Hello ev1.. how r u all? Here m with a small teaser of my story… hope u all like it.
Thnkk u all for response on previous parts..silent readers thank u too all also..
Sorry for grammatical mistakes n spelling errors..m using cell phone so its kinda become part of it..uhh!! Sorry fir blabbering.. now let’s move inside d Dream..
So Here we goo ,,,
*******Scene 1 ::::9
Sanskar is talking with his friends..he seems to be so disturbed..something is bothering him…
Meantime Swara comes n greet him as always addressing him Sanskuu n pulling his cheeks..
“Sanskuu come,, let’s go to canteen everyone is waiting for us” Swara drages him holding his hands but stops hearing Sanskar’s words..
“Behave Swara,, behavee !!! U r not my girlfriend who can order me.. u r just my friend.. just a frienddd,,, nothing else.. soo stay in ur limits” Sanskar says all this jerking her hand ..
Swara looks on shock..
*******Scene 2 ::::
“Swara can’t u see he is trying to flirt with u !!,, what’s wrong with u ¿” Says Sanskar pinning her to wall holding her shoulders tightly..
“Soo what Sanskar? Why it’s bothering u? Haa!! M none to u na?? Then why?” Swara says looking straight into his eyes…
Sanskar looks on shock n looses his grip over her…
*******Scene 3 ::::
“Thuddddd !!!” N Swara feels a burning sensation on her cheeks..
“Soo this is u,, the real Swara Bose,, such a cheap n selfish girl” Says Sanskar giving her a disgusting look…
“Thnk u soo much Sanskar for showing my real place in ur life again..
Thnk u once again for understanding me n trusting me this much..” Says Swara having noo emotion n with a pale face…
*******Scene 4 ::::
“Swara u need to be strong,, u can’t fall weak .. u r my strong N brave Swara naa” Says Simin holding her tears acting to be strong in front of Swara…
“No Simmu !!! I can’t act anymore.. i m really tired of all this.. tired to act as brave.. now i want to sleep.. i want to meet my mom,, i wanna sleep in her lap..” Swara says staring blankly at sky.. not even showing a single drop of tears..seems she is actually tired,, needs a peaceful n good sleep where no one is to disturb her,, where no one is to break her beautiful DREAMS..
*******Scene 5 ::::
Sanskar wakes up with a jerk n finds him in hospital..
Doctor comes to him.”Mr Sanskar!! How r u feeling now? I have opened ur bandage..now can u able to see us clearly without any problem.?”
“Yes, doctor i can perfectly see u all..what happened to me.. n how i come here,??, n how know my name??” Asks Sanskar to doctor confusingly..
“Ohhh!! Haaa!! Ur one of a friend was admitted here,, she told me ur name.. BDW she said me to give her bag n cell phone to u.. soo take it..” Doctor hand over d bag n cell phone to him n left d room..
After 10 minutes::
The Mobile falls from his hand n he sits with a thudd…
Tears r continuously flowing from his eyes.. he touches his eyes n shouts ” Swaaaaaa !!! U can’t do this to mee ,,, u can’t leave mee..Swarrraaaaa !!”
Soo guyss done with d teaser part…i know u all have lots of questions in ur mind n someone may be curshing me for this.. but wait for 4-5 more chappies n u all get yr answers..pallezz..
Thnk u soo much for reading..
N yooo!! Sorry for not replying u all individually..some of i did.. but whenever i’ll get time..i’ll surely reply d rest…
N next part tomorrow or day after tomorrow pukkaaa…!!!
Have a happy n safe Diwalii…enjoy with all…
Keep smiling n stay bleesed…
Love u all <3 ♡♡..
Kakali dearrrr what can i say noww??? ????? okayy i zip my mouth i will open the zip in next update ???
Rabia diii !!! u r sooo smart… haaa !!! open ur mouth when u’ll l feel better from tooth ache…*giggling..
Thnk u sooo much… ;-*
heheheh kakali i can open my mouth now
and teasers are just like u shocking,rocking
i must say something is definitely cooking in your mind 
Haaa !! Dii m making gol golll Jalebisss… only O O goll goll…
di pleae u dont do this to me pleaseeee i think i m going to die soon by ur heart attacks.
Ommmg!!! Mahaaa!! dun worry dear ,, nothing will happen to u… haa!! promise…
Thnk u soooo much… ;-*
ok di if u r here nothing will happen to me rite…
and HAPPY DIWALI diiiii
Yeahhh Maha… n if by chance something happens i will convert myself to Doctor.. huhuhuh !!! i’ll do ur operation.. sooo take a chill pill my Sis… ;-*
Happy Diwali to u tooooo…
Then what will I do???……??
Ohhh haaaa !!! Diii how can i forgot u.. huhhh !!! dun worry i’ll be a temporary Doctor..
if i become permanent All d Doctors will take hunger strike.. sooo chillexxx..
Awesome teaser……….it means lots of twists N turns will come ahead??
great ??
Thnk u soooo much Diiii,,, yooo!!! some twists r gonna come soon…. ;-*
Awesome di
Waaaa!! Ashnoor u called me Diii…soo sweet..
Thnk u sooo much my dear new sis.. ;-*
