Fan Fiction

“”A DREAM”” (SWASAN SS by Kakali) part 17

Hii ev1,, here m with d 17th part n 2rd last part of my story….
Thnk u all for ur amazing response on previous parts.. thnk u to all silent readers also..once again sorry for grammatical mistakes n spelling errors.. :0 😀

So Let’s go inside d DREAM,,,

Link of previous chappies :::

Link of d teaser ::

Link of my 1st OS ::

Link of my 2nd OS ::

Recap-SwaMin emotional convention…

Here we gooo,,,,,

–:-It’s said “Love is not an equation, it is not a contract, and it is not a happy ending. Love is the slate under the chalk, the ground that buildings rise, and the oxygen in the air. It is the place you come back to, no matter where your headed”
Is it sooo¿¿¿–:–

After 5 days ::::

“Sankyyy !!! What’s wrong? U seem disturb today? Anything serious?” Nia asks Sanskar finding him in deep thoughts..

Sanskar comes to sense when Nia shakes him through his shoulder ” Haa !! Nia , u were saying something.. !! ”

“Sankyy,, r u okk? I mean m watching u from many days… !! U look tense.. is something bothering u?? U can share with me if u want” says Nia keeping her palm in his hand…

Sanskar takes a long breath n narrates everything from start to end… !! From where his behaviour changed towards Swara till he slapped her…

Nia looks in his eyes deeply finding guilt n restlessness among with a new born feeling who is trying to fly with wings just need a small blow of wind to reach it’s heightens… !!!

“I don’t know why but i feel like something is wrong !! Whether i want to avoid this feeling.. it’s just grows more.. !! M not getting what to do.. !!” Says Sanskar running his fingures through his hairs…

Nia stares him smilingly with a smirk…”Sankyy ohh God u slapped Swara.. !! Wooww !! U did rit.. i wish i could see that..,, ”

Sanskar is shocked at her statement…

Nia continuous”U know what Sanskar ,, i hate that girl… she is cheap n so chipkuu.. !! Anytime bas Sanskuu Sanskuu Sanskuuuuu !!! Sometime even i also think to slap her.. !! N u said correct she is disgusting… !! Disgusting fellow.. ”

That is enough for Sanskar… he is trying hard to control his anger as he knows Nia is repeating some of his harsh words only which he used for Swara… but now he understands… totally understands how he sounded,,n how it hurted Swara. “Enough,, Nia.. u r crossing ur limits…!! Just Shut up…” Says Sanskar jerking of his place with teary red eyes…

“What happened Sanskar? Why u reacting like this? I said that” (Sanskar cuts off her)

“Bass,, u said enough about MY SHONA.. !! now just shut ur mouth up.. !! M listening from long but it doesn’t mean u can say anything about her…. it’s better u stop or i will forget u r also a friend of mine… Says Sanskar showing his hand to stop her ….

Saying this he left d place…

Nia sees him going … but she kept smiling that too broadly n wipe tears which r about to flow from her cheeks …” ALL D BEST SANSKAR.. !! HAVE A HAPPY LIFE AHEAD… ,, i have done my work . Now it’s ur turn… !! ”

At night ::: Sanskar’s room.,,,

What’s happening with me??
What’s wrong with me??
Why I did that with Swara??
How could i do that??
Why didn’t Swara say me anything??
Why she listened all my accusion silently??
Now where is she??
Is she okk??
Why her phone is switched off??
Why is she absent from college??
Why Simin also not coming to college??
Is anything wrong with Swara??
Why i couldn’t tolerate when Nia bash Swara??
Is she with Swayam now??
Why SwaSwa’s friendship is bothering me??
Why i can’t see them close??

All this questions r killing him like anything… !!

He is getting hurt with every question??he is soo damn helpless that can’t even cry properly.. !! His life has become a mess.. !!

Sleep is far away from his tired n red puffy eyes.. !! Whenever he closes his eyes Swara’s teary n blank eyes haunts him.. those emotionless eyes makes him more guilty n sad …

As a result he takes a sleeping tablet n after sometime sleep overcomes….. but he murmurs in sleep “I M SORRY SWARA.. !!!

” [We know it’s been said that we just don’t recognise the significant moments of our lives while they r happening… We grow complacent with ideas,, or things or people n we take them forgrantted n it’s usually not until that thing is about to b taken away from us that we’he realized how wrong we have been that we realized HOW MUCH WE NEED IT,, HOW MUCH WE LOVE IT ]”….

