Fan Fiction

Dushman ka Pyaar – Episode 11

recap: kunj gets to knw about sid

episode 10

kunj goes to his room and thinks he will not tell tw abt this tommorow but i hv to do sth from which tw could see his face and mahi should not be hurt…think kunj think…..he thinks sth and smirks

at tanejas (night)
it was dark everywhere sid enters the house and pours oil on the stair which r just infrnt oh mahis room
sid: (thinks) sorry mahi tommorow will be last day of ur baby
he sees someone and hides and think who was there

he leaves from there


mahi wakes up and comes out of the room she slips and falls down and becomes unconscious and everyone become shocked
uv: MAHIIIIIIIII he runs to her
uv: mahi mahi open ur eyes see it’s mee ur uv plz wake up….papa take out the car
they take her to hos

at hos

the doc take her inside the ot as her head was bleeding too much

doc comes out and uv runs to him
uv: doc how is she …is she fine….and the baby …damn it …speak up why r u silent
doc: actually too much blood came out so we need blood of O negative… plz bring that as soon as possible
rt: i have O negative blood i will donate blood
uv gets glad
doc: ok come inside
they take him inside

tw calls kunj
tw: hello kunj plz come to city hos plzz fast
k: wait what happened r u fine mahi fine
tw : plz come then i will tell
k: ok

kunj arrives hos
k: tw now say what happened
tw: wo mahi di slipped from the stairs
k: what????where is she ….is she fine
tw: she is inside OT.. and there was lack of blood in her body…
k: i will give her blood me too hv O negative
tw: no worries dad too hv the same blood group so donated his blood
k: thanks

doc comes outside
uv: doc how is she now
doc: she is fine
uv: and baby
doc: the baby is fine but she needs extra care from now
uv: can v take her home
doc:ya why not just fill these papers
uv signs them as her husband

they take her home
tw: i dont understand who spilled the oil
k: we can see him
tw: how
k: yesterday night i fixed cameras infrnt of mahis room
tw: why
k: u will find out soon

precap: tw faces the truth


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