Fan Fiction


Hiiiii frndzzzz. i think some of u didnot like the episode. Hope u like this one

Below is the previous part link

Here we go


All are at dining table

Misha is jealous of swara. Swara is some what upset. Sanskar stares at swara. But swara is serving everyone. Sanskar drags chairs for swara but misha comes and sits there.
swara feels bad. She serves them
misha – sanskarr do u remember how much we used to hav fun in our college. And u know what swara u r really lucky to get him. so many girls tried for him. He has a huge fan following.Swara gives a fake smile.
sanskar to laksh as he is sitting the other side of sanskar – luckyyyy plzzzx stop this idiot from spilling the beans.
laksh – waise misha wat r u doing right now ??
Misha – ha laksh i am a fashion designer. And u know u can find my designs even here.
laksh – oh ok
Sanskar looks at him and asks him to continue speaking to her. Swara listens this and smiles.
swara thinks – i think mai ne kuch zyada hi react hogayi.
Swara goes near sanskar and gives him paratha and his fav palak panner.
sanskar looks at swara but she goes.
sujatha – swara beta u too sit and hav ur food.
swara – no maa i will hav later.
All finish their dinner. Swara and parineetha are arranging the table aftr dinner.
swara – bhabhi u go and take rest. I will do this.
pari – no swara how can i leave this alone to u. U will be stressed at ur hospital too. So let me do.
swara – no bhabhi i will do u go.

pari – but swara u hav not taken ur dinner na ?? u must be feeling hungry
Swara – no bhabhi i am fine will u plzzz go
pari – buttttt…..
swara – bhabhi if u hav not gone now i will tell dr.priya to make u admit in the hospital till ur delivery is that ok with u ??
Pari – are no no swara i will go but how can u manage alone ??
Swara – i will…
sanlak adarsh who are watching them are smiling listening their discussions.
laksh interrupts swara
laksh – i will help swara bhabhi u go And take rest.
and laksh comes and starts taking the vessels.parineetha leaves
Swara – now stop it i will do it.
laksh – no bhabhi let me help u.
swara – i said no na ??
Laksh – no snd he starts taking them.
swara too takes them fast to stop him. Both acts like kids. But swara does most of the work as she is used to it.
both completes.
sanskar – now u eat ur dinner.
swara – i am not feeling hungry sanskar…

sanskar thinks she is still angry with him.
misha comes there.
misha – sanskarrr
sanskar (murmurs).- are yaar yeh phir aagayi…
laksh laughs.
misha – sanskar i am not feeling sleepy so lets chat for sometime plzzzzzz
sanskar – ok lets talk but after 15min i hav some work with my wife.
Saying this he takes swara with him to his room.
as soon as they reach their room. Sanskar locks the room.
swara – sans…
sanskar interrupts her
sanskar – shhhh plzzzz dont speak anything. Let me explain i know u r angry with me but let me tell u. Woh musha na chipkali type ki hai. but she is my best frnd plzzz dont be angry. U know na i love u.i was so afraid to see u in anger. I thought u willnot talk to me. She is just my frnd. And if u want i will send her by tomorrow. (He goes on speaking worriedly)
swara sees him and his innocence.
swara gets up and goes near him and kisses him on his lips. Sanskar first gets shocked but later responds to it. They both share a passionate kiss. Later they break the kiss due to lack of air.
swara looks at him lovingly but sanskar gives her confused looks
swara – sanskar i am not angry with u. I was angry with u but later i realised that u r not at fault. I am sry.
sanskar smiles – so this is the reward for getting angry with me without my fault. In that case i am ok if u r angry with me 100 times a day

