Fan Fiction


I am thankful to all of u for supporting me. my exams are nearer and at the same time i hav functions at home so i couldnot update regularly i am sry

Recap – sanlak are shocked to see swara’s bold behaviour. Swara gets to know that sanskar played a prank on her and she gets upset. Later sanskar convinces swara and they all four spend some quality time later doctor plays some videos and bp starts recovering

Here we go
swasan laksh and mohit comes to the hospital
they enters bp’s ward
swara – dr.jhonson can i see the reports plzzz
dr.jhonson – ofcouse dr.swara
He gives the reports
swara sees them and gets happy
swara – mohit bohut jald bp will be with us , playing beating u she remembers their moments and gets happy
mohit goes near her and hokds her face in his palms and says – this is one of the best day in my life. U cant imagine how i am feeling to see u like this after a long gap
sanskar is very happy to see his swara like that
swara hugs mohit and goes near to sanskar
swara hugs him tightly and says – tanq sanskar tanq so much

they break the hug and says – y r u saying tanq i hav did nothing. Its my responsibility and i hav to do it
laksh – ha bhabhi bhai is right after all this is all becozzz of me. (He becomes sad)
Swara goes to him and says – lucky past is past and u hav not done anything intentionally so dont say that again. Plzzzz i cant see u like this u know na u r my best devar and ur bhabhi loves u alot. Now smile lucky
laksh smiles and says – ok bhabhi but ragini…
swara – lucky she will forgive u and she has to do that becozzz i will not let my sister lose a diamond like u
laksh smiles widely

They all move outside

Swara gets a call. Its of shekhar’s
shekhar – hello swara How r u ??
Swara – i am fine pappa
r u all fine
shekhar – ha beta we r all fine. R u njoying ur honeymoon or ur brother is disturbing u both
swara – pappa its nthng like that by the way he is working hard here so dont dars to say a word against my brother (smiles)
sanlakmoh also laugh
shekhar – acha ji u r giving a warning to ur fathere

swara – hahaha sry pappa
shekhar – ok beta bye (sadly)
Swara – pappa r u fine ?? Telk me the reason y u called me
shekhar – kuch nahi aaj bhayya ki bharsi hai na so mujhe unki bahut yaad ar…
nthng beta ok bye beta take care
shekhar immediately cuts the call
swara sits on the chair
swara with tears
sanlakmoh – di/bhabhi/swara wat happened ??
Swara – mohit do u remember today’s date ??
Mohit suddenly remembers – omg di i hav forgotten this i dont know wats happening at our house
sanlak – wat r u both talking about
swara – sanskar actually today is the on which bp was declared as dead (tears falls and she wipes them)
Swara continues – from 2 year mohit and i are stopping thsm from doing bp’s barsi but as we are not here thdy might be doimg…
doing barsi of a man who is alive no this cant happen
sanskar – swara relax ragini knows everything na she will stop
mohit – no jiju she couldnot if she has to stop it then she has to tell the truth to thEm
swara – mohit sanskar is right i totally forgot about ragini. i know she will manage but we dont hav enough time we should make it fast. Bp should come to

in next two days
sanskar – but how is it possible swara
swara – it is possible (in a determined and confident expression)
mohit – di wat r u going to do ??
Swara – going to die
sanlakmoh – wat ??
Sanskar – hav u gone mad ??
Mohit – di ….
swara – firat lisren to me
only my death can make him fine. i will not die but i will be in a critical condition.some goons will torture me infront of bp
mohit – no diii its too risky. If he agajn gets into coma or he…
i know badepappa he cant see u suffering
swara – exactly he cant see me suffering. Only i should be in that room. if i am helpless then he will definetly try to help me. Do u know positivity is necessary in curing anything
sanskar – i agree with u swaa but y r u so hurry
swara – becozzz i cant hidd this truth from my family anymore sanskar and i also dont want them to see bp in this condition thats y
sanskar – but r u sure swara ??
Swara – ha sanskar

sanskar kisses on her forehead and says – i believe u
Swara – tanq
moh and lak – ahem ahem we too r here
swasan gets embarrased
(I dont want to drag this part bp getting consciousness and swara suffering so i am making it short sorry)
they all start their plan
from 3 days swara is acting as if she is kidnapped and is treating badly. Each and every day they can see the differences and betterment in bp’s condition.
on 5th day of their plan
they made a murder pan for swara
goon is about to shoot swara bp slowly says – n…no.nooo…nooooo
swara hears this
they all are watching this as cctv ard placed in the room all 3 r happy and they are giving hifi to each other.
swara still continues her drama

Swara – plzzz dont kill me bp save me plzzz
sanskar who saw this – mohit ur sister is acgreat actress i think she mistakenly became a doctor instead of actor
mohit and laksh laughs
at last mohit shouts and sits on the bed – noooooo do…nt dont d.o an..ything to ma..

swara listening ma from his mouth ran towards him and hugged him tightly.
bp – maaa
swara – bp i missed u and she cries alot more and more louder
seeing her crying bp also cries
just then doctor comes
dr.jhonson – dr.swara ur plan worked. U r too intelligent. U know ur father well.
Bp looks questioningly
swara says that its her plan and nthng happened to her
bp hugs her and says – i am very glad to get a daughter like u
swara – daughter who is daughter i am ur maa and laughs
he too laughs
they both hav a wonderful moment
bp – maa where am i ??
Swara – bl u r in london. I will explain everything to u later. Its time for surprise.
swara msgs mohit to come in

mohit sanlak comes in
mohit hugs him
mohit – badepappa …. he cries alot
bp – offo i thought u r stronger than ur di but see u r crying like a girl
mohit – its ur fault. U made me to cry
they all laugh
suddenly bp stops laughing seeing laksh
bp shocks – he is the person who hit me. How u came here how dare u ?? (Angrily)
Swara – bp relax i know lucky did wrong but he is the person who saved u and admitted u in hospital.

