Categories: Durga Aur Charu

Durga Aur Charu 16th February 2023 Written Episode Update: Durga let’s Charu get the stay order

Durga Aur Charu 16th February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Charu says yes I was in jail. I hate Durga. She took my faith in our friendship. When it came to me she went with her sister. She wanted to save her sister and made me the culprit and sent me to jail. I still had hope she would write a letter and would come to meet me. She never did. But I didn’t give up. I studied in jail. If I win this case I would have my two years forgiven. I will have to go back there now. Durga says in their heart your 10 years in jail are a debt to me. I can’t return it but I will make sure you don’t have to go back there. You will take this stay order no matter what I’ve to do for it. Durga tries to save Charu. Charu falls and Durga gets hung. Charu screams Durga. Why did you do this? Durga is hung by the throat.

Anirban comes

there. He shouts Durga. He saves her and brings her down. Durga coughs. Charu has her. She says are you okay? Durga says go to the court and take your stay order. Win this case. Anirban says we’ve to take her to the doctor. Charu says I can’t level you alone. Durga says your win is my win. Your prayers are with them. Anirban takes Durga to the hospital while Charu goes to court. Anirban wonders how he stops Charu. He can’t level Durga alone. He gives her water. Durga says U need to go home. Anirban picks her. He takes her home.

Scene 2
Bholi brings Munna to the house for Durga’s proposal. Samppurna asks what do you do? He says my dad passed away so I always worked. I have lands, I want my wife to study. She will become a barrister and I will support her. Bholi says such a nice thought.
Chumki knicks on the door and says open the door. Bholi comes there.

Anirudh says the land will be ours now. Celebrate it. Charu comes there and says your palace can’t be made on someone’s house. He says who r you? She says, Charu. Their lawyer. He says are you the same girl who came from jail? She says yes I can send you to jail as well if you deserve to be there. Biswa says you can’t talk to dada like this. He says it’s okay she couldn’t get to the court, it’s her first defeat. Take it as learning. Charu throws the stay order in hs face and says you remember this. This is the stay order on your evil deeds. She says this land will be given to their owners. He says I know how to cut your wings. She says I don’t fear falling. Biswa says you. Charu says f you’re an officer I am a lawyer. I can teach you law as well. Anirudh asks everyone to go. His wife throws money on Charu from the balcony. She says have you ever seen money rain before? It will rain forever if you get on our side. 10 years in jail must be thought. It can all change if you want. Charu says your money can’t buy me. She says to consider it our gift. Move on in life and embrace luxury. Charu picks the money.

Scene 3
Bholi says to Sampurna, Durga isn’t in the room. No one is opening the door and there’s no voice. Chumki knocks and says open the door. Sampurna says, Durga open the door. Bholi says she embarrasses you with everything. Durga opens the door. eh says what happened? Durga says Bholinasked me to sleep. Sampurna says don’t create drama over everything Bholi. She says get ready with your saree. Anirban is hidden under the table. Durga is scared.

Episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

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