he winks at her naughtily.
swara – sanskarrr shut up now come lets go down. Ur frnd and adarsh bhai and lucky are waiting.
see in jealosy i forgot my manners. I hav not even talked to ur frnd. wat will she think about me huuu
sanskar – relaxxx wifey she willnot think anything and by the way u admit that u r jealous.I like it.
swara – haaa jab itna handsome pati hoo tho patni ko jealous hone ke alawa aur koyi option hai kya ??
Sanskar – Hmmm thanks for the compliment mrs.maheswari.
swara – ok now come
sanskar – swara jana zarrori hai kya. I want to spend some time with u.
swara – sanskar i am very hungry…
sanskar – acha sry sry i forgot y do u starve always. y dont u hav dinner with all of us ??
Swara – then who will serve
sanskar – swara ramu kaka is there na ?? And many cooks are there to help him
swara – but it doesnot give the feeling of having dinner at home.
sanskar – hmm u will never change. Start thinking of urself too

swara – sans..
sanskar – plzzz now dont start ur lecture come
they both go down.
laksh teases – bhaiii u said 15min but wat took so much time to come down.
swasan blushes remembering the kiss.
sanskar – now wil u stop ur nonsense. Ur bhabhi didnot had her dinner. So let her eat.
swara – misha just wait for 10min i will come after having dinner. I hav not talked to u from the time u came. I am sry for that.
misha – its ok swara u go untill then we will talk (pointing towards sanskar)
Sanskar – actually misha i too am going to kitchen i will serve her.
swara looks at him and signs him no.
but he doesnot listen to her.
They both go
laksh shouts – bhai not only serving but make her eat with ur hands
adarsh beats him
laksh laughs. Swasan run from there hearing laksh’s words

Misha gets jealous as she still loves sanskar.


Swara is serving in her plate while talking – sanskar wats the need to come with me??
sanskar – becozzz u will not eat properly
he snatches her plate and he keeps on serving all the dishes.
sanskar – today i will make u eat. and u will not stop me.
sanskar starts feeding her. Swara looks at him lovingly. Sanskar wipes the foid from her lips. And touches her lips romantically.
Swara – sanskarr bus i cant eat more.
sanskar – u hav to eat this completely.
and keeps on feeding her.
misha comes to kitchen and sees swara sitting beside the gas stove and sanskar feeding her.
misha gets jealous more.
Swara sees her – misha
sanskar turns back and finds her
sanskar – misha wat r u doing here i mean..
misha – i came here to take water bottle. U both continue.
swara observes different feeling in her face.

she takes the water bottle and goes.
sanskar continues feeding her.
swara – sanskarr bus bus plzzz
sanskar – no ek aur bite last bite plzzz mere liye
swara – ok
sanskar feeds her
Later he keeps the plate in shink and washes his hands and wipes swara’s mouth too.
Swara – sanskarrr u r treating me like a baby
sanskar – so wat u r my baby. And smiles at her.
swara – acha ok then i am ur baby na so sanskar neeche utaro mujhe and lets go now.
swara opens her arms sanskar comes and hugs her. Swara smiles
sanskar lifts her by keeping his hands on her bare belly. And keeps her down.
sanskar comes near her ears and says – come lets go to our room.
swara – noooo now come.
she starts moving out and sanskar too follows her.
They keeps on talking and as swara is ok with misha sanskar too starts speaking freely with her.
but misha has wrong intentions for sanskar. Swara senses something wrong in her behaviour.
Swara feels really jealous this time but she doesnot want to hurt sanskar
swara gets up and says – sanskar come lets go i am feeling sleepy.
sanskar thinks to tease her – ok swara u go and sleep. We met aftr a long gap na so we will chat for some more time and then i will come.
that is enough for swara.
swara – ok take ur own time

swara turns back and leaves whike talking to herself – just now he was in a hurry to go to our room but see him now he wants to spend sometime with his frnd. hm but he explained me na then y am i feeling soo jealous. Swara stip being a typical indian wife. Huuj but wat shall i do i am an indian and i am a wife. Huuu
here sanskar is shocked that swara didnot ask him for second time. He too decided not to go until she herself calls him.
he keeps on talking with misha,laksh and adarsh.
later laksh and adarsh too goes.
Sanskar too gets up to go but remembers his words so he decides to stay there but alone. So he sends misha.
Sanskar – misha i am feeling sleepy. Lets go now. Its late.
misha – ok sanskar
she leaves.
sanskar sits in sofa.