awesome teaser di with so much questions. something big u r planning to do but what?? swara sanskar life gonna change. i think sanskar is disturbed because of some disease and that’s why shout onher. and the new entry flirt wit her and sanskar can’t bear it so he do that and next why he slap her don’t know. simin consolling her because she is tired of sanskar behaviour and sanskar eyes may get injured that’s why doctor ask him about his vision and may swara stake her life to save sanskar…
oops….. i don’t have to tell the answers di but what to do it’s my favourite work guessing work so can’t stop myself and about the answers i don’t know they are right or wrong because i never think like u so beautiful. lovedthe teaser and waiting it to start. love u ??
Thnkk uu sooo much Radhika….
U r somehow correct,, but not fully…huhuhu!!
Waaa!!! i love whenever u guess dear ,,, keeep guessing…Love u toooo … ;-*
Wht a teaser sis……
Plz unite swasan don’t separate them………
Nxt post asap…..
Thnk u sooo much my dear Sis..
Waaa!! Let’s hope for d best… ;-*
n next one i have already posted.. ;-*
Oh my God….!!!!!!! What is this….?????? At last did swara donated her eyes….?????? Oh God I can’t imagine it….!!!!!! Continue soon…..!!!!
Omggg!!! Thnk u soooo much Deekshuuuu !!! yooo u can imagine… huhuhuu !!!!
I think rabia di ka asar hai tujh pe
Itne saare shocks de diye
I understand diwali hai dhamaka banta hai par itna bada
Arreyyy my Simmu !!! yehhh Bhang ka assar haiii… hahahaha..
Waaa !!! Happy shocking Diwali… i wish u fly away with a Rocket… n land up in my home… hmmm !!!
Thnk u sooo much Dear… ;-*
I would love to
Whats this? R u planning to give me heart attack? Arey abhi abhi thik ho ri hoon aur abb phir se uss gandi smell vale hospital main jane ka mera koi irada nahi hai meri maaa..
Ye kya tha? Ek to tune epi ke alava teaser diya aur vo bhi itna scary?
Banging my fist on wall.. aaah..
I want epi.. I want epi.. I want epi..
Jaldi.. and thought it was so scary teaser.. I loved it!
N I love you toooooooo… ?????
Shaaaluuuuu !!!! huhhh !!! no heart attack… i was planning for giving u back pain.. damnnn !!! all my hard work went in vain….
waaa !!! Dun worry this time i’ll be d temporary Doctor of urs..n will use perfume…. hahahaha !!!
Thnk u sooo much Dear n i have already posted d next part…
Love u tooooooooo…
nice teaser..
Thnk u soooo much Dear…. ;-*
Hey Didu….What is this…You are having exams na…So I think your brain became empty coconut…Abhi exams bhi nahi aaye lekin phir bhi aapne confusion me daal diya…
Confusion hi Confusion hai Solution kuch pata nahi… Solution jo mila to sara question ka tha pata nahi
Pariii !!! Dil jo teraa baat baat pe ghabrayee!! dil idiot hai pyar se usko samjha deee,,, next chappy parho,,comment karo,, aur bolooo all is well,, Didu all is well…
Thnk u soooo much dear…
Im standing with broom pimpom ball hunter wooden stick 1000 wala cracker one rocket two atom bombs 4 flower pots 1 bundle color match sticks thn finally 60 shot cracker flower bomb.. ready steady 1 2 3 ….
Dishoom dumnil…
all are on kakali head both happy diwali and planned to kill u due to teaser.. may b swara gave her eyes to sanskar and it was her dreamz.. if so i hv planned to kill u pakka… b ready…
Naviiii !!! M imagining u with My fav sweets,, fav chocos,, fav cakes,, fav dresses,, … huhhhh !!!
my GOD m going ROFL reading ur comment… Bapreeee baaap !!! my eyes almost poped out.. what kind of a don u r… haaaa !!!
can’t even kill someone properly… huuuaahhhh !!! *mad me…
haaa !!! eat almond more… huhhh !!! guess guess !!!
N thnk u sooooo much dear…
yoooo ready with bullet proof jacket n helmet now shooot…
dhiisshhkewaaw!!! *Navi is faint hearing d cracker sound made by herself only… now in present she is paralysed… ;-* ..
i have posted my next part…
oh my god….i feeling like a bomb is blasted right next to my ear n i m thinking wt just happened after reading this teaser
Haaa!! Vyshuuu !!! i planned to blast ur ear by this… i guess m successful alsoooo… hahahah !! Thnk u soooo much dear…
Waiting waiting n waiting for ur next update kaku Di… No questions cause m so eager to read next part … And m sure u r ready with amazing episodes …
Wish u too a very Happy n safe Diwali
Thnk u sooo much Cutieeee !!! yooo!! m ready with further episodes but dunno u’ll like it or not.. soo m little scared thinking about ur n other’s reactions… hmmm!!!
have a lovely day ahead dear… ;-*
Kakuuuuu darls wat is dis.?? Wat to say now…ahhh u made me speechless…huhhh
Post da ch soon den tlkg u abt dis
Thnk u soooo much Mahuuu !!! m soo glad that i could make u speechless… huhuhu !!!
yooo !!! i have already posted my next part…
Nd happy diwali dear…njy nicely..have a safe diwali..

