Fan Fiction

A Dream Episode – 34

Hi ? friends
Sorry guys, so sry Surbhi, for this last update. I have held in work..I will say all my sorry and thank you in the end of this epic. But Surbhi, read the lines after my story, I have something for you..
Now lets get into the story……

The episode begins with, abhigya watching the video. The girl’s face is clearly visible in it. Abhigya looks puzzled. Mr. Chopra says, this is the girl who came on that day in the place of Miss. Pragya Arora.
Pragya says, I have seen this girl somewhere, but I couldn’t remember anything. Abhi says, I too feel the same. Mr. Chopra ask him, do you know this girl??? Abhi says, maybe…. Don’t know exactly. Abhi asks him, can you give me a copy of this footage?? Mr. Chopra says, offcourse and asks the staff for a copy of the video. Abhigya get it and says thank you. Mr. Chopra says, you are most welcome. Abhigya then leaves from there.

Abhi says, I will drop you in hostel. Pragya nods her head as yes. They gets into car and abhi started to drive. There was an absolute silence. They didn’t speak with each other. Both are thinking about the same thing.. In their mind there is only one question.. Why I couldn’t remember, who that girl is???

Abhi was about to dash a car as his thoughts was in that girl. He somehow manages and stops the car. Abhi takes a deep breath. Pragya says, Mr. Mehra, while driving, concentration should be on the road. She keeps her hand on his hand and says, I can understand what’s going on in your mind. You are thinking about that girl. Abhi looks at her. She says, you only said that we should not give importance to the girl, then why you are thinking about it??? Abhi says, its because, I have seen her somewhere. Pragya says, I too feel the same. She continues, Mr. Mehra, whatever be the problem, if we search answer for it, in a confused mind set, we don’t get any answer. Calm your mind and think in a clear view, then you can easily find who she is… Till yesterday, we don’t know her face..but today we have come to about it.. If we believe that we can, then we will definitely come to know about her, one day. So don’t pressurize your mind now.. Abhi smiles and says, from when you have become, soooo positive. Pragya says, its because of you only. She then asks him, are you going to drop me in hostel or we are going to stay here for the whole night??? Abhi says, as your wish madam… Whatever you say, I will.. Pragya smiles. Abhi says, I cant understand the meaning of this smile. Pragya says, its getting late, shall we move from here??? Abhi says, sure…

Nikhil thinks, this birthday is going to be the most memorable day. He says, abhi didn’t reply anything on my invitation. Will he, come to the party or not??
Abhigya reached hostel. Pragya bids bye and good night to him. Abhi then leaves to home.

Pragya says, I have tried to be positive infront of Mr. Mehra but, honestly I cant be so.. She sits on the bed and held in deep thoughts of that girl. Without her knowledge she sleeps..
Abhi is sleepless.. He repeatedly checks both the videos ( the video from Mr. Chopra’s office and the video, he got from the chip, which was fixed in the clock). He thinks, something is not connecting with Tanu ‘s story and this video. Its highly confusing.

Pragya was sleeping deeply. She is in a dream. In her dream, abhigya was happily spending their time in a beautifully decorated place. Tanu comes between them and starts to badmouthing Pragya. She goes to the extreme level. Abhi lost his cool at one stage and slapped her hard. Pragya wakes up from the dream.. She looks at the clock. It was early morning 5:30. She thinks, did I get a dream??? She then closes her eyes for a second. She could visualize abhi slapping Tanu. She opens her eyes and gets puzzled. She then goes to the garden to pour water to her plants. She thinks, why he slapped her???? What she spoke?? I couldn’t remember any of the conversation… Is she is going to be punished for her wrong deeds or for something else ???

Pragya thinks about Tanu’s words after her engagement. Tanu pointing road and says, this is your place, don’t ever try to enter into MM and abhi’s life again… She thinks, will Tanu be punished?? Will this dream become true??? I dont want this dream to become true. Since, Mr. Mehra, has lots of affection towards Tanu. He cant bear, if she suffers. She prays to Ramji, whatever maybe, you take care of it. I leaving it in your hand.

In MM, abhi is in half sleep in his couch by hugging his laptop. Mom comes to his room. She caress his hair. He wakes up and says, good morning maa.. Mom asks him, why are you sleeping here?? That too by hugging laptop… Abhi says, maa.. I was working with some files and slept unknowingly… Mom says, I want to talk something importantly. Can I??? Abhi says, maa.. You can… Why are you asking permission to me??? Mom says, okay, I have come here to talk about your marriage with Pragya. Abhi gets up from the couch. He turns to the other side and stands silently.. Mom asks him, why are you standing silently??? You both are already engaged, then what’s is the problem in getting married??? Abhi says, maa I have no problem but..he pauses for a while. Mom asks, but what abhi??? What is the reason behind your silence??? Abhi says, there is no reason behind it.. I cant marry her now… Maa.. Just wait for 2 days. I myself will let you know.

Abhi then leaves from there. Mom thinks, is there any problem with between abhigya..
Abhi calls Pragya and says, today I have an important work. So, I wont come to office. If possible, I will meet you in the evening. Before Pragya saying okay, he disconnects the call. Pragya thinks, what happened to him??? Why he is on leave today??? What he is trying to do?? Why he didn’t even hear, what I am trying to say???
Pragya reaches office, she looks at abhi’s cabin. She held in his thoughts. She then, goes to her cabin. She sees the rack. She thinks about the video.. She goes near the rack. She points the shelf and says, security has taken from here only.. What file it could be??? Is that letter was in that file??? She thinks, if I check all the files, I will get to know which is the missing file. With that I can find out, how Mr. Mehra’s signature has been in that letter??? She takes some files, and sees it. She comes to know that all the files are messed up. She gets disappointed. She thinks, how it has happened ??? She says, I feel that someone has done this wantedly..

Pragya says, all the sides are closed, how I am going to come out of it??? What is the use of knowing that girls face??? I couldn’t identify her. She then thinks to see all the female staffs in the office. She goes around the office but, couldn’t find anything.
Nikhil is inviting his friends to his birthday party. Some people are decorating his house. Nikhil orders them to do it properly. There should not be any mistake. He looks after all the arrangements.. He thinks, tomorrow is an important day for me. He says, Mr. Mehra, birthday is for me but, I am going to give you a surprise.. I am just waiting to see your reaction…..

Guys, very sorry for this short update and late update. this epic is short because, I want Nikhil’s bday party to held in a single epic. So I made it short. Sry guys. Situation are not in favour for me to update ☹☹. Tomorrow also don’t wait guys, I will be updating in the evening only. I am Sorry guys for updating late..
As I said before, I will reveal all the suspenses and surprises in Nikhil’s birthday party (tomorrow)… Nikhil too has something for abhi, lets see what is going to happen tomorrow in the party…
This is not regarding the show, I have to say something to you all guys but I will tell about it in my last update only….?? And Surbhi, you will be really shocked and surprised to know about it. Read below..
Thank you all guys for your comments.?? sorry guys unable to reply you all yesterday.
Thank you Jessie, di, nirmal, mukund raj, Kaif, haritha, Reshma, Nannu, Priyanka, Divya, elinor, abhigya, Saranya, mokshi, maha
Rithu, thank you dear for your concern, I will take care of my health..
Sandy, you are not selfish dude.. Its even good for me, if I cured soon..?? and I can give some good epic to you too ??. Thank you..
Asmithaa, I was surprised to know that you are from Tamil Nadu. After reading your yesterdays comment only I have to know about it. Thank you..?
Shanu, I can understand dear. You concentrate on your studies. Thank you for reading in between your exams ?
Aditi Roy, thank you for making your time to read this ff.
Parthi, you cant read my mind ? since, I myself still didn’t finalise what that girl is actually going to do???? thank you ?
Varsha, really sorry dear for making you to read a epic for more than 10 times ??. Thank you so much for your curiosity.
Durga, I am so happy…that I have make you so curious to know what is going to happen next. Honestly I myself don’t know ?? hereafter only have to write??. Thank you ?
And Surbhi, I know you are puzzled now.. Okay… I am really very very very very happy that you commented yesterday..and I am glad that you read this ff daily. Sorry for making you wait till evening. Just 2 days.. You will get answers for this puzzle. And you have complimented me tooooo much, I am nothing infront of your ff ???
Last but not least, my dear Manu, I will take care of fingers.????
Guys, I will update tomorrow evening….

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