@swasan room

swara is awake and waiting for sanskar. She is really pissed off now. She imagines misha and sanskar talking and laughing and misha touching sanskar.its enough for her.she goes down to call him but is surprised to see him alone.
swara goes near him and says – y r u sitting here alone. where is misha,laksh and adarsh bhai ??
Sanskar – they went

swara – then y r u sitting alone ??
Sanskar (pouts like a baby) – becozzz i am angry with u.
swara sits beside him and asks – me ?? Wat did i do ?? Infact i should be the one who must get angry becozzz u didnot come with me wen i called u.
sanskar – i thoughf to tease u but wat did u do. U went without me.u hav not even called for second time. Thats y i decided not to come to the room until u urself call me.
swara sees him and smiles – sanskar u know sometimes u behave like a kid.
acha ok now i came na now come with me.
sanskar – sry
swara – for wat ?? Becozz u teased me.
sanskar nods in yes.
swara – i willnot forgive u so easily. i wasted my precious time which i wanted to spend with my husband becozzz of u.
Sanskar smiles at her and kisses her on both her cheeks and says – sry
sanskar lifts her up and carries her to their bed room
swara – sanskar put me down. koyi dekhlega plzzzz
sanskar – i am ur husband ok and madam all are sleeping at this time.
Sanskar carries her and places her gently on bed. He goes back and locks the room.
he lie beside her and lights went off.They both gets intimate.


Our love birds are in deep sleep. Someone knocks tge door.
both swara and sanskar gets up
sanskar – who is it ??
person – me misha sanskar wat r u doing till now ?? U told that we will go for jogging.
swara looks at him
sanskar says slowly – swara i accepted as she insisted me to come along with her as she will feel bored.
swara – sanskar its not like that but i feel strange about her.ii…
misha again knocks the door.
misha – sanskarr r u there ??
Sanskar – ha misha u plzz give me 20 min k will be there.
misha – ok come fast i will be waiting.

sanskar – wat r u saying swara ??
Swara – ha sanskar i feel that she thinks u more than a frnd. the way she looks at u talks with u is different.
sanskar – u r right swara. She loves me
swara (shocked).- wat ?? And u know it ??
Sanskar – ha actually i knkw she loved me but i came to knkw yesterday that she still loves me
swara – and u r still moving so close to her ??
sanskar – wat do u mean ??
Swara – sanskar i trust u and i know that u love me only me but still if u move clse to her then she gets a hope.
Sanskar – ya i know but she too know that i am a married man and she also know that how much i love u. So dont think too much ok ?? Now shall i leave
swara – hmm
sanskar wears his clothes and goes down. Soon swara too freshes and goes down.
sanskar and misha leaves for jogging.
swara as usual makes breakfast for everyone.
sanskar comes and goes directly to his room
swara too follows him
sanskar comes out hurridely and gets ready fast.
swara – sanskar y r u so hurry

sanskar – swara i hav a meeting so i am leaving now.
Swara – no wait hav ur breakfast and go
sanskar – swara i dont hav time.
Swara comes down fast and goes up with a plate of breakfast in her hand while sanskar is working for his presentation.
Swara – see i hav brought it for u. Hav thIs.
sanskar – swara cant u see i am working
swara – who said to eat it by ur hands u do ur work with ur hands. I will do my work with mine.
she feeds him. He smiles but suddenly plate falls on his files.
swasan gets shocked.
sanskar – swara how can u be so careless. I told u not to force me for breakfast. Will i die if i had not taken my breakfast ha ?? Tell me How will i finish my meeting. I hav lost this deal just becozzz of u. u know aaj tak maine koi bhi deal nahi hara hu.forget it.
swara (in tears) – sanskar i am sry
sanskar leaves from there while all the family is there. They came upwards by hearing his shout.
swara too leaves from there.

Precap – swara prepares his presentation and all the files ready by cancelling her work. Swara jealous of misha. Raglak engagement discussions.

Sry guys i thought to write mire but this part is much longer so i stopped here


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