Love u
Take cr
Happy Diwali to u tooo dear… u too play safe Diwali..tak care love uuu tooooo… ;-*
What a teasers…full of suspense…eagerly waiting dear….
Thnk u sooo much Tharuuuu !!!
i have already posted my next part dear…
have a lovely day ahead… ;-*
Kaks whatssssssssssssssss this
how can sanky slap my swara mmmmmmmmmmmmmm but still she donated her organ my swara is sooooooooooooo sweet
prepare for ur exams tooooooooooooo dear 
Mirnaaaaaaaa !!!!! Omgggg !!! oh haaaa!! how can he slap my Swara… huhhhhhh !!!!
About donating her orgen ..urgg i dunno….huhuhuu…
M preparing for my tests dear,,, that’s why replying late n posting late…
Thnk u soooo much my darlzz.;-*
U shocked me kidddoooo ?
Waaaa !!! Di i shocked u…
uhhh *jump from flyover..
Thnk u soooo much diiiii… ;-*
Interesting n shocking twists
Thank u soooo much Taniiiii…
even me tooo shocked after what i have written…huhuhu ….
I am desperately waiting now…!! Please post soon…!!
Thnk u soooo much Chanduuu !!!! ;-*

r u trying 2 kill me or wt???!!!!
Oh I seeee in last epi I gt ur chocos na!!???
Soooo nw 4m gving dis type f teasers. U fulfilled ur revenge naa???
sooo sooo soo bad!!
U gv me a heart attack by dis..nw pay my hsptl bills.. hufff…

Wt hpn 2 my lvly bubbly swasan… huu huhh..
waiting 4 ur nxt epi..
keep writing
be happy always
Lv ya
dr I rply 4 ur rply..

If u hv tym go and check it,
Chanuuuuu !!!! did u die??? omgggggg !!!! fire braget ,, call d fire braget…
waaaa !!! u r sooo smart,, u got to know naa? that i was taking revenge… hufffff !!!!
huhhh!!! dun worry m d temporary doctor of urs for ur heart operation…haaa!!!
Thnk u sooo much dear,,, happy Diwali to u toooo…love u toooo,, be happy always…
Hee hee
u and doc
ohh plzz noo

dis heart attack is gd 4 me!!
I dnt want any surgery!!
Dis teaser is enough 4 me 2 die..
Awesome teaser
Thnk u sooo much Khushiii !!! ;-*
You know mujhe ek song ki lines yaad arahi hein but there are some little change..
Kyu??Kisliye??*crying face..
Ummmaaa !!! After reading ur comment i also remember 2 song… “ZINDAGI EK SAFAR HAI SUHANA,, YAHAN KAL KYA HOO KISNE JANA”..
Thnk u soooo much dear,,
huhhh!! dun cry, jus laugh wobhi baatisii nikal ke.
have a lovely day ahead… ;-*
No cmnts , arre I am in shock
Happy diwali..
Happy Diwali to u tooo dear…
chalooo at least u didn’t forgot me…hahahah!!!
Thnk u sooo much Anniya..