Fan Fiction

DYM – My Life My Conditions (Episode 1)

This is a new fan fiction. Plz give me a chance to win your support, give me a try this is a story of a pure relation, true love, bold characters so here I start with a new story and I slowly will open the past but for now I start with arjun and radhika’s first meeting.

A handsome guy is reading news while traveling in car suddenly it stops with a jerk and his tab falls from his hand
‘’wat the hell is this ‘’

‘’sir I feel there is some problem in the car ‘’
The fellow gets down the car put on his goggles and exclaims
‘’I should not get late for the office otherwise you are fired ‘’
Coming to his physique he is tall 5.9 feet high, perfect body he is as perfect that I feel every girl will fall for him coming to his eyes they have great depth in them which he always try to hide oh coming back to story he is the hero of our story he is ARJUN
He is waiting for his driver’s reply but b4 he could a car stops by his side a face turns by his side a cute and handsome fellow he has both the qualities he is nile

‘’want some help Mr. Mehra’’
‘’why not ‘’he picks up his laptop bag and sits next to him ‘’I was really getting late thax for help ‘’
‘’I will mention it’’ and he laughs
By the way they are not frndz, they just know each other as they work in same building not in same office.
They heads to leave they are not conversing jus some sad songs on fm
A’’ so u like these, kind of songs’’
N’’ yes but they don’t suit my personality I feel ‘’
Just then arjun cell phone rang nile made the fm mute
A’’ are u fools that u cannot search even a interior designer for the new office y all are just useless’’ he shouts on his PA and cuts the phone

N’’ so u need a interior designer right’’
A’’ yes actually it is hard to accommodate the staff so we bought the top floor also ‘’
N ‘’I can suggest u som1 but she is not working currently since we shifted from Chennai she had not done any project but she was the best one in Chennai so should I give u contact details ‘’
A ’’yes why not plz I really need it urgently’’
N’’ I will text u the number but remember 2 things call between 11am to 2 pm and second and the most important thing is first tell her that I asked you to contact her’’
A’’ she might be having some name I feel’’
N ‘’ oh I m really sorry 4 that by the way she is radhika mishra’’
A’’ radhika ‘’(nice name)

PRECAP: arjun finds radhika’s pick mesmarised by her beauty in first site and later he calls her

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