now i am excited to buy gifts for u
swara – sanskar can i wear it. Actually its so pretty that i cannot stop myself
sanskar – madam its urs so u hav the right to wear it
swara goes near the mirror and pulls her hair a side
she is wearing
sanskar is staring at her
she is looking too gud in that half saree
He comes out of his senses when he sees that necklace struck in her blowse work
he goes to her and says
sanskar – may i ??
Swara bows his head down and says
swara – hmm (saying yes indirectly)
Sanskar removes the threads and works slolwly and makes her wear necklace
they both are lost in each other
sanskar removes her ear rings too and he puts the ear rings
Both are lost in each other

suddenly they hear sujatha calling them
they cone out from their world and sees their positions
they both get embarrassed
sanskar moves away and says
sanskar – u r looking very beautiful in it. Can i take a selfie with my beautiful wife ??
Swara feels happy to listen those words she doesnot know y she is happy but she is enjoying being his wife
swara – ya ofcourse
they take a selfie in both their phones
swara immediately removes the set and puts her ear rings back and goes to hall
sujatha – swara its time to prepare lunch beta thats y i called u
ok maa
swara goes to kitchen and prepares lunch especially sanskar’s fav dish paneer

later dp and rp also come down
all are sitting at the dining table
swara serves it to all of them

Sanskar sees all his fav dishes and signs swara to sit beside her
swara goes and sits there
everyone are having lunch
sanskar – wat r these specials every dish is my fav
swara leans towards him and says – its a return gift mr.maheswari
sanskar says a bit louder – swara..
all look at him and smiles
then he says “swara how many times i told u not to call mr.maheswari ”
Swara – are hak hai meri u only told tat i hav that right as i am ur wife
lunch finishes and they all continue their respective works

Precap – swara goes to sanskar’s ofc and sees his assistant getting close to sanskar and feels jealous and lets see if she realises her love towards her husband

Sry guys forgive if there r any mistakes or u feel bored


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