Swara says everything how someone blackmailed them that they will kill bp and they shift him to london except sanskar is her husband and about anand.(how he told that bp is dead and he didnot allow to meet him)
bp gets happy – beta i dont even know u both but u did so much for me
sanlak – no uncle its our duty.
bp – maa how do u know them ??
Mohit is about to say – badepappa ye di ka…
swara interrupts – u take rest i will tell u everything later ok
bp – ok ma but just now i gained consciousness i wanted to talk to u plzzz
swara – no means no. U hav to take rest. Thats it
bp – ok
(he cant move his legs properly he cant walk )
after bp sleeps all three left from there
swara sits on the chair and is in deep thinking
Sanskar – swara wat happened y r u upset ??

No response from her
mohit – di
laksh – bhabhi
no response she is in her own world thinking something
all three shakes her
swara gets in to sense
swara (angry) – wat happened y r u all behaving like kids
sanskar – oh hello madam we r not kids but u became old u r deaf. We r calling u but u r not respomding
Swara – acha ok ok tell me wat happened ??
Mohit – we hav to ask that. y did u stop me from introducing jiju
swara gets up and says (angrily) – hav u gone mad mohit ??
Sanlak are shocked as she never talked in this tone to mohit
mohit respondes normally becozzz he knew his sister – di i know wat r u thinking but huding is not a better option
sanlak – will u both explain us ??
Swara sits and holds her head and cries and says – just becozzz of mg carelessness he is in hoslital today if i say him that i got married without him then he couldnot bear it
mohit – di but he has to know it today or tomorrow

swara – mohit is anything there that i hav done on my own without comsulting bp ??
Mohit nods in a no
swara – then how can u expect that he will be fine wen i tell him the truth that i got married without him
sanskar – mohit swara is right
Mohit – par jiju u r not understanding. He has to know thd truth then he will be more upset as we have hidden the news for so long
Sanskar – no mohit swara will introduce me as a frnd and slowly i will get clise to him that he himself will ask my hand for swara. It will be gud
swara – woww sanskar u r toooo intelligent (happy)
Mohit – idea is very nice jiju
sanskar – no buts vuts do u trust me ??
Mohit – ofcourse jijh
sanskar – then follow my plan
mohit – ok come lets hav lunch and after that we can meet badepappa
sanskar – u and lucky go
i will come latrr with ur di

mohit and laksh smiles and goes
sanskar – so wat r u saying my dear wifeyyy
(Moving closure to her)
Swara – sanskar it is a hospital plzzz
sanskar – nooo tell me wat r u saying
swara – i was just saying that u r tooo intelligent
sanskar – acha then dont u give me my reward for my intelligence as i gave a wonderful solution to ur problm
they are still in the same postion. Sanskar is moving more and more close to her.
Swara – sans..karr plzzzz leave me
sanskar – no
and he kisses her cheek
he kisses her in another cheek.
He moves towards her lips but she stops him

and she releases herself from his clutch
swara – sanskar u r becoming naughty day by day now come lets hav lunch
sanskar – ha naughty toh mai hu hi But i became naughty just becozzzz of u
u r driving me crazy u know
sanskar again cathes her by hsr waist
sanskar – my return gift ??
Swara – wat ??
Sanskar – ha i gave u two na give me my kisses back
swara – sanskar shut up
sanskar – ok then lets stand in this position only. Its really nice right
he tightens his grip on her waist
swara – ok baba and she kisses his cheeks and she walks fastly to cantene

They four after lunch reaches bp’s room
all are talking
suddenly laksh called swara bhabhi
all are shocked
bp – bhabhi ?? y r u calling ma as bhabhi ??
All r tensed. Suddenly an idea flashes in swara’s mind
swara – y do u call me as ma ??

Bp – becozzz u look like my ma and u were born on the same date
swara – ha exactly i look like his bhabhi so he will call sometimes just for fun
bp – acha wat is ur bhabhi’s name ??
Laksh – woh..woh..
bp – kya hua dont u knlw ur bhabhi’s name
swara – hushhhh bp wat will u do by knowing his bhabhi’s name by the way i forgot to introduce them he is my best frnd sanskar maheswari and his brother laksh maheswari (poimting towards them )
Bp – maheswari’s ohh wowww it means durga prasad maheswari is..
sanskar – my badepappa
laksh – and my pappa but how do u know him uncle ??
Bp – i had heard his name so i asked u as i too am s businessman so i knew him
ohhh ok
swara – bp we r going to india tomorrow
bp – ha but i wanted to ask u something ?? Where are everyone ?? Y didnt they not come to see me ??
Swara and mohit are shocked as they dont want to tell bp that they assumed that he died

Precap – swara tells the whole truth to bp in absence od sanlak


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