Fan Fiction

Dushman ka Pyaar – Episode 10

Episode 10

Mahi’s room

Mahi was about sleep that uv enters her room and she sees him
m: uv what r u doing here? What if someone sees u
Uv: I just came to talk with my both baby
m: what 2 ?
Uv : one u and second in ur belly
She blushes
They both talk with eo for a while then suddenly uv starts talking about kunj
Uv: mahi don’t u think kunj loves tw. I mean how jealous he was when Sid was around tw
m: I too think the same
Uv: I wish he could be my jiju
m: my family won’t be accepting her
Uv: ya that’s the pro ur family is too strict I mean how dare they say u to abort the child
m: plzzz I don’t want to talk about them but I’m missing kunj badly I mean every n8 I used to spend some quality time with him
Uv: why don’t u call him …………. He gives her the phone
She calls him on facetime
Both were shocked seeing him his eyes were all red with tears
m: k..u….u…un,….j what happened to u ur eyes
k: nth woo actually I used mobile for a long time that’s why
m: I just left u a day ago and u started lying
k: nth . Nth to worry and how is tw is she happy ………..he ask infinity question about her
m: she is fine but y r u asking this much q
k: nth just friendship
Uv: just say it clearly that u love her
k: u r also there
Uv: it’s not my answer
k: wo.o.oooooo.
Uv: what wo wo say it clearly
k: yes I do love her but if she is happy with Sid so I’m too happy for her maybe sid loves her more ……………………………………………his tears come out
u: did u told this to tw
k: no I didn’t wanted to lose my friendship that’s why I didn’t told her
m: and that’s why u r crying
Kunj remains silent and doesn’t says anything

Kunj decides to apologize from sid and went to his home
He was about to enter his room and he hears all his conversation with ria
And becomes shocked
He storms insides
s: kunj u….u.u.u.u.u h..e.e.r…e.e
Kung holds his neck
K: how dare u cheat my tw
s: leave me dare not to tell her otherwise I will kill her
K: before that I will kill u
s: leave me
He calls his security and throws him out
Kunj decides to tell tw about this next morning

Precap: Sid’s first attempt to kill mahi’s child

Lots of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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