Episode starts with dp.
Sanskar shows their family pictures to surprise their parents.
First dp and ap school days with dayal and then their colz pictures with raj and sakshi
( dp and dayal are school mates and raj sak
and dp and ap are colz frds and also besties)
Then their marriage pictures and then sansky as a baby than sheena as a baby pictures are
shown . Dp and ap gets emotional and hugs
sanskar and sheena.
All claps for them.
All leaves dp place after dinner and goenkas
,raichand and maheswaris are spending time
with dp and ap.
Sheena is cleaning few things arjun comes and
says you look more pretty in your childhood.
Sheena:- what about now .
Arjun:- even more pretier and then he helps her to clean things.
Laksh and remaing all are sitting at hall talking to each other.
All parents are sitting together.
Sansky swara ragini durga and dev are sitting together.
Rags:- so lucky wat are u thinking in your mind.
Lucky:- nothing just my mind is blanked because of your .
Rags:- because of my…
Dev comes and sits next to rags..
Rags says bhai i was tired like anything today and she rests her head on his shoulder.
Swara:- bhai aur sister kya pyar started.
They all lauhs by seeing rags and dev.
Swara say sanskar why are you looking here and there and for whom.
Sanskar:- actually for my sister.
Durga:- dont worry its your house where will she go.
Just lucky realises his brother is also missing and then sheena comes and says exactly bhai durga jii is right where will i go. And sits beside him..
Arjun comes and sits beside lucky.
Lucky lifts his eyebrows and asks.
Lucky:- what happen you took so much time .
Arjun:- bhai nothing we just talking to each other for sometime and watches ragini who is sleeping and laughs.
Dev ragini is sleeping on your shoulder.
Dev:- what and see her sleeping and smiles and combs her hair back of her ear and says actually from morning onwards she is on work and by evening she came here .i think she got tired .
Sanskar:- its ok dev you can make her sleep in sheenas room.
Dev:- its ok she will get disturbed now let her take rest for some time after that i will wake up while we are leaving.
Durga:- smiles seeing dev care towards rags and gets impressed .
Sheena who feels sleepy sanskar observes and says oh madam dont think that i am going you to lift you and take you to your room ok.
Sheena:- oh please i dont even expect you to do that and dont compare you to dev ok he is worlds best no 1 bhai.
Sanskar:- hevis world no 1 bhai because his sister is no1 sister so you also dont compare to her.
Sheena:- very funny both starts to fight funnly.
Swara:- shouts oh come on guys you both were fighting like a kids.
Durga:- oh madam swara rani you will also always fight with me like a kid.
Swara:- jii how mean i will fight like a kid with you.
Durga:- jii yes .
Raj , dayal and sekhar families comes to them and asks shall we go.
Shailaja:- ee ladki tho soogayii dayal.
Dayal:- so what i will pick her up.
Dev:- its ok dad i will manage and he lifts her.
Rags:- in sleep she talks dad see na my bed screws are loosen they are moving.
Dev laughs and says donts worry ragoo i am there naa i wont make u fall.
Rags:-opens her eyes and says i love uu bhai.
Dev:- i love you too ragini.
Sumi:- in sleeping position also she didnt forget to say i love u to her brother.
They all bid bye to each other.
Arjun:- bye for now and i will say hi tomorrow.
Sheena:- bye juno.
Swara:- after reaching car she turns and says bye to sanskar they both smile at each other.
Durga:- if it is done shall we leave.
Swara:- ok dii.
Durga:- while going to sit looks at dev and dev who places rags safely on seat and he is going to sit and watches durga and they both say bye to eachother.
They all reaches their homes.
Swara and sanskar thinks about their funny talks and dance and smiles to them self.
Durga thinks about dev decent behaviour and his love towarda ragini and thinks if a boy loves her sister and respects then he will respect all ladies .what a person seriously untill now i never met.
Dev:- thinks about durga and says to himself why i feel always something special and happy when i was near to her.
Arjun gets happy by recalling sheena calling him juno. And sheena feels happy by thinking arjun had feelings for her.
Laksh:- thinks about their dance and rags talking to him and says i am in love with you rags may be i cant compare myself to your brother in loving you but i will try my best to love you more than me.
Laksh comes threw window and wakes up ragini.
Rags:- gets up and says what the hell are u doing here and that to in this time.
Laksh:- i want to say something to you.
Rags:- you can say it in morning or threw phone right.
Laksh:- no its very important that to now only.
Rags:- ok, say before anyone comes andshe is looking here and there but not watching laksh.
Laksh hold her face and says look into my eyes.
Rags:- into your eyes ,ok then i am seeing say it fastly.
Laksh:- i love you ragini.
Rags:- suddenly wakes up from sleep and realises its all her dream and thinks why do i got his dreams that too in this way. Am i sure its a dream after a while she says ofcourse its a dream when ragini is there she has only rights to speak nonstop but in my dream laksh talked a lot so it cant happen in real so definetly its a dream but why i got this dream god keeping her hands on her head.
I think i didnt slept properly thats why i got this dream and rubs her eyes and says ragoo beta
this time sleep well ok that too no more
i love you dreams ok and she sleeps.
Screen freezes on all faces.
Precap:- dayal talks to shailaja about dev and durga . They both gets happy .
hey were is episode 11. post the link plz
Awww that is so sweet. Hey show more of dev&rags bonding. i love it.
Swan epi vry nce
Awesome yaar
So different
Wow dr 1st marriage it will be awesome yaar….. rags dev bonding super
love ragdev bonding……
waiting for ragsan frndship….
awesome..devrag just rocked it..superb epi
Awesome dear
liked bounds of devrag.. i wish if i had such elder bro
Really nice
I am loving this story totally. Really great imagination. The pairing of siblings I can actually feel it.
devrag is the best…..just getting addicted to ur ff because of ragsan
Awww so awesome cute MOMENTS thank u