Hi, Guys. Back with Episode 6. Thanks to Shivani, Shehsa485, and Aditi for their lovely comments. And suggestions too. Keeping your suggestions in mind, I had decided to update on Sunday and Thursday as you all had told me to keep 3-4 days gap.

Episode 6

Ft. Mishbir and Kuku

Narrator : As we all know, that Kuhu is not talking to Kunal for some reason. Also Mishti is taking Kunal’s side whereas Abir is taking Kuhu’s side. Let’s see what happened after they went their respective homes.

At Rajvansh Mansion ;

Meenakshi : O-ooh It’s time for my sons to come. Parul behn please arrange for the lunch.

Parul : Why only me? Don’t you have hands or have you applied mehndi? Why can’t you go and arrange?😫

Meenakshi : I am sorry, Parul behn. I told you by mistake.

Parul : Mistake? Next time onwards, don’t do this mistake by mistake also.

Narrator : Parul scolds Meenakshi and left the scene. Whereas Meenakshi is left tearful. Abir and Kunal comes home and they start looking for their mother. Meenakshi tries to wipe her tears but in vain. She hides her tears.:(

Abir and Kunal : Mom…

They both come towards their mother and hugs her.🤗

Meenakshi : How was your day today?

Kunal : It was good, Mom.

Abir : And how are you?

Meenakshi : I am good. Do you know where your father is?

Kunal : No, Mom. But why… What happened to Dad?😮

Meenakshi : He is not there in house since morning.

Abir : Mom, take a chill. He’ll come. You are worrying unnecessarily.🤓

Just then, Kabir Rajvansh entry is shown. He came.

Kabir : I am here (in a strong voice) 😈

Abir and Kunal turn. They see their father.

Abir : Dad, where were you? You know how tensed was Mom?

Kunal : Dad, you are alright. That is truly good.

Meenakshi : Where were you, Kabir ji? Are you fine?😦

Kabir : I am fine. What will happen to me? I am having such a good son as Kunal.

Kunal and Abir look at each other. Meenakshi looks at Abir with painful voice.

Kabir : I just came. And you both mother-son duo are asking me where was I rather than asking how am I? Only Kunal cares for me. That’s why I made him the heir of Rajvansh Property.👿

Kunal : That’s not the case, Dad. Mom and Abir were too tensed for you.

Kabir : Don’t give me explanation, Kunal. I know everything, what these people think about me.😖

Meenakshi : Don’t say that, Kabir ji. Abir was also tensed for you.😳

Kabir : Enough! Ask Parul to make some tea for me.

Meenakshi : Why Parul Behn, Kabir ji? I will make tea for you.

Kabir : Can’t you hear? I asked Parul to make tea for me. As I love her handmade tea.😡

Just then, Parul comes.

Parul : Why not, Kabir? Surely I will make delicious tea for you.

Parul looks at Meenakshi with the fierce eyes.😎

Abir and Kunal goes to their room.

Kunal : What is this, yaar? Dad is sometimes too over. He shouldn’t behave this way with mom.

Abir : Yeah! He don’t have any feelings. How rudely he talked to Mom. And What about Kuhu?🤥

Kunal : Kuhu?

Abir : Yes, how to apologize to her, so that she could forgive you?🤔

Kunal : Yeah! (He becomes sad) It was all my fault. I am a fool. Just because of saving her, I hurted Kuhu.😣

Narrator : “Because of her” means? Wait! First let’s see what is happening in Maheshwari house.

Kuhu and Mishti are in their rooms. Kuhu and Mishti are discussing something. Kuhu is crying.

Mishti : Stop crying, Kuhu. Be strong. And why are you taking that Kunal’s mistake so seriously? You should forgive him now.🤗

Kuhu : Mishti, you think that was a small mistake. He was my friend, right?

Mishti : No, he is your friend.

Kuhu : He told me that I am his best friend. He gave me a friendship band too. I always helped in his studies. And what he did? He betrayed his friend… He betrayed his friendship just because of that girl.😖

(She is crying now also).😭 Mishti tries to calm her down.

Narrator : “Because of that girl” means what? Do you wanna see flashback? But for that you have to wait for next episode.

P.S. Sorry for creating the suspense. But I had to do this or else episode will become too lengthy. Sorry for not uploading the pictures. I will show Kabir Rajvansh’s picture in next episode. I had tried to keep the charm of episode without the pics too. Keep reading 🤷🏻


Writing and reading is not a hobby or interest. It's a habit which becomes a daily routine. Writing is a unique art which has its own speciality. Respect to the great writers🙏🏻

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