Next day morning,,,,

Sanskar gets ready n takes blessings from his Mom… Today he is going to Swara to Apologize… !!! He is somehow feeling relaxed thinking that everything will b all rit.. !! But lets not forget Destiny is not soo good to shower blessings to all ….

Sanskar is driving car thinking about Swara n his recent meeting with her.. !! How were they?? N now how are they??
He is engrossed in deep thoughts that couldn’t notice a truck coming towards him n after a second everything goes black.. !!!

At hospital :::: after sometime,,,,,

Swara’s POV,,,

I was waiting for Simin in my hospital bed thinking about my future about my life which is going to change from today onwards.. but still i have a hope HAVE I??(smiles painfully) Simin make me understand that i acted selfish..I have Simmu,,Hipoo,, Maasi Maa,, Mousa jii, Bee. I have to live for them.. i can’t b selfish… !!!
But m also aware about d fact that now nothing can’t happen.. !! It’s late .. it’s too lateee.. !!!

When i was thinking about all this,, i heard Dr’s voice.. !! She was saying something… something about Sanskar n i can hear it.. !! For a second my heart stopped beating when i saw Sanskar in pool of blood.. !! He was breathing heavily… n Dr. was guiding some other doctors … but i couldn’t heart …. !! My world froze at the moment n everything begun to move slowly… he was taken to OT n then i didn’t remember …

POV ends ::::

After 3 n half hour Swara opend her eyes.. !! D 1st thought comes to her mind is “HOW IS MY SANSKAR?? IS HE FINE??” … without waiting for anyone she moves to Dr.Hemanshi’s cabin …

About 15 minutes later Swara comes out with a pale face but there is something in her eyes,, something extraordinary which indicates she is going to get a new life… !! She is going to live her DREAMS again.. !!

She smilingly goes to Sanskar’s room where he is sleeping peacefully with bandages all around his body.. !! A lone tear escapes from her eyes watching her DREAM BOY in this state.. !!
She had never thought even in DREAMS too see him like this ever before going away from all.. !!

She knew that she loves him.. !! Unconditionally.. !! But also knew it’s her fate that she can’t be loved by her loved ones… but she is happy with it.. !! She has nothing to complain… nothing to argue with life..!!

Even though According to her A glorious death would b in her final breath to take before she die ,, to hear one final time on her DREAM BOY’s,, her beloved’s,, her A DREAM’s,, her SANSKU’s mouth “I LOVE U TOO”…

She takes step towards n sit beside him… Words r not coming out of throat.. !! Only silence in d whole room with breathing sounds of two persons … !! Sometimes even silence speaks more then words.. !! N today Swara could feel it.. !!

She carefully hold his hands in her palm n gives a light kiss.. !!!

She wants to say many things.. !!she has many DREAMS ,,, she has lot’s of feelings to share… but she has no time.. !! She needs to leave.. !! She needs to sleep peacefully without disturbing anyone… without informing anyone… !!! With every passing moment she is becoming past of d past…. There is no future for her just d past steadily accumulating…. n her DREAMS for her future is now leaving her soul.. NOW it’s her turn ,,, She has to goo.. !! “I NEED TO LEAVE”…

“If i could only have this life for one more day,, if i could only turn back time just for once… !!! You know Sanskar u will always b my life ,, u will b in my DREAMS… my reasons to be… MY LOVE, MY HEART,MY “A DREAM” is breathing for this moment in time… I wish i could find d words to say before i leave u today… ” Swara says to Sanskar caressing his hairs with lots of love..

She slowly bends n gives a soft kiss in his forehead,,touching with her own for d LAST time..
some pearls of her eyes falls on his one moisten their eyes “GOOD BYE SANSKAR”… says n left d room… !!!

Almost 4 hours later,,,,,

Sanskar’s POV,,,,

I was coming to meet Swara.. !!! I was supposed to ask her sorry .. !! Then suddenly everything went black.. i couldn’t figure out what happened to me ??
I was unable to open my eyes,,, that was paining like hell.. !!! But at that moment only i could see SWARA’s face… !! Her smiling face n it was enough for me to make me smile in pain also … i slowly close my eyes but still Swara was with me.. !! She was smiling looking at me …. then i don’t remember afterwards n now lying on bed holding my head n everything is black black black.. !!! Suddenly i heard someone coming towards me … i don’t know what happened to me… !!!

POV ends,,,,

Sanskar opens his eyes but everything is blur … !!! At first he was getting black view n now blur !!! But with passing seconds his vision get cleared… !!!

Dr.- How r u feeling now Sanskar? I have opened ur bandages… !! Now can u see us clearly… ?

Sanskar(confuse)-Yes,,Doctor i can perfectly see u alll… !!! But why u asking this? What happened to me??

Dr.-Cool down Sanskar… u r still week.. !! Don’t take tension.. m asking u as u meet with an accident n ur eyes were badly damaged… !!! So we had to operate it..

Sanskar is in shock… !!! Just hell shocked… Something strikes his mind n he hurriedly asks “Doctor how u know my name? N u said eye operation… !! That means somebody … (Doctor cuts off)…

Dr.- Relax Sanskar…!! Everything is fine now.. !! N yeah one of ur friend was admitted here… !! From her i get to know ur name.. !!!

Sanskar-But Doctor ?? (Again cuts off him)

Dr.-Before u ask me anything.. !!! I just wanna say ur friend said me to give u this…. n rest u will get to know by urself… !!!
Take care n stay strong….(takes out a bag n a cell phone n hand over to Sanskar). !!!

Sanskar with blank expressions holds d bag n says thnk u… !!!

He looks at d cell phone n he didn’t take time to recognize that it was Swara’s phone.. !! Coz at back side there is a sticker if Pikachuuu.. !! Seeing this without thinking he smilies a bit n open d lock .. as soon as he opened it a video flashes on the screen … He hasitately plays it … his heart beat skip coz d video is of Swara.. !!! An unknown fear comes to his mind ….

Video starts ,,,,,

Swara-” Heyy Sanskuuu !! Uthh gayee.. !! How u feeling now? R u okk?? Take ur medicines at time.. don’t skip it.. !!!

Waaa u must b thinking why m doing this. !! Why m talking through this video??
But what to doo.. !! Life has not left any choice rather doing this.. !!

I know u r confuse rit.. !! Don’t b Sanskuuu !! Okk Let me make it crystal clear … it means I M NOT WITH U… !! I will not b there when u will see this.. !! I should have gone away soo far that i can’t even return back.. !!

Okk okkk i know even u want that… !! U said me not to show my face na.. !!! See i tried hard n now m successful … !! Trust me now i will never show my face to u.. !!! If u even want then also i can’t.. !!

Now no more my talks let me say u something… “Sanskar u meet with an accident n ur eyes were damaged.. !! Doctors were finding doner to operate u as soon as possible.. !!

After a pause….,,,,

Sanskar now all my DREAMS,,which i used to see through my eyes r with u now.. !!! I may not b there.. !! But my DREAMS r always with u.. !!
Those DREAMS which i couldn’t fulfiled for my soulless body ,, now i can fulfil it again… i can LIVE it again.. i can ENJOY them again… !!!
Now my all DREAMS will come true.. !!!
U was ” A DREAM” for me.. !!! N now all my DREAMS r urs.. !!! Plzzz LIVE it .. !! Coz life always doesn’t give us opportunity to Enjoy it.. !!


Swara is about to off d screen but again smilingly says “Don’t forget i will always come to ur DREAM to disturb u, to annoy u…,,, MY SANSKUUUU !!!! BYEEE !!! “…

N the screen goes black… !!! D cell phone falls from his hand n he sits with a thud….. He slightly touches his eyes …

“SWARAAA U CAN’T DO THIS TO ME… !!! U CAN’T LEAVE ME SWARAAAAAAAA !”… Was his next words echoing in d whole room… !!!

[ “Good bye may seem forever… Farewell is like d end,, but in my heart is the memory and there u will always be… ” ]

Precap-LAST PART.. !!

See guyzz !! I have almost reached to my destination … just one more episode to go… !!!

Thnk u sooo much for reading.. !! Hope u all like it….This episode was dedicated to RASHMI SHARMA mam.. !!! Coz just bcz she is saying SR going offair… m unable to concentrate in anything… not even in my studies… it’s badly effecting me.. !! I don’t know what should i say … !! I wish this news is just ” A DREAM”…

Love u.. 😉
God bless u all.. !!! <3 <3…


'SwaSan ka mere haar saans mei hona zaruri hai.They rule my soul!' A SWASANCHUU FAN. I have been dreaming of SwaSan having baby pikachuuu from quite long. Watty ID-Kakali_